Saturday, February 2, 2013

   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

The FDA are liars. It is no wonder that they love to raid the
medical offices of alternative practitioners and confiscate (i.e.
destroy) their medical records.

You should know that a medical doctor risks jail time and their
medical license for recommending or using alternative treatments
for cancer, even though the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly
in favor of alternative treatments. The judicial system has
demonstrated itself to be largely unable to right this wrong.
The pharmaceutical industry has a very, very, very deep pocket,
and they can keep appealing judgments until they find an inept
or corrupt judge. Considering that judges are frequently
appointed by corrupt politicians, it doesn't take long to find
an inept or corrupt judge.

More on Chemotherapy and Remission

In a previous chapter I made it clear that in order for
chemotherapy (and, of course, radiation therapy), to be justified
as a treatment for cancer, it had to provide a significant
extension of life to its patients compared to no treatment at
all and compared to every alternative treatment for cancer. In
other words, its "length of life since diagnosis" (quantity of
life) had to be significantly greater than the "length of life
since diagnosis" of those who rejected all treatments and orthodox
treatments had to yield a significantly greater "length of life
since diagnosis" than any and all alternative treatments for

What is the evidence?

The evidence is that alternative treatments for cancer, at
least the Kelley and Binzel plans, provide a significantly
greater "length of life since diagnosis" than orthodox
treatments. Thus, and understand this clearly, there is
no scientific evidence that can justify the use of orthodox
treatments for cancer! The evidence is clearly that
chemotherapy and radiation should not be used because they
destroy the immune system, etc.

Thus we must also conclude that the concept of "remission" does
NOT equate to a significantly higher "length of life since
diagnosis" as compared to the treatments of Kelley and Binzel.

Thus we must logically and statistically flatly reject the
concept that "remission" proves that orthodox medicine is
justified in its massive and excessive costs, extreme pain,
extreme sickness, destruction of the immune system, etc. for
its patients

Copyright (c) 2003 R. Webster Kehr, all rights reserved

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   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

There Is Overwhelming Scientific Evidence For Alternative Treatments

Is there scientific evidence that alternative treatments work?

Absolutely, I just gave it to you. Suppose the original
hypothesis had been:

Valid Hypothesis: "alternative doctors and treatments are so
good they have a higher cure rate than orthodox doctors, even
after the orthodox doctors have destroyed the immune system
of their patients and lost valuable time for the alternative
doctors and the orthodox doctors have sent their patients home
to die."

Had that been our hypothesis, the statistics would have easily
supported this hypothesis. We come to several conclusions in
this analysis:

First, on an equal footing, alternative medicine is statistically
far, far superior to orthodox medicine.

Second, for over 33,000 patients that orthodox medicine could
not cure, and sent them home to die, Dr. Binzel and Dr. Kelley
cured over 92% of them. This alone should be adequate scientific
evidence for the efficacy of alternative medicine.

Third, there is absolutely no scientific justification for
the FDA to have ever approved any orthodox treatment for cancer.
Any time they approve one of these drugs, they are ignoring every
possible evidence of science.

Fourth, when the FDA, ad nauseum, medical establishment says
there is no scientific evidence for alternative medicine, they
are lying.

So how does the FDA, NIH, NCI, AMA, ACS, etc. suppress the
statistically overwhelming evidence for alternative treatments
for cancer? By ignoring it (i.e. blacklisting it) and babbling
about their concepts of "spontaneous remission" and what I call

"psychological remission." The pharmaceutical industry controls
the media due to their massive advertising dollars, thus there
is no way for the general public to ever know the truth. That
is so important I am going to say it again. The pharmaceutical
industry controls the media due to their massive advertising
dollars, thus there is no way for the general public to ever
know the truth.


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Impotence Help - The 5 Best-Kept Natural Health Secrets to Treat Erectile Dysfunction at Home

Natural Remedies:

Millions of men are looking for impotence help. But most are
getting the wrong advice from doctors and are sticking with
medications which have more side effects than agent orange.
Yet a few million men are discovering why natural health may be
the best solution to their erectile dysfunction.
For years, impotence help has often been taboo. Fortunately,
we know more about this common disease then we have ever
known before. And thankfully, men everywhere are now taking
their health more seriously.
Fact! If you are proactive about your health, you may be able to
feel like a 20 year old again by boosting your circulation
downstairs by almost 20%.
Allow Natural Health to Cure Male Impotence
Did you know that most male impotence problems stem from a
physical issue? It is reported that most men deal with E.D.
problems because of decreased circulation. And that spells
good news and bad news.
The bad news is that male impotence is simply a bodily warning
sign for circulation problems (possibly high blood pressure, low
blood pressure, heart disease, etc.). Many men who deal with
E.D. also deal with other issues. Think of impotence as a
warning sign to pull over and do some maintenance on your car
(body and circulation).
The good news is that impotence is usually a circulation problem
which is a physical problem that can be remedied with living a
healthier life. For instance, this year a few million men will cure
their impotence problem naturally with their diet, vitamins,
minerals, exercise, herbs and a healthier lifestyle.
And the better news is that you can add 10-30 years on your
life, feel healthier and lose weight in the process. Not to
mention you can be impotence-free in hours.
The 5 Best Kept Secrets to Cure an Erectile Dysfunction and be
1. Your body is changing constantly and it is either changing for
the better or worse. Therefore what you put in your body is
extremely critical to your health and impotence cure. With that
said, you should be eating the right foods that keep your
arteries clean and flushed.
Avoid: fast foods, processed foods, red meats, animal products,
fattening foods and foods with high cholesterol
Eat: many raw and fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber-rich foods,
whole grains and low fat foods.
2. Exercise each day. You deserve at least 20-30 minutes a day
to yourself. Therefore, take that time to clear your mind, breath
and go for a walk (anything with exercise). Exercise makes your
body run efficiently and boosts circulation levels.
3. Get to know your vitamins. Most people don't know what
core vitamins promote health circulation levels. A great vitamin
to start with is vitamin A which is often deficient in E.D.
sufferers. You can supplement this vitamin or get your daily
amount in the following foods: carrots, pumpkins, sweet
potatoes, spinach, tuna, cantaloupe, mangoes, apricots,
broccoli, and watermelon.
4. Breath! Take a big breath and hold it! You just helped boost
your circulation (a little). But did you know that you can actually
boost your circulation levels with simple breathing exercises.
One exercise is actually taking deep breaths and holding it. If
practiced regularly, this can boost circulation levels in days. (It
also reduces stress which is a cause of impotence.)
5. Herbal Therapy! There are numerous herbs that have been
researched and have shown to boost circulation which can cure
impotence. One herb you may wish to consider is gingko which
some doctors are now recommending over E.D. medication. You
can find a quality supplement at your local health store.

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 Don't Let Your Woman Slip Away!

Know The Side Effects Of Taking Diazepam

Western Medicine:

Diazepam, which is also commonly known as Valium, belongs to a family of drugs that are called Benzodiazepines. They are well known for their capabilities of relieving anxiety, tension, and other symptoms related to anxiety disorders. At times, Diazepam may be used for other conditions depending on the suitability of the drug for a patient's condition.
Diazepam has been known to affect chemicals in the brain, causing imbalances, resulting in anxiety, seizures, and muscle spasms in patients. Some of the possible side effects of taking Diazepam can be allergic reactions, causing breathing difficulties, yellowing of the skin or eyes, rashes, hallucinations, or sores in the mouth and throat. It is recommended that if a patient has any of these symptoms to discontinue taking the medication immediately and seek medical attention.
Some of the less harmful side effects are drowsiness, dizziness, depression, nausea, difficulty urinating, headaches, and changes in behavior. Reduction in sex drive or a dry mouth may also be noticed. If a patient has any of the above symptoms, they should continue taking Diazepam and seek the advice of their doctor.
Other side effects may occur when a patient is taking Diazepam, it is recommended that if a patient is noticing any symptoms that are causing discomfort or seem strange that they speak with the doctor that prescribed the medication.
Diazepam may not mix well with other drugs, especially those that may cause drowsiness. Some of the drugs that should not be mixed with Diazepam are anti- depressants, antihistamines, sedatives, pain relievers, or medications that work as a muscle relaxant.
Antacids will lessen the effects of Diazepam. If antacids are necessary for a patient it is recommended that they be taken about three hours apart from each other. It is important to discuss with your doctor what medications you are currently taking as there are other medications, not mentioned here, that might either react or decrease the effects of Diazepam.
Activities that should be avoided while taking Diazepam are driving cars or machinery. Diazepam can cause drowsiness. Alcohol should not be consumed while taking this medication. It is likely that the consumption of alcohol can cause increased dizziness and drowsiness, and the risks of having a seizure are greatly increased.
Diazepam is to be taken as directed by your doctor. It is important to take the correct dose, if a patient misses a does it is recommended that they skip that dose and take the next dose as usual. If you forget to take it, do not take it again if it is real close to the next time you are scheduled to take it. Skipping one does is not critical. Taking two doses too close together can cause a lot of problems.
In conclusion, please note that Diazepam is habit forming. I strongly encourage you to discuss with your doctor the length of time you will be taking this medication.
Disclaimer - The information presented here should not be interpreted as or substituted for medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional for more information about Diazepam.

