Saturday, February 2, 2013

Know The Side Effects Of Taking Diazepam

Western Medicine:

Diazepam, which is also commonly known as Valium, belongs to a family of drugs that are called Benzodiazepines. They are well known for their capabilities of relieving anxiety, tension, and other symptoms related to anxiety disorders. At times, Diazepam may be used for other conditions depending on the suitability of the drug for a patient's condition.
Diazepam has been known to affect chemicals in the brain, causing imbalances, resulting in anxiety, seizures, and muscle spasms in patients. Some of the possible side effects of taking Diazepam can be allergic reactions, causing breathing difficulties, yellowing of the skin or eyes, rashes, hallucinations, or sores in the mouth and throat. It is recommended that if a patient has any of these symptoms to discontinue taking the medication immediately and seek medical attention.
Some of the less harmful side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, depression, nausea, difficulty urinating, headaches, and changes in behavior. Reduction in sex drive or a dry mouth may also be noticed. If a patient has any of the above symptoms, they should continue taking Diazepam and seek the advice of their doctor.
Other side effects may occur when a patient is taking Diazepam, it is recommended that if a patient is noticing any symptoms that are causing discomfort or seem strange that they speak with the doctor that prescribed the medication.
Diazepam may not mix well with other drugs, especially those that may cause drowsiness. Some of the drugs that should not be mixed with Diazepam are anti- depressants, antihistamines, sedatives, pain relievers, or medications that work as a muscle relaxant.
Antacids will lessen the effects of Diazepam. If antacids are necessary for a patient it is recommended that they be taken about three hours apart from each other. It is important to discuss with your doctor what medications you are currently taking as there are other medications, not mentioned here, that might either react or decrease the effects of Diazepam.
Activities that should be avoided while taking Diazepam are driving cars or machinery. Diazepam can cause drowsiness. Alcohol should not be consumed while taking this medication. It is likely that the consumption of alcohol can cause increased dizziness and drowsiness, and the risks of having a seizure are greatly increased.
Diazepam is to be taken as directed by your doctor. It is important to take the correct dose, if a patient misses a does it is recommended that they skip that dose and take the next dose as usual. If you forget to take it, do not take it again if it is real close to the next time you are scheduled to take it. Skipping one does is not critical. Taking two doses too close together can cause a lot of problems.
In conclusion, please note that Diazepam is habit forming. I strongly encourage you to discuss with your doctor the length of time you will be taking this medication.
Disclaimer - The information presented here should not be interpreted as or substituted for medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional for more information about Diazepam.

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