Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ginger The Alternative Medicine

Natural Remedies:

Many cultures have for thousands of years used ginger as an alternative medicine. Ancient Greeks used it to aid digestion. For more than 2000 years ginger has been used by the Indians as a home remedy. The Chinese has used ginger for more than 5000 years to treat different ailments. Today the healing potentials of ginger are greatly valued worldwide.

Ginger is rich in manganese, copper, vitamin B6 and magnesium. It is also an antioxidant and found to contain gingerols the anti-inflammatory compounds. Ginger is considered to be more potent than Vitamin E.

Ginger has been proven over the years to alleviate nausea as a result of surgery, motion, chemotherapy, and pregnancy. It is shown to be most effective for those moms-to-be suffering from morning sickness. Consuming small amount of ginger in any form has given relief to pregnant women.

In many traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions ginger is included to neutralize the effects of ingredients that could be toxic. For many digestive and stomach complaints the Chinese uses ginger to ease the problems. These complaints include bloating, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea and Dyspepsia.

When you consume ginger orally, you feel warm inside because ginger does warms up your organs inside and makes you sweat. It relieves stomach discomfort and menstrual cramps. Ginger also brings relief to toothache, headache, sore throat, cold and cough.

The active component gingerols found in ginger is effective at combating inflammation. Inflammation is believed to contribute to ovarian cancer cells development. At the 2003 meeting at the Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research it was reported that ginger may restrain the growth of colorectal cancer cells in humans.

Only a small amount of ginger needs to be consumed to get the medicinal benefits because it is very potent. Ginger comes as tea, capsules, powder, tincture, pill, fresh or dried. Fresh ginger is the ideal form for remedial use. To experience ginger's health benefits you can make a drink by steeping few slices of ginger in hot water. FDA has not given its approval for ginger to be used as a remedy. However, after 5000 years ginger still keeps its place in traditional Chinese medicine. The fact that ginger truly has its value as an alternative medicine just cannot be ignored.

About the Author: Paulina Jenkins has a blog where she shares her views on nature's healing plants. One such plant isginger. In traditional Chinese medicineginger is a favorite ingredient

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