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 #1 Publisher of Alternative Cancer Treatments

How to Treat MRSA and Staph Infections

Alternative Medicine:

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a type of bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics, such as methicillin and other common antibiotics such as oxacillin, penicillin and amoxicillin. MRSA is usually transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact or contact with shared items or surfaces that have come into contact with someone else's infection, such as towels or used bandages. If entered into the blood stream, MRSA infections can become fatal.
When treating MRSA, taking antibiotics is not enough to destroy the bacterium or heal a Staph infection. Even though some medicines may help the boil to go away, the germ is still all around you, and you will most likely get it again if proper prevention measures are not followed. This dilemma has doctors and other medical professionals scurrying for an alternative to antibiotics.
Why don't antibiotics work? Antibiotics are medicines that help to fight bacterial infections. However, bacteria have the ability to mutate and become resistant to elements attempting to destroy them, such as antibiotics. Bacteria quickly develop new traits through mutations that help protect them against antibiotics. The mutated organisms survive and reproduce, passing along the mutation to their offspring. Eventually, antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria will outnumber the non-resistant ones under the constant pressure of antibiotic use.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in some way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of drugs, chemicals or other agents designed to cure or prevent infections. The bacteria survive and continue to multiply causing more harm. In more simple terms, when a bacteria becomes resistant to an antibiotic, it means that it has come up with a way to keep the antibiotic from working against it. It has been noted that more than 70% of the bacteria that cause infections are resistant to at least one antibiotic used to treat them.
What's the solution? Manuka Honey has the ability to destroy bacteria by drawing moisture out of the bacterial cells, making it impossible for the bacteria to survive. This is different than the way antibiotics kill bacteria. There has been countless clinical studies that have proven Manuka Honey's ability to completely wipe out the superbugs associated with MRSA-related Staph infections. As a result, Manuka Honey is now being used in wound dressings as a powerful antibacterial agent. To date, there have been no reported cases of any bacteria being able to develop a resistance to Manuka Honey.
What is Manuka Honey? There is a unique type of plant that is indigenous to New Zealand and certain parts of Australia called the Manuka Tree (Leptospermum scoparium). Honeybees gather the nectar of the flowers that grow on the Manuka Tree and take it back to their hives where they add enzymes to it to form honey. It is this unique nectar that possess special antibacterial properties which makes Manuka Honey different than other types of honey.
This medical grade honey is now being used in wound care products as a healing agent. Honeymark is a manufacturer of skin care products that utilizes Active Manuka Honey as a main ingredient. Honeymark's First Aid Antiseptic Lotion is an effective topical solution when treating MRSA. In addition to Active Manuka Honey, this product also contains Benzalkonium Chloride which is an FDA approved antiseptic. The chloride is, in essence, salt which has the ability to absorb moisture, similar to the way Manuka Honey does. Anyone who has ever poured salt over a slug has watched the slug shrivel up and die. The same thing happens to bacteria when it comes in contact with chloride.
"Honeymark has taken the sticky mess out of using plain Manuka Honey on the skin," says Frank Buonanotte, CEO of Honeymark International. "Our First Aid Antiseptic Lotion contains UMF Active Manuka Honey which has the ability to diffuse into the depth of tissue, healing wounds below the surface of the skin. This has become our best selling product because of its ability to effectively heal Staph infections."
GuidesAlternative A-Z

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 Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

So using either definition of cure rate, what is the cure
rate of orthodox medicine? They claim it is about 50%. They
lie for reasons I have mentioned elsewhere. But let's lie
too and use 50%. Now this is what we have:

Group A) Millions of people in this set, a cure rate of no
more than 50% (probably less than 10% for metastasis cases,
if you take into account cancer deaths after the fifth year
and cancer-related and chemotherapy-related deaths). Group B)
Over 33,000 people in this set, a cure rate of at least 92%,
probably much higher.

Now if we believed the lies of the FDA, our original hypothesis
would have been that orthodox medicine (Group A) would have
a statistically significant higher cure rate than Group B. Looking
at the data, a laughing hyena, who knew statistics, would laugh
itself to death over this hypothesis.

Remember that Binzel and Kelley had a 92% cure rate on patients
sent home to die by orthodox medicine! Their immune system had
been destroyed, their vital organs had been damaged, and valuable
time had been lost before going to these doctors. Yet they still
had over a 92% cure rate using the alternative definition!

The hypothesis that orthodox medicine is better than alternative
medicine is simply a lie. It is one layer of deception on top
of another layer of deception on top of another layer.


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Schizophreniform Disorder Causes Symptoms Information with Treatment

Alternative Medicine:

Schizophreniform Disorder is more likely to occur in people if they have family members with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (also called manic depression). The disorder occurs equally in men and women, although it often strikes men at a younger age, between the ages of 18 and 24. Schizophreniform disorder appears to be related to abnormalities in the structure and chemistry of the brain, and appears to have strong genetic links. Treatment of schizophreniform disorder is generally the same as that for schizophrenia. Treatment aims to protect and stabilize the patient, to minimize the psychosocial consequences, and to resolve the target symptoms with minimal adverse effects. Antipsychotic medications are the most common type of medication used to treat this disorder, but other medications such as tranquilizers and antidepressants may also be of value. The patient who may be at risk of harming himself or herself or others requires hospitalization. This allows for complete diagnostic evaluation and helps to ensure the safety of the patient and others. A supportive environment with minimal stimulation is most helpful. As improvement progresses, help with coping skills, problem-solving techniques, and psychoeducational approaches may be added for patients and their families. Patients may benefit from a structured intermediate environment, such as a day hospital, during the initial phases of returning to the community.
Causes of Schizophrenia
Common Causes and Risk factors of Schizophrenia
Genetics factors.
Environmental factors.
Abnormal brain development
Brain chemistry ( Imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain.).
Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Sign and Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Disorganized speech.
Disorganized or catatonic behavior.
Treatment of Schizophrenia
Common Treatment of Schizophrenia
Antipsychotic medication-These medications are often very effective in treating SFD.
Mood-stabilizing drugs similar to those used in bipolar disorder may be used if there is little response to other interventions.
Postpartum psychosis is also treated with antipsychotics and possibly, hormones.
Supportive therapy and education about mental illness is often valuable.
Psychotherapy: is generally not very effective as a treatment for this disorder. It may be of benefit to both the patient and family members to assist in acceptance of the diagnosis.
If the SFD is a persistent postpartum psychosis, Avoid having additional children.
Juliet Cohen writes articles on diseases and conditions and skin disorders.

