REMINDER: In The Archive is all of the articles that I
have posted since I started this blog. There is TONS OF
INFORMATION there for you to learn from. It's the type
of information that not only saved my life...It also has
given me a better quality of life.
The Solution For Disease FREE Health...
Why Arthritis Drugs Don't Work and the
Natural Method That Does.
By Dr. Mercola
Are you counting down the days until you can retire and
spend your days playing golf, traveling, being with your grandkids
or sipping iced tea from your front porch swing?
This idealistic image is a common one, but it may be somewhat
unrealistic according to new research that suggests retiring may
have a significantly negative impact on your physical and
emotional health.
Retirement Boosts Your Risk of Depression by 40 Percent
According to a new report released by the Institute of
Economic Affairs (IEA), following an initial boost in health,
retirement increases your risk of clinical depression by 40
percent while raising your chances of being diagnosed with a
physical condition by 60 percent. It also:
Reduces your likelihood of being in self-reported
excellent or very good health by 40 percent
Raises your risk of taking medication for a diagnosed
physical condition by 60 percent
The study’s author, who called retirement’s impacts on
health drastic, suggested a later retirement age may actually
be preferable, noting:
New research presented in this paper indicates that
being retired decreases physical, mental and self-assessed
health.The adverse effects increase as the number of years
spent in retirement increases.
Staying Active Is a Key to Good Health in Old Age
That retirement might increase health problems is not
entirely surprising when you consider that two of the biggest
hurdles facing the elderly are social isolation and inactivity.
Harvard Professor of Public Policy Lisa Berkman cites
social isolation as a significant factor in longevity. If you're
socially isolated, you may experience poorer health and a
shorter lifespan. This may be, at least in part, because those
who don'thave good social networks may not be able to get
assistance ifthey become ill.But also, staying socially
connected with those around you keepsyou happy and also
keeps your brain active and challenged.
Walter Breuning, who lived to be 114, noted that keeping your
mind and body busy was one of the key secrets to staying healthy,
and he was right. But for many, retirement means a sudden loss
of many work-related social ties and a drastic decrease in activity
So it’s quite plausible that retirement’s impact on your
health depends on the type of retirement you have. If you end
up sitting at home by yourself instead of interacting with peers
and staying active with hobbies and other pursuits, it’s likely
both your physical and mental health will suffer.
On the other hand, if your retirement allows you the time to
pursue interests you’ve always wanted to and gives you more time
to spend with friends and family, you’ll probably be happier than
ever. Indeed, some research has, in fact, shown that retirement
is associated with lower risks of depression and fatigue.
Another factor, of course, is whether or not you enjoy your
work. Someone who loves his or her job will obviously have a
harder time with retirement than someone who dreads going to
work. Even the current study’s author acknowledged the complexities
of studying retirement’s role on health:
“Most research on the relationship between health and
working in old ae has produced ambiguous results. Research in
this area is inherently difficult because of the fact that, just
as retirement can influence health, health can influence retirement
Maintaining Structure and Finding Purpose in Your Day Are Keys
to a Happy Retirement
Retirement is not much different from losing your job in
that many struggle with a loss of identity and structure. The
key role that may have defined who you are, your purpose and
your daily routine is suddenly no longer there. But keep in mind
that now you are free to develop a new role for yourself in life,
and this can be very freeing and exciting.
The solution is to maintain some type of structure to your
day. You may not have to set your alarm for 5 a.m. anymore,
but perhaps you’ll make a point to get up at 7 a.m. each day
to get showered and dressed for the day. From there, develop
a newroutine that makes sense for you and that allows you to
fall into a comfortable yet still productive new normal.
My mom is a great example. She is now 77 but still comes
to work in my office a few times a week. It really provides her
with a sense of purpose and keeps her mentally healthy.
So make a point to nurture your passions while filling your
days with activity and purpose, whether that be planting a garden,
walking your dog or building model ships. Be sure at least some
of your activities also involve others, such as taking a yoga
class at a nearby gym or connecting with your neighbors. You can
even unretire yourself and get a fun part-time job, such as
working at a baseball stadium, volunteering at the zoo or an
animal shelter, or reading stories to kids at your local library.
Another aspect to consider? How retirement will change your
relationship with your spouse. If you’re suddenly able to spend
much more time with your spouse than you were before, it can
sometimes lead to tension. Make a point to keep communicating
and sharing your new desires and needs with each other, while
at the same time allowing for alone time.
Americans’ Expectations of Retirement Are Changing
The days of retiring at the age of 65 are over for many. In
fact, a report by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies
found that 56 percent of Americans expect to work past age 65 or
do not plan to retire at all. Further, the majority of workers
(54 percent) plan to work even after they retire. The truth is,
many people are now embracing their older years as some of the
most fulfilling of their lives. Reaching age 65 no longer means
that it’s time to retire to your home and deal with aches and
pains, forgetfulness and loneliness; instead, for many this is a
time for new beginnings.
Remember your health can actually improve as you age. For
most, this is relatively easy as they were eating the wrong foods
and not exercising most of their lives.
But even for someone like myself who has paid diligent
attention to these factors, I am constantly revising my health
regimen and now in my late 50s, I believe I am the fittest I have
ever been in my life. I may have been able to run faster when I
was younger but I would never trade that for the muscle strength,
flexibility and knowledge that I have today. You too can achieve
wellness on both physical and mental fronts, and you can do so at
any age, whether you’re retired or not. In fact, in many respects
life only continues to get better as the years go by.
Thank You Dr. Mercola
God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513