Thursday, January 10, 2013

Gastritis - Causes and Home remedies

Home Remedies:


Gastritis is an inflammation, irritation or erosion of the lining of the stomach. Hydrochloric acid and some other digestive enzymes are secreted by the glands of the stomach. Inflammation of the stomach thus results in the impairment of these secretions leading to indigestion. Gastritis does not mean that there is stomach ulcer or stomach cancer. There are several types of cells lining the stomach. One produces hydrochloric acid and another, pepsin, a digestive hormone. Along with the grinding motion of the stomach, these chemicals break down the food and prepare it for digestion.
Gastritis is a common medical problem. Up to 10% of people who come to a hospital emergency department with abdominal pain have gastritis.

The most common symptoms are abdominal upset or pain. Other symptoms are belching, abdominal bloating, nausea, and vomiting or a feeling of fullness or of burning in the upper abdomen.

Causes of Gastritis

1. Toxins accumulating in tissues and blocking circulation.
2. Poor nutrition.
3. Poor digestion.
4. Imbalance of the nervous system.
5. Accumulation of physical and mental stress.
6. Lowering of natural resistance and immunity.
7. Disruption of natural biological rhythms.
8. Aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen.
9. Alcohol
10. Smoking
11. Infection of the stomach with Helicobacter pylori bacteria
12. Erosion of the protective layer of the stomach lining
13. Autoimmune disorders
14. Excess gastric acid secretion
15. Viral infection, especially in people with a weak immune system

Home Remedies for Gastritis

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