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 Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

Natural Cure for Yeast Infection

Natural Remedies:

Yeast is a fungus scientifically referred to as Candida. Yeast is commonly present on normal human skin and in areas of moisture, such as the mouth and vagina. A healthy vagina has many bacteria and a small number of yeast cells. The most common bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus, help keep other organisms-like the yeast-under control. Yeast infections are so common that 3/4 of women will have one at some time in their lives. Half of all women have more than one infection in their lives. Yeast infections that return may be a sign of more serious diseases such as diabetes, leukemia, or AIDS.
The most obvious symptoms of a yeast infection is the thick, white discharge resembling cottage cheese that most women experience. Along with this discharge. Other vaginal yeast infection signs include: severe vaginal itching, burning and irritation in the vaginal area. These symptoms are more likely to occur during the week before your menstrual period. Yeast infections are usually treated with medicine that you put into your vagina. This medicine may be a cream that you insert in your vagina with a special applicator. Various remedies helpful of yeast Infection. Garlic is a big enemy of yeast.
Garlic is one of the most effective home remedies. The essential oil tea tree oil, diluted and applied topically to the vaginal area, has shown some potential as a natural home remedy for yeast infection. Oil of oregano is an amazing herb. It is very potent against yeast. Take it internally daily, according to directions. Dissolve 1 Tbsp of potassium sorbate in 1 cup water. Insert a tampon into the vagina and pour this solution inside to be absorbed by the tampon. Keep it there overnight.Repeat this for several nights. It is also a good remedy for yeast infection. Take lactobacillus/acidophilus supplements to treat yeast infection.
Another that many people have found to be quite effective is the apple cider vinegar. Other home cure for a mouth yeast infection is live, natural, sugar free yogurt. The bacteria in live yogurt live naturally in your mouth, and mouth thrush means your friendly bacterial levels are low. Just hold the yogurt in your mouth for about 5 minutes, and you can do this 2 or 3 times a day. Try gentian violet. It's a traditional remedy for yeast and other infections, and can be found in pharmacies. Swab the area with it once or twice a day. Make sure to use a thick pad - it stains everything.

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 Cancer can be cured.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blood - What are Blood Transfusions

Alternative Medicine:

Blood is essential for good health because the body depends on a steady supply of fuel and oxygen to reach its billions of cells. Blood also carries carbon dioxide and other waste materials to the lungs, kidneys, and digestive system; from there they are removed from the body. Blood is a specialized bodily fluid that is composed of a liquid called blood plasma and blood cells suspended within the plasma. Blood is made of four components include Plasma , red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Plasma is a mixture of water, sugar, fat, protein, and potassium and calcium salts. It also contains many chemicals.
It help form blood the clots necessary to stop bleeding. More than 92% of plasma is water. Red blood cells contain a special protein called hemoglobin, which carries the oxygen we inhale with our lungs to all of the parts of our bodies. It then returns carbon dioxide from our body to our lungs so we can exhale it. Hemoglobin is also responsible for making red blood cells red. White blood cells, or leukocytes, are cells of the immune system defending the body against both infectious disease and foreign materials. White blood cells produce proteins called antibodies that help our bodies fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and foreign proteins.
There are several types of white blood cells. One technique to classify them is looking for the presence of granules, which allows differentiation of cells into categories granulocyte agranulocytes. Platelets also called thrombocytes. Platelets are the cells that circulate in the blood that are involved in the cellular mechanisms of hemostasis primary leading to the formation of blood clots. Dysfunction or low levels of platelets predisposes to bleed, while high levels, although usually asymptomatic, may increase the risk of thrombosis. An anomaly or illness called a platelet thrombocytopathy.
Blood performs many important functions within the body, including the supply of oxygen to the tissues, the supply of nutrients such as glucose, amino acids and fatty acids, hydraulic functions, coagulation, which is a part of the body s self-repair mechanism and the elimination of waste such as carbon dioxide, urea and lactic acid. Blood also contains important proteins called clotting factors, which are crucial to the coagulation process. Blood type (blood) is a classification of blood based on the presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances on the surface of red blood cells. There are four types of blood in the ABO system: A, B, AB and O.
Transfusions of blood can help save lives. Blood is like the body 's transportation system busy making deliveries and pickups. Blood transfusions can be used to treat anemia or severe thrombocytopenia caused by a blood disease. As blood circulates throughout the body, it brings oxygen and nutrients to all the places they are needed. Blood also collects waste products, such as carbon dioxide, and transports them to the responsible body to ensure that the waste leaves the body. Before a blood transfusion is given, the blood must be cross-matched to ensure that it is compatible with your own blood.
This involves taking a sample of your blood to identify your blood group, and matching with the appropriate donor blood. Transfusions are usually given through an intravenous line, a small tube that is inserted into a vein with a small needle. The entire procedure usually takes about 2 to 4 hours, depending on the amount of blood is needed. At the transfusion of blood is stored in small plastic bags. Each bag is called a unit of blood and is about a pint (half a litre). Impliquent usually giving transfusions 2-4 units depending on how you are anemic. Each unit is given over a period of 1-2 hours.
When the transfusion was finished the drip is removed and the cannula can be removed. Most people tolerate blood transfusions very well. But, like any medical procedure, there are some risks involved. These include fever, allergic reactions and hemolytic reactions. Fever to a blood transfusion, sometimes with chills, headache or nausea. Allergic reactions to blood transfusions occur as a result of a reaction between the beneficiary recipient's 'immune system. Hemolytic reaction can be life-threatening. It occurs when the patient 's blood and blood donations do not match. Attacking the system of red blood cells in donated blood and destroyed.

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 Cancer can be cured.

   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

Even More Scientific Evidence

Now let's compare apples to apples. Let us use the same
definition of "cure rate" for both the orthodox establishment
and the alternative health people. Because virtually all
of Dr. Binzel's patients and virtually all of Dr. Kelley's
patients had been on chemotherapy before they went to see
these doctors, we can assume that if these same patients
had not had chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Binzel
and Kelley would have had an even higher cure rate!

In other words, if Binzel and Kelley can cure 92% of their
patients who were on chemotherapy and were sent home to die,
then we can logically conclude they could have cured at least
92% of these same patients if they had gone to Binzel and
Kelley directly, meaning without going to their orthodox
doctors first. (Note: remember that in order for cancer
patients to be counted in this statistic they had to live
for a certain number of months, so the statistic should
not be interpreted in the same way as other statistics.)

Let me explain this another way. We know these 33,000 cancer
patients had an overall cure rate of 92% after most of the
patients had been on chemotherapy, thus we can logically
conclude that if these same patients had seen Dr. Binzel
or Dr. Kelley instead of their orthodox doctors, that first,
Dr. Binzel and Dr. Kelley would have had more time to work
with these patients, and second, Dr. Binzel and Dr. Kelley
could have cured more of their patients because their
immune system had not been destroyed. Thus they would have
had a cure rate much higher than 92%. But let's use 92%


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Manuka Honey, the Natural Analgesic

Natural Remedies:

Millions of people suffer from joint and muscle pain. Whether its arthritis, backaches, muscle stiffness or strains, many seek relief from pain on a daily basis. There are plenty of pain relief medications that can be purchased over-the-counter. It's just a matter of finding which one works best for you.
There is a special type of honey that comes from New Zealand called Manuka Honey that is gaining popularity as a natural ingredient in health care products. It has been reported that Manuka Honey is effective in treating symptoms such as eczema, infected wounds, ringworm, dandruff, ulcers, etc. However, scientists are now discovering that Manuka Honey contains anti-inflammatory properties that can be used as a natural pain reliever.
Manuka Honey has the ability to penetrate the surface of the skin, diffusing into the depth of skin tissue. This enables it to reach affected areas and immediately reduce inflammation of the muscles and joints. A New York-based company called Honeymark has developed a Pain Relief Cream containing Active Manuka Honey. This product eliminates the sticky mess of applying Manuka Honey directly on the skin. In addition to Manuka Honey, it contains other valuable ingredients that contribute to its effectiveness in relieving pain, such as Camphor, Menthol, Emu oil and Almond oil.
"When used as a topical analgesic, Manuka Honey starts working immediately by reducing inflammation and pain," says Frank Buonanotte, CEO of Honeymark International. "Our Pain Relief Cream provides a smooth application on the skin instead of dealing with the stickiness of Manuka Honey."

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   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

But now let's us look at it this way. There has never, ever,
been a drug company that submitted a cancer drug to the FDA
that had even 1,000th the statistical evidence (to extend
life compared to no treatment) to support that drug, than
the scientific evidence for alternative treatments for cancer.
The statistics they use are full of deception. Drugs are
approved on the basis of their ability to shrink tumors and
by comparing one toxic poison to another toxic poison,
things which have absolutely nothing to do with proving an
extension of life or improving life.

If you compared the valid scientific evidence for orthodox
treatments for cancer versus the valid scientific evidence
for alternative treatments for cancer (using valid cure
rates, not tumor shrinkage), the overwhelming, gigantic,
colossal scientific evidence favors the alternative treatment

The "cure rates" for orthodox medicine are high only because
of deception. They evaluate the patients five years after
diagnosis, not until they die. They ignore patients who die
of chemotherapy related illness. Etc. The "cure rates" for
some of Dr. Binzel's patients were determined 18 years after
treatment! He did not use the orthodox definition of "cure."

It is the most important job of the FDA, NIH and NCI (important
defined by their masters in the pharmaceutical industry), to make
sure there is "no scientific evidence" for alternative treatments.
But there is scientific evidence. The scientific evidence for
alternative treatments can be compared to a ship the size of the
Queen Mary II. The scientific evidence for orthodox treatments,
by comparison, would be compared to a ship that could fit in a
bathtub. I am not exaggerating. Yet the FDA says chemotherapy
and orthodox medicine "has" scientific evidence and there is "no
scientific evidence" for alternative treatments. It is nothing but pure
 corruption, it is nothing but lies.


   How Can I Solve My Problem?

Urinary Tract Infection Home Treatment - Simple Home Remedy Kills and Flushes Bacteria

Home Remedies:

What is the most effective urinary tract infection home treatment? Most doctors would suggest any remedy or antibiotic that kills the bacteria and flushes it out of your urinary system. And most people choose to use antibiotics to kill the E coli bacteria which causes the infection. And it usually works... for a few weeks?

However, sufferers who use antibiotics are more likely to have the infection reappear months later. But, why does this happen?

And sufferers who try the newest research home treatment using natural acids will typically never see the infection again because they cured it and prevent it from coming back.

Here is why you should go 'natural'!

UTI Antibiotics vs. Home Remedy

Antibiotics have been around a long time and work to kill organisms. In fact, the word antibody means "no life". However, they also can hurt you because they kill both good and bad bacteria in the body. They also have been shown to make bacteria resilient to your immune system and antibiotics.

On the other hand, home remedies using natural acidic acids and various fruits to kill bacteria and disallow it to cling to the urinary tract. And they work because bacteria is not resilient to most acids. And because the liver does not regulate acid and bases; many acids you consume end up in the bladder where the bacteria resides.

Therefore, UTIs are one of the simplest ailments to treat naturally.

How to Flush UTI down the Toilet

Most natural remedies work by using prevention techniques to treat the problem. In the cases of a urinary tract infection, your immune system is low and there is bacteria that is clinging to your bladder walls. Here are some easy ways to prevent the infection from spreading.

1. Drinking plenty of water keeps your immunity high and flushes bacteria, toxins and impurities from your body. We recommend drinking at least 14 cups of water a day to keep your bladder continually flushing.

2. We also recommend consuming some of your favorite water soluble fibers. In other words, pick out your favorite fruits and vegetables which will also aid in flushing your body. We recommend cranberries and parsley for this diet plan but you can also pick some of your favorites.

3. We also recommend bilberry which can be purchased at your local health store. The dried berries and leaves of the bilberry plant have shown to be successful for curing and preventing UTIs. Acting as an anti-inflammatory, bilberry extracts can eliminate and inhibit the spread of E coli bacteria.

4. Using a natural remedy during an attack. One remedy uses potassium iodide and water to cure your UTI. Find potassium iodide at any health food store and put 8 drops into a glass of water. This will cure and prevent many urinary tract infections.

Cure Your UTI in 24 Hours

These four tips will be helpful for your home treatment but these are just the beginning. Many of our customers have once tried to piece together their own home remedy using cranberries for a treatment and failed. To discover the only 100% guaranteed, step by step Urinary Tract Infection Home Treatment that works in 24 hours or less, please visit us today.

Our risk free remedy has helped thousands and you could be next?

Joe Barton is natural health expert and is the author of the Urinary Tract Infection Home Treatment Remedy Report. This step by step, 100% guaranteed report has helped thousands. Are you next?Urinary Tract Infection Home Treatment

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment Information

Alternative Medicine:

The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease in which the lungs are damaged, making it difficult to breathe. COPD is common. Approximately one million people in the UK have COPD. It mainly affects people over the age of 40. It represents a work stoppage more time than any other disease. Smoking is the primary risk factor for COPD. Approximately 80 to 90 percent of COPD deaths are caused by smoking. Breathing in other kinds of lung irritants, such as pollution, dust, or chemicals over a long period of time may also cause or contribute to COPD. Cough is usually the first symptom to develop.
It is productive with sputum (phlegm). It tends to come and go at first, then gradually became more persistent (chronic). Shortness of breath and wheeze may occur. Lung infections are more common. Wheezing and coughing with shortness of breath may become worse than usual if you have a lung infection. Crachat is generally yellow or green during a lung infection. Quitting is the most important treatment. The most important thing is to stop smoking. Inhalateurs are commonly used to relieve the symptoms. Other treatments, such as steroids, antibiotics, oxygen and mucolytic drugs are sometimes prescribed.
Bronchodilator medicines (prescription drugs that relax and open up air passages in the lungs) are at the heart of the management of the symptoms of COPD. The exercise as many times as you are able to help keep the lungs strong and builds self-confidence. Aides to physiotherapy clear mucus in the lungs. Antibiotics are used during outbreaks of symptoms such as infections can worsen COPD. Surgery to remove parts of the lung disease has proved useful for some patients with COPD. Lung rehabilitation programs can help some patients. Lung transplantation is sometimes done for serious cases. Try to lose weight if you are overweight.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Treatment and Prevention Tips
1. Lung transplant is sometimes performed for severe cases.
2. Surgery is an option in a very small number of cases.
3. Physiotherapy helps to clear mucus from the lungs.
4. Antibiotics are used during flare-ups of symptoms as infections of COPD.
5. Pneumonia and influenza vaccines should be given to COPD patients.
6. Bronchodilator medications are central to the symptomatic management of COPD.
7. Eating a healthy diet and drinking enough liquid is essential.
8. Steam inhalation and humidifying rooms can also help breathing by loosening mucus.
 Juliet Cohen

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   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

These were terminal patients, they were worried about getting
their affairs in order, not thinking about living several times
longer than expected. In fact, there was absolutely no reason
for these patients to "believe" they would live one second
longer than the prior patients in a similar condition who took
orthodox treatments.

But let us return to Group A versus Group B. People are so
brainwashed by the medical establishment, why did anyone in
Group A ever get to the point that they were sent home to
die? Patients adore their oncologists, with all the big
words they use. Why didn't their confidence in the medical
establishment, formed over years and years of watching soap
operas and reading Reader's Digest, convince them that these
doctors could cure them? Why would Group B patients have any
psychological advantage over the patients in Group A?

In addition, the medical establishment had brainwashed many
of the Group B patients (before they sent them home to die)
into believing that all alternative practitioners are quacks.
Thus, if the Group B patients believed their new doctors were
quacks, why would they suddenly go into "psychological remission?"

I could go on, but the absurdity of the two theories of the
medical establishment is beyond the ability of the English
language to adequately convey.


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Introduction To The Ayurvedic System of Medicine

Ayurvedic Medicine:

Ayurveda is India's traditional medicine derived from nature and has been practiced since time immemorial. Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word that can be literally translated as "the natural science of life". Ayurveda was the method of health care practised by the followers of the Vedic culture, especially the sages who meditate on mountains and don't have any contact with the world. For many generations, this science was passed on orally through disciple succession, or from teacher to student. Nowadays, Ayurveda has gained popularity in the modern world, among rich and poor alike, in different corners of the planet.
Ayurveda teaches the prevention of disease, provides formulas for the rejuvenation of our bodily parts, and of course longevity. Ayurveda guarantees that through certain ways of living, not only can we prevent heart disease, but we can also better know ourselves and see the world around us in a proper perspective, live a long healthy life in balance and harmony, reach our maximum potential, and reveal our true inner nature.
Tridosha system
The main concept of Ayurvedic medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a harmony among the three fundamental bodily humours or doshas known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
- Vata has to do with the function of the nervous system.
- Pitta is the energy and it has to do with the digestive and venous system
- Kapha is the body fluid principle which relates to mucous, lubrication and the carrier of nutrients into the arterial system.
All Ayurvedic physicians believe that these ancient ideas, based on the vedic scriptures, exist in harmony with the physical reality. These Ayurvedic concepts allow practitioners to examine the homeostasis of the whole system. One dosha is predominant in everyone, but all doshas are contaminated by the remaining two.
Ayurvedic tastes
Ayurveda states that the tastes of foods or plants have specific physiological effects. Those tastes that transform during and after digestion are very powerful.
The following are the different ayurvedic tastes:
Madhura, or sweet: Sweet foods are in goodness. They nourish, cool, moisten, oil, and increase the body weight.
Amla, or sour: Sour foods are in passion. They warm, oil, and increase body weight too.
Lavan, or salty: Salty foods are in passion. They heat, dissolve, invigorate, soften, oil, and increase body weight.
Katu, or bitter: Bitter foods are in passion as well. They cool, dry, purify and reduce body weight.
Tikta, or pungent: Pungent foods are also in passion. They warm, dry, stimulate, and reduce body weight.
Kasaya, or astringent: Astringent foods are in passion. They cool, dry, reduce stickiness.
Panchakarma and Ayurvedic massage
Panchakarma is the five actions or modalities. It is a collection of purification processes that Ayurveda reccommends for some diseases and for periodic cleaning of the body. A treatment of Pancharkarma normally includes a short-term dietary prescription, massage, herbs, at times purgatives also, sweat baths, medicated enemas, and nasal cleansing.
Treatment such as Ayurvedic massage is for various age and use to cure other common disorders. Some of the advantages are pain relief, improved blood circulation, stress relief, better sleep, flexibility, sports performance and emotional wellbeing. Massage therapy can soothe pain, relax tense muscles, and decrease the swelling that accompanies arthritis. Studies claim that, with ayurvedic massage, deep-rooted toxins between the joints and tissues are slackened and released into the body for elimination through natural toxin-release processes. There are different types of ayurvedic treatments such as panchakarma and marma massage. Ayurvedic massage is especially developed in South India, in the state of Kerala and Sri Lanka.

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 #1 Publisher of Alternative Cancer Treatments

   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

Psychological Remission

Another one of the theories of the medical establishment is
that there is some psychological phenomenon that causes these
people to believe they will go into remission, and thus
they do go into remission. I will call this "psychological

First of all, let's suppose there is a psychological phenomenon
that causes these people to go into remission. Then let's use
it for all cancer patients. In other words, if we can convince
cancer patients sent home to die that alternative treatments
work, and if by doing this over 92% of the patients sent home
to die are suddenly cured, then let's do this for all cancer
patients sent home to die!!! It is a marvelous way to cure cancer!

Of course it is an absurd theory. If it were true, psychiatry could
easily develop a "suggestion" technique from this phenomenon a
nd could easily progress psychiatry into the position of curing
all of their patients with suggestions. They could then throw
all of their drugs in the trash can, where they belong. But alas,
because of the absurdity of this theory psychiatrists will
continue to prescribe mind-altering drugs, drugs and more drugs.
By the way, there are about 100 books that criticize
psychiatrists and their use of the drugs they use.

As an example of the "psychological remission" theory, let us
take the experiment in Scotland done by Dr. Cameron and Linus
Pauling, mentioned earlier. Dr. Cameron took a group of terminal
cancer patients who had not yet had chemotherapy, and instead of
chemotherapy gave them 10 grams (or more) of liquid Vitamin
C a day, every day for the rest of their lives. These patients
lived several times longer than similar patients, with the same
type of cancer and in the same stage when treatment
started, who had been on chemotherapy.

Since there was very little scientific evidence at the time
about Vitamin C and cancer (actually, this was the first
Vitamin C experiment in the world on patients who had not
been through chemotherapy), why would these patients think
they would live several times longer than the unfortunate
patients in the medical records who had taken orthodox


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   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

When I worked at a market research company we presented data
to our clients when we had a sample size of 35 interviews (it
is very expensive to do interviews). True, the population
size was only in the hundreds, but to have millions of people
in Group A and over 33,000 people in Group B, is a statistician's
dream come true. To look at the difference in spontaneous
remission percentages, for groups so large, yields the conclusion
that the hypothesis is far beyond ridiculous.

Thus, we will flatly, and hysterically, reject the hypothesis
that the Kelley and Binzel patients coincidentally went into
spontaneous remission.

(Note: Both Dr. Kelley and Dr. Binzel used treatment protocols
that were designed primarily to build the immune system, and
thus are slow-developing techniques for people who had been
on chemotherapy. This is because people with cancer have weak
immune systems to begin with (or else they would not have gotten
cancer in the first place), and chemotherapy severely damages
their immune system even more. Thus, to use a treatment technique
that depends on a newly rebuilt immune system can take several
or many months to work. I mention this because Kelley did not
count (in his statistics) his patients who died in the first
12-18 months of treatment, and Binzel did not count his patients
who died in the first 6-12 months of treatment. In short, these
patients were too far gone to be cured using a technique that
rebuilds the immune system and thus were not counted in their

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Fluorochemicals - Worldwide Demand

Alternative Medicine:

There has been much in the news lately that concerns the global demand for fluorochemicals. What exactly is a fluorochemical and what is all the fuss about? Defining a fluorochemical is a bit like going to a Chemistry 101 lecture in college. The simple term is "a chemical compound containing fluorine, especially a fluorocarbon". Okay. My next question is still, what is a fluorochemical? Googling fluorochemical doesn't help much either. My next attempt led me to "an organic compound in which the majority of the hydrogen atoms directly attached to carbon atoms have been replaced by fluorine". Well, I thought, now we're getting somewhere! Digging further, I was educated with this definition: "a manmade, petroleum-based compound where fluorine atoms have been substituted in place of hydrogen atoms. In the paper industry fluorochemicals are coated onto or added into paper fibers to provide oil and grease resistance". All this led me to the question, "What is fluorine?" Now, it seems, I was getting somewhere.
Fluorine is a pale yellow, gaseous, non-metallic element with an atomic number of 9. It is pungent, poisonous, corrosive and highly reactive and will unite directly with almost all the other elements. Items such as metals, glass, ceramics, carbon and even water will burn in fluorine with a bright flame. It occurs naturally as the minerals fluorite and cryolite. When combined with certain other elements, such as hydrogen to make hydrogen fluoride, it can be used in etching glass. Fluorine also combines with other elements to make up Freon, which was widely used as a refrigerant. Fluorine and its related compounds are now used in producing uranium and more than 100 commercial fluorochemicals, including many high-temperature plastics. Fluorine in its soluble state known as fluoride can be carefully added to drinking water to prevent tooth decay. In its elemental state, fluorine is being studied for use as a rocket propellant because it has such a high "specific impulse rate" or SIR. In laymen's terms, this is a way to describe the efficiency of rocket and jet engines - the higher the SIR, the less propellant is needed to gain a given amount of momentum. All this could lead to making more propellant efficient rockets. Once I learned this about fluorine, I truly was back in Chemistry class, but with a little bit clearer view of what fluorochemicals actually are.
By taking a look at DuPont, a worldwide renowned chemical production company, it is clearer still why the global demand for fluorochemicals is on the rise. DuPont has sponsored research into the field of manufacturing fluorochemicals since the 1930s, when General Motors, who had discovered the wonders of Freon, but lacked the capacity to produce it in the large quantities that were in demand, turned it over to DuPont in a joint venture they called Kinetic Chemicals. DuPont took the Freon and ran with it, developing uses in aerosols, cleaning agents and an aid for foam blowing.
Another great discovery that came from the DuPont researchers and helped to further the allure of fluorochemicals was Teflon. Teflon is an extremely inert material that can stand up to most acids and corrosive chemicals. One of the greatest advantages to using it is that it can stay solid at temperature markedly higher than any other plastic developed before. Teflon first came to the forefront during World War II when it was used to coat nose cones on artillery fuses. It also became famous for being a part of the clandestine research that went on during the Manhattan Project because of its ability to stand up to the corrosiveness of producing Uranium. Leaving the world of defense, the early 1960s brought Teflon's biggest market ever with the development of using it as a non-stick coating on pots and pans.
In the 1970s, DuPont continued its research into the world of fluorochemicals and developed high grade plastics that would go into the production of aluminum siding for home building, manufacturing of wire insulation, and as an important part of the sealant market. Also in the 1970s, research began to show that there was a connection between a form of fluorochemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons and the damage they were doing to the ozone. DuPont stood up and took a stand against harming the environment and began the phasing out of the harmful chemicals. Their research and development department since has come up with a new, safer propellant for aerosols that is not harmful to the environment. They have also continued to run an environmentally responsible company by helping to develop ways to keep pollutants out of the atmosphere.
So, by painstakingly defining the word fluorochemicals, finding their link between the element fluorine and then tracing it to a number of developments that have been created in the last 80 years, it has finally become clear why there actually is a worldwide demand for these chemicals. Countries that were once considered Third World are now viewed as "developing" countries with a growing economy and a burning desire to enter the 21st century as viable and competitive in the world of business and finance. In order to do this, the potential of fluorochemicals to help industrialize these developing countries is coming to light as rising income levels and more advanced manufacturing indicate a growing economy.
About Author:
Craig Elliott is a writer for is a leading provider of Fluorochemicals

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Cancer can be cured.

   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

There are tens of thousands of Americans who fall into Group B.
Many of them have been treated by medical doctors or other
health professionals and many of them have had to treat themselves.
But let us focus on the patients of Dr. Binzel and Dr. Kelley
because the medical establishment had unrestricted access to their
records (Kelley) or were offered access to their records (Binzel).

According to the medical establishment's hypothesis, the
percentage of people in Group B that have gone into spontaneous
remission should be about 1%. To understand how statistics works,
at a 99% confidence level, looking only at the Binzel and Kelley
patients, if 1.2% of the people in this group went into spontaneous
remission, we would reject the hypothesis of orthodox medicine.

In other words, if the cure rate for the patients of Drs. Binzel
and Kelley was 1.2% or greater, a statistician would reject the
above hypothesis and say that it was not a coincidence that they
had such a high cure rate. In fact, if their cure rate had been
2%, most professional statisticians would not even bother to
do the calculation, they would simply look at the sample size
and reject the hypothesis as being ridiculous.

So what was their cure rate? Over 92%. In other words, if their
cure rate had been 1.2% we would reject the hypothesis of
orthodox medicine. If it had been 2%, we would have laughed at
their hypothesis. But it is 92%! The hypothesis is far, far
beyond ludicrous.

Let us summarize the figures:

Group A) Millions of people in this set, 1% spontaneous remission
rate, and that is being very generous.

Group B) More than 33,000 patients in this set, with a verified

spontaneous remission rate of over 92%.

Now, if you know a statistician, take these numbers to him
or her and have them calculate whether the original hypothesis
is tenable at a 99% confidence level. I will save you the time,
it is a ludicrous hypothesis. Only a statistician right out
of college would even be so naive as to do the calculation. It
is far beyond ridiculous to even consider there is any credibility
to the hypothesis because it represents over 1,000 standard
deviations from the mean!

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Common Medicinal Herbs with Curative Properties

Herbs Medicine:

There are many herbs having mystical healing properties and are extensively used in the treatment of number of ailments. Below are few of them -
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Garlic is a commonly used herb that has miraculous healing properties and is widely used in number of ailments. The parts used are bulb, fresh cloves and juice. Some of the medicinal properties of garlic are antiseptic, antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-allergy, aphrodisiac, anti-amoebic, anti-coagulant, detoxifier, carminative, diaphoretic, and stimulant; may protect the heart and nervous system, enhance the body's immune system, decrease the side effects of drug therapies for cancer. The therapeutically active ingredient in garlic is the allicin.
Henna (Lawsonia inermis)
Henna is an essential component of many herbal cosmetic products. The parts used are powdered leaves and flowers. Some of the properties of henna are natural hair conditioner, tinting the hair anti-fungal and antiseptic.
Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus)
Lemon grass is another useful herb. The parts used are grass and essential oil. Its important medicinal properties are refreshing, lemon-like tonic; antiseptic, antidepressant and astringent.
Olive (Olea europaea)
The parts used are oil of the fruit and leaves. Some of the medicinal properties are emollient, demulcent, laxative, source of linoleic acid; cold-pressed oil is used in salves for muscle pains; leaves in tea are astringent and antiseptic; may lower blood sugar in diabetes and dilate coronary arteries to improve blood circulation.
Onion (Allium cepa)
The part used is bulb. Some of the medicinal properties of onion are antiseptic, aphrodisiac, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic; rich in vitamin B1, B2, and C; stimulates the heart and reduces blood sugar.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Ginger is another useful herb that is well known for its effectiveness in cough, cold and viral fevers. The parts used are dried rhizome, oil and powder. Some of the medicinal properties are anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, circulatory stimulant, antiseptic, control nausea; drinking ginger tea will bring blood to the surface and warm cold hands and feet.
Papaya (Carica papaya)
The parts used are fruit, juice and leaves. Some of the medicinal properties of papaya are ?Juice and fruit of the fresh plant can be used for wounds that refuse to heal and to remove freckles; improve digestion of proteins; leaves may be used as a substitute for soap.
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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Alternatively Healthier

Alternative Medicine:

Alternative health is popular for one simple reason: it works. The difference between conventional health care and alternative health care is that alternative health is about creating and maintaining optimal health and preventing disease and other physical problems before you get them. Maybe we should be looking more at age old methods of promoting health and general wellness. Indeed alternative health regimens are becoming more sought after. The most obvious benefit of alternative health is the holistic approach, which is the idea of incorporation of mind and soul in addition to the physical body.

Good Health
Health care is a huge industry across America and alternative health is growing faster than any other segment of that industry. Alternative health offers several things that conventional health care does not, like feelings of inner peace, self-awareness and better mental health leading to better physical health. The most current alternative health therapy options can be learned at Arm yourself with the knowledge of alternative health options and support your own general wellness, peace of mind and confidence in your health where conventional medicine can sometimes make you feel you are at the mercy of others for good health.
Your Body
What does the body needs to function efficiently? Alternative health care physicians treat the body as a whole not necessarily just the ailment of the moment. These alternative practitioners work with the health of the body, spirit and mind. Chiropractic is a kind of alternative health practice that deals with the skeletal structure of the body and spine. This practice includes the related systems of the muscles and nerves associated with the spine and can affect much more than a sore back or neck.
The primary concept of Chiropractic is that the misalignment of the spine (subluxations) is the cause of many disorders or illnesses in our body. Chiropractic treatment primarily involves the use of hands to manipulate and adjust the structure of our body and it does not make use of any surgery or operation in treating spinal and muscular related ailments. More importantly, patients who take the natural approach believe that they are more in control of their health and body.

The Holistic Approach
Some research tells us the over 90% of cancers are induced by our environment, and stress is at fault for exacerbating or causing 80% of health problems. Knowing these statistics, looking for a holistic health experience makes sense. Alternative health physicians usually take a holistic approach to health care.
Holistic medicine courses are available in degreed as well as non-degreed programs. Alternative health physicians study holistic medicine in great depth in courses like physiology and anatomy, disease and pathology, detox methodology, herbal medicine in both Western and Eastern philosophies, homeopathy, holistic nutrition and counseling, flower essence remedies, iridology and other natural medicine.
There are many natural medicine schools that give basic workshops and seminars in holistic practices for the public at large. Sometimes, you can find a beginner's look into self-massage, homemade herbal remedies, natural vitamins and supplements, reflexology and more.
Alternative health often refers to how the Mind-Body-Spirit interacts with the external environment. Alternative health is more than eating organic vegetables, taking vitamin supplements or joining a yoga class. The difference is that alternative health is about creating and maintaining optimal health while preventing disease and other physical problems before they occur.
The increased popularity of alternative health is a bonus to chiropractic medicine as an inclusive part of regular health maintenance. The differences from technology to alternative medicine is a strength in our world. We are responsible for our health and it is good to remember that there is always a choice in medical care. Alternative health continues to grow as we seek holistic solutions to our health complaints so we may hold on to a better quality of life for more years than previously thought possible.

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Everyone knows someone with cancer or that has died from cancer. It's
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treatment and recovery, not death from cancer and/or its treatment.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Tree Called Myrtle

Alternative Medicine:

Myrtle is a wonder herb derived from a family of shrubs and trees collectively known as Myrtaceae. These plants are almost entirely located in tropical regions including Australia and America. Myrtle can also be found growing in North Africa, Iran and in the Mediterranean.
The Tree
Myrtle trees are distinguished by the evergreen leaves that contain those valuable and aromatic volatile oils. Many varieties of myrtle produce gums, resins and flashy blossoms. The myrtle tree also produces black berries which, along with the leaves, are used in aromatherapy applications.
Health Advantages
Applications of myrtle for health benefits can be traced back to the time of ancient Greece. It is believed that the evergreen wreaths worn by Greek athletes during the Olympics were actually made of myrtle leaves. The Greeks believed that myrtle signified immortality, and so the plant derivatives were used it in many love potions, as well as in treatments for various ailments.
Myrtle was used to treat respiratory and urinary problems during the time of the Roman Empire. Ancient Egyptians used the herb to treat nervous afflictions. Historically, women in France would drink a tea brewed with crushed myrtle leaves to preserve their overall vigor and youthful appearance. There were even suggestions that myrtle may hold a key to the cure for cancer, although this has never been proven.
Conventionally, myrtle was used to treat coughs and various types of respiratory infections, such as bronchitis. Thanks to its astringent properties, it has also gained a reputation for promoting good digestion, treating urinary tract disorders, and prevention infections in wounds. According to recent laboratory studies, the herb contains substances that are anti-inflammatory, making it a good astringent compound. This likely accounts for the plant's enduring use for wounds and coughs.
In addition to healing wounds, myrtle is said to be anti-infective and is a good tonic for speeding up the healing process. In the Middle East, it has long been perceived by traditional healers as a useful herb for diabetes.
The 1980s saw scientists putting the myrtle herb under the microscope in an attempt to identify the active ingredients that lends it its various medicinal properties. Results of one study indicated that extract from the herb can decrease blood sugar in mice. This explains the association associating myrtle with diabetes. However, there is still no concrete proof that the herb is safe to use and effective for people who have the disease.
Using Myrtle
Myrtle extract is taken from the plant's leaves and seeds. Studies have shown positive results when the plant extract is taken orally and in liquid form. The standard dose of liquid myrtle extra is one to two milliliters taken daily. Always ask your doctor before taking myrtle.
Although uncommon, topical myrtle extract formulations can also be used. Again, be sure to use this herbal treatment only under your doctor's supervision.
There are two types of myrtle. Take special care that you do not mix up the two. Myrtus communis, the "true" myrtle, is the plant described here. The other variety, called "Madagascar" myrtle (Eugenia jambolana) is a totally different plant and has entirely different effects on the body.
Myrtle is understood to work well with other herbs and nutritional supplements. However, do not use it if you're taking insulin or oral sulfonylureas. The herb may increase the blood glucose, lowering the effect of these medications.
Writer Mabel Dugmore

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   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

Now I am going to have to get a little technical. We first must
have a "hypothesis" to test. So let us develop a hypothesis for
the medical community:

Orthodox Hypothesis: "if we calculate the percentage of people
who go into spontaneous remission in each of these three sets,
there will not be a statistically significant difference in the
percentage of people who go into spontaneous remission between
the three sets."

As an example of this concept, if the people of Set A have a
spontaneous remission rate of 1%, then we would expect the
patients in Set B and Set C to also have a 1% rate of spontaneous
remission. That is what the medical community means when they
talk about "spontaneous remission."

This hypothesis, in fact, is what the medical establishment
would like you to believe by believing the concept of
"spontaneous remission." With this hypothesis in hand, they
can claim that there is "no scientific evidence" for alternative
treatments for cancer.

But is the hypothesis statistically sound?

Let us consider Group A. There are millions of people in the
past 80 years that have fit into Group A. Millions. It is very
rare when one of these people goes into spontaneous remission.
In other words, these patients were sent home to die by their
doctor, and after being sent home to die, very few of them
were suddenly and unexpectedly cured of their cancer and went
into "spontaneous remission." Using a percentage, it is far
less than 1%. But since we don't have an exact figure, let
us be very, very generous to orthodox medicine and say it
is 1%.

(Note: By definition the people in Group A were never involved
in an alternative treatment. What I am saying is that far less
than 1% of the people in Group A, who were sent home to die,
and did not secretly go on an alternative program, were suddenly
cured of their cancer. I am not counting those who secretly went
on an alternative program and went into remission.)

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What Food One Should Have to Avoid Diverticulitis

Alternative Medicine:

Diverticulitis originates from a condition called diverticulosis. A person suffering from diverticulitis would have small and bulging pouches occurring in the digestive tract. The large intestine is the most common victim of this ailment. This disease is very common among people above 40 and sometimes people do not even realize that they are suffering from it. Although Diverticulitis is apparently harmless, a more severe case of this disease can cause excruciating pain and other digestion related nuisances. One should never be deceived by the ostensible harmlessness of diverticulitis and take effective preventive measures to curb the risk associated with this disease. A slight regulation in the Diverticulitis Diet can rule out the occurrence of this disease up to a large extent.
The easiest way to prevent diverticulitis is by having high fiber content in the diet. Not only does it prevents the development of the bulging pouches but it also helps preventing the other symptoms associated with the disease. It is recommended that one should have at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber content in everyday diet. To ensure the fiber content one can check out the nutritional information in the packaged food. However, if one is not having the desired level of fiber content in food everyday, then it would be not wise to increase it over night. The stomach needs to adjust to the increase in the fiber content and for this one should increase the fiber content gradually. Substantial increase the fiber content in a short span of time may not only cause stomach upset but also gas. One can eat the following to to increase the fiber content in the diet -
1.Fiber content in the diet can be increased by eating brown rice instead of the common white rice. Consuming whole grain breads along with cereals also help in increasing the fiber intake.
2.One should ensure that the consumption of grains like cereals, pasta, rice, breads etc is around 6 - 11 servings each day.
3.Fruits and fresh vegetables also contribute to the fiber intake. One can consume figs, raspberries, oranges, broccoli, carrots, corn, beans etc to increase the fiber content in the diet.
It is also very necessary that one should have enough water intakes along with a high fiber diet. 6-8 glasses of water a day ensures that the digestion is done easily. This makes the stool softer and it becomes easy to pass
Stopdiverticulitis continually makes publications on issues associated with Diverticulitis and Diverticulitis Symptoms. with his writings on Diverticulitis Symptoms, Diverticulitis Treatment and Diverticulitis Diet the author demonstrated his deep knowledge in the area.

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 #1 Publisher of Alternative Cancer Treatments

   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

Dr. Binzel used laetrile therapy and Dr. Kelley used metabolic
therapy. These types of therapies are somewhat similar, except
for the coffee enema which is used only in metabolic therapy.
Spontaneous Remission

So how does the medical establishment deal with the undeniable
fact that tens of thousands of people, just in America and Mexico,
have been cured of cancer, and tens of thousands more in Europe
and other places have been so cured?

They do this by saying that these patients went into
"spontaneous remission." The word "spontaneous" is quite
interesting. What do they mean? They mean that it was a pure
coincidence. In other words, they might as well have called it

"coincidental remission" or "accidental remission" or
"unexplainable remission."

From the viewpoint of a statistician (and I spent 3 years
as a statistician), what this implies is that whether you
have been on alternative treatments or not, there is an equal
probability that you will go into "spontaneous remission."

I will try to explain this in a nonstatistical manner.

Suppose we take the "set" (i.e. the group) of all cancer
patients who have taken surgery, chemotherapy and radiation
treatments, and their doctors have exhausted all hope and
sent them home to die. Since millions of orthodox cancer
patients have died of cancer, we know the size of this set is
in the millions.

Now let us break this master set (i.e. "population" is the
correct term) down into three subsets:

Set A) Those who never went on any significant alternative
treatment plan.
Set B) Those who went on an aggressive alternative treatment
plan, and had more than 12 months to live when they were sent
home. (Note: The "12 months" figure is somewhat of an average,
it varies between doctors depending on a number of factors.)
Actually, we will generally talk about Group B as being the
Binzel and Kelley patients.
Set C) Everyone in the original master set that does not fit
into Set A or Set B.

Cancer can be cured.


My Journey Into Drug Addiction Treatment

Home Remedies:

By the time I was sixteen years old, I was regularly partaking of many different drugs, some of which I was actually addicted to. The others, well, those were just for fun. I didn't think I needed drug rehab treatment- I was having the time of my life. I had plenty of friends (all using, of course) and in all of our conversations about our habits, not a single person ever mentioned a drug rehab center as if it were a good place to go. I just knew that they wouldn't understand a person like me at a drug rehab program- I had reasons for using and I didn't want anybody to take away my habits. My use was more than just a coping mechanism for me, it was a way of creating a world within and around myself that I wanted to live in- a version of reality that I wasn't about to have taken away from me by some addiction treatment center.
At the age of twenty, I knew something had to change. Drug rehab treatment still wasn't really part of the picture for me, but I knew that I would someday have to create a different reality for myself, one that was more in keeping with the one that everyone else around me was living in. My inability to take part in the real world was something that troubled me from time to time. As all of my friends grew up and joined into society as adults, I found that I was being left behind to some degree. The thing that finally changed my mind about getting substance abuse treatment was an incident at a friend's wedding. There, I ran into many of my old friends who once used and while they talked about their fancy new lives, I got so intoxicated that I passed out at the reception.
After the embarrassment of passing out, something I'd never done in such an inappropriate public setting, I knew that I needed to get my life on track. I felt envious of my friends and the lives that they seemed to have put together for themselves. It was something I had never done for myself, at least not in a way I would be proud to tell others about. I knew that I had to deal with whatever issues where behind my need to escape reality and go ahead and embrace life sober, for everything that it can be. The number of people walking around sober and doing just fine told me that it was possible, if one had the tools.
I checked myself into a treatment program and let me tell you, the first weeks were pretty intense...and by intense, I mean ugly and hellish. Every little demon inside me reared its nasty little head and let me know exactly what it was all about. After a few weeks of getting all the remaining drugs out of my system and dealing with the immediate psychological fallout, I starting to experience clarity for the first time since I was a child. It was a new experience, and one that was very heartening- I knew that I would come out alright if I could just keep an eye towards clarity. Seeing the world clearly helps me to live in it more successfully.
Written by Melissa Bryson.

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 Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

I quote from a web site regarding a Dr. Kelley:

    "The Medical Establishment has for many years endeavored
to discredit Dr. Kelley’s most successful Cancer Paradigm
developed in 1963. A medical journalist obtained authorization
under the guidance and direction of Dr. Robert A Good, Ph.D.,
M.D. president of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in
New York City to review Dr. Kelley’s records. The objective of
the Medical Establishment was to prove beyond a shadow of doubt,
that Dr. Kelley was an unorthodox quack. Dr. Kelley’s objective
was to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that the Kelley Paradigm
is the only scientific basis for the Cure of Cancer. Dr. Kelley
had some 33,000 well-documented medical records of his cancer
patients. The documentation was so overwhelming this Study
continued for over 5 years ... The study was approached from
two general parameters. [The] first parameter was for all types
of Cancer. The results indicated a 93% cure rate, after
their physicians dismissed the patients, stating no further
orthodox medical therapy could be helpful for them. In other
words, their disease processes had exceeded the therapeutic
limits of Orthodox Medicine and they could no longer be helped.
Thus the standard Orthodox Death Sentence - go home and die ...
In the Second parameter of the study, there was a 100% cure
rate for Pancreatic Cancer Patients who carefully, faithfully
and completely followed Dr. Kelley’s Metabolic Protocol. The
Orthodox Medical Cure Rate for Pancreatic Cancer is [virtually]

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Making Use Of Science To Establish Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine:

Despite the fact that Chinese medicine has been adopted as an efficient practice for thousands of years, Western scientific reasoning continues to question whether this is a justifiable system to assist with healing. Regardless of this most Western medicine doctors would agree with the declarations that qigong sustains health by promoting restfulness and movement, that acupuncture soothes discomfort by energizing the production of neurotransmitters, or that Chinese herbal medicines may involve dominant biochemical agents were.
If you are interested in Chinese medicine, but are not convinced of its validity, you may well investigate the variant analytical studies that have assisted others to come to conclusions concerning its effectiveness. Chinese treatment practices are accepted by many to be extremely accomplished, at times granting palliative efficacy where the leading studies of Western treatment disappoint, in particular for usual conditions like flu and allergies, and able to avoid the toxicity of several chemically composed medications.
The most argued science within East and West is the value of acupuncture as a medicine. It is in general considered to be safe according knowledge captured through medical research. At this point, the research analysis has not led to any consummate conclusions regarding whether acupuncture may well be considered a science. At the same time, fact-finding indicates that the practise of meridians in acupuncture is effective in healing. Scientists have similarly observed that as the treatment is innocuous, it could be exercised, and only demands to have additional investigations concerning it.
Further research is likely to disclose more areas where acupuncture interventions will be beneficial. Other discussions that have been considered by Western scientists concerns herbal remedies that have been adopted from accepted Chinese medication resources. Whilst few of these have been scrutinised, different parts of the herbs are integrated in pharmaceutical drugs that are used in patients prescriptions.
Chinese wormwood, Ephedra, and artemisinin are a number of instances of ancient treatments that have moved into Western treatment from Chinese ideals. Chinese herbal treatment includes many compounds which are ignored by Western medicine, and there is exceptional enthusiasm in those compounds as well as the doctrines which Chinese medicine practitioners use to establish which compound to prescribe.
When you take into consideration the thousand-year evolution of Chinese medicine, it is conceivable that whereas herbs were firstly sanctioned on misguided justifications, only those that really proved effective have stayed in value. One understanding that all Western probing shows, with the assorted concepts of Chinese treatment, is that the remedies are secure. Most of the medical studies suggest that even though the treatments are not scientifically recognised, they are favourable to one's health and have minimum side effects.
As this is a substantiated point to the holistic methods, most scientists will also state that it is only a lack of study of the medicine that is employed in Chinese philosophies that is missing. According to the dogmas to the science, Chinese medication is a deliberated concept in Western society.
Evaluations in the concepts that have been used and dissected over time have increased. By way of the different methods of Chinese medicine to the regular worth considered by many who are looking for holistic health, Chinese treatment is becoming respected in modern society.
Get additional information about Chinese medicine by visiting an accepted website that provides advice and satisfies your interest about this alternative medicine
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      "The War In Medicine"

Is There Scientific Evidence For Alternative Treatments For Cancer?

The documented evidence that alternative treatments have put
tens of thousands of people into remission (i.e. cured them)
cannot be denied. The most viable of this evidence comes from
the doctors and others who treated these people. In many cases,
such as Kelley, the medical establishment had unrestricted
access to their records. If their records had not been in good
shape, at the time they were examined, you can rest assured
the medical establishment would have blasted this information
from the housetops.

The Mexican clinics actually claim to have had far more patients
than any of the American doctors, for the simple reason that the
American alternative treatment doctors were hounded by the medical

authorities, and some of them fled to Mexico, but in most cases
the technology went to Mexico. Actually some of the best
technology was developed by Mexican doctors.

By the way, the FDA has fixed this problem (i.e. the problem of
people being cured of cancer in Mexico), and has turned the
corrupt Mexican government against natural health healers,
especially laetrile doctors.

It is not uncommon for alternative health doctors to have
documented cure rates of 75% to 85% and higher. Dr. Binzel had
288 patients who qualified for statistical analysis. This
number represents 30 types of primary cancer and 23 types of
cancer that had metastasized. His overall cure rate was 80.9%.
Only a handful of his patients died of unknown causes. This
cure rate is fairly typical for alternative health practitioners.
Some doctors had higher cure rates and some less, depending
on a number of factors.

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