Saturday, May 25, 2013

Supported by the US FDA

Supported by the US FDA


       Continued From Last Post.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


So what causes the DNA damage in a cancer cells.

Let us ask one more question: have there been any cancer treatments
that cured cancer by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells?

In the 1930s, as mentioned above, Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist,
was able to cure cancer with gentle electromedicine, which had two

frequencies. One frequency was designed to kill the cancer bacteria
(inside the cancer cells) and the second frequency was a "carrier"
frequency which got the other frequency through the cell membrane
to get inside the cancer cells to kill the microbes.

In the book: Cancer & Natural Medicine -A Textbook of Basic Science
and Clinical Research, author John Boik identifies a dozen substances
which have been shown in vitro to be able to revert cancer cells into
normal cells (he calls it "differentiation")!! All twelve of these
items are anti-microbial.

DMSO also reverts cancer cells into normal cells, but is so important
it is mentioned in its own table, Table 2.3!!

If cancer was caused by DNA damage, it would be impossible to revert
cancer cells into normal cells. But several very effective alternative
cancer treatments were designed to do just that.

There are likely many natural molecules in nature which cure cancer
by killing the microbes inside the cancer cells, but which have not
yet been identified as working in this manner. It is much easier to
kill microbes than to kill cancer cells, if the substance can get
inside of the cancer cell.

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. (ICRF) researches
both electromedicine protocols (such as Rife developed) and has
also designed several cancer treatments using DMSO or MSM as carriers
to get microbe killing substances (such as colloidal silver) inside
of cancer cells. These treatments have been very successful, but
research is still very preliminary.

In fact, for several years, the ICRF has been involved in researching
ways to revertcancer cells into normal cells. The reason for this
research is that these protocols can work much faster than protocols
which kill cancer cells because there is no debris from dead cancer
cells. This is the ideal way to cure cancer, along with building the
immune system.

Part 3a of 3: The Immune System A normal person will not be diagnos
ed with cancer in their lifetime. The reason is that there is enough
of a balance between their immune system and the number of cancer
cells that the cancer cells do not get out of control. However, what
most people do not understand is how sophisticated and potent the
immune system is if it is fully functioning. In fact, it is extremely
rare when someone's immune system is fully functioning, that is why
so little is known about the power of the immune system. It is a
fact that if a person's immune system was fully functional no one
would ever get cancer.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

The immune system creates two key molecules called: interleukin and

interferon. These molecules are called neuropeptides or nerve
proteins. There are more than 2,000 neuropeptides in the body, but
the cancer-fighting effects of most of them are unknown. Interleukin
and interferon, and likely several other neuropeptides, are absolutely
deadly to cancer cells!!

The problem is that the human body generally does not produce an
optimal amount of these neuropeptides. The reason is that microbes (but
not the same microbes that live inside of cancer cells) block the
effectiveness of the immune system.

The average person has about 2 pounds of microbes in their blood-
stream and in other places in their body. It is these microbes
which interfere with the immune system's ability to create these key

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513


FDA Food and Drug Administration...FDA

  Continued From Last Post.

FDA Food and Drug Administration...FDA

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


So what causes the DNA damage in a cancer cells.

In one of its smaller states it is the size of a virus and can
enter inside of the cell nucleus. Like a virus, which gets inside
of the nucleus, the DNA of the cancer microbe can interact with
the DNA inside the cell nucleus and change the DNA structure of
the cell.

The next quote discusses one of the discoveries of the Dr. Virginia
Livingston, M.D. group of cancer researchers:

More importantly, the Dillers showed that cancer germs [i.e.
microbes] were able to gain entrance not only into the [non
cancerous] cell (intra-cellular), but also into the nucleus
of the cell. This intra-nuclear invasion meant that cancer
microbes could gain access to the genes contained within the
nucleus itself

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments
Four Women Against Cancer, by Dr. Alan Cantwell, M.D,
Page 47 Scientists see the DNA damage caused by these microbes
and claim that it is DNA damage which causes cancer. This is
like saying that smoke is the cause of a fire. It is a good
guess, but it is false.

The DNA damage of a cancer cell is caused by the DNA of the
same highly pleomorphic bacteria that blocked the production
of ATP molecules. Actually, this bacteria does many other
things to create cancer cells, protect cancer cells from the
immune system and cause the spread cancer!!

Thus, the claim by cancer researchers (who are funded by the
pharmaceutical industry) that DNA damage causes cancer is wrong.
Whether this is an intentional error (i.e. to avoid finding a
cure for cancer) or is caused by ignorance I do not know. In any
case, due to the lack of energy in cancer cells (i.e. due to
the lack of ATP molecules), cancer cells are very weak. But
because cancer cells steal glucose from the body (to provide
energy) the non-cancerous cells have less glucose and are very
sick!! They are sick for other reasons as well.

It gets worse. Cancer cells create large amounts of lactic acid
as they process large amounts of glucose. This lactic acid goes
into the bloodstream and gets to the liver. The liver converts
the lactic acid into glucose. This "ping pong ball" cycle, where
the cancer cells convert glucose into lactic acid and the liver c
onverts lactic acid into glucose, is called the "lactic acid cycle"
or "cachexia cycle." This cycle is what kills about half of all
cancer patients because so much energy is consumed at both ends of
the cycle.

Many cancer researchers, starting over 100 years ago in the 1890s,
have isolated the cause of cancer to be microbes (at the cellular
level), though they did not understand the mechanism inside the
cell which caused a microbe to make a cell cancerous.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

In 1890 the distinguished pathologist William Russell (1852-1940)
first reported "cancer parasites" in cancer tissue that was
specially stained with carbol fuchsin, a red dye. The "parasite"
was found inside and outside the cells. The smallest forms were
barely visible microscopically; and the largest parasites were as
large as red blood cells. Russell also found "parasites" in tuberculosis,
syphilis and skin ulcers.

Four Women Against Cancer , by Dr. Alan Cantwell, M.D, pages 5354
Note that the cancer microbe was found both inside and outside of
the cancer cells.

One method that cancer cells use to spread quickly (at least for
so me kinds of cancer) is for the cancer microbe to come out of
the cell, travel through the blood and create a new "colony" of
cancer cells far from the original colony.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Me lanoma and Uterine Cancer are all
thought to spread in this manner by the researchers of the
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. (obviously an
alternative medicine research organization).

In summary, cancer at the systemic level is caused by an imbalance
between the strength of the immune system and the number of cancer
cells. At the systemic level many, many things can cause cancer.
But cancer at the cellular level is caused by one and only one
thing: a very unique microbe.


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513


Friday, May 24, 2013

       Continued From Last Post.

Cancer knowledge and Cancer Treatment.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Question #13:

Why does a healthy cell become cancerous and is this knowledge


The approach of orthodox medicine, how ever, is to severely
damage the immune system with chemotherapy, radiation and

This makes the imbalance even worse. Orthodox cancer treatments
also kill many healthy cells and can damage organs. Ponder this
carefully: even when orthodox medicine puts someone into "remission"
i.e. their cancer appears to be gone), they have made the
imbalance even worse, so it is almost certain the cancer will
come back!! This is called: regression.

Is it any wonder that alternative cancer treatments, when
administered by experts, have a massively higher cure rate
than orthodox medicine?

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

Part 2 of 3:
What Causes Cancer At the Cellular Level

So far we have only talked about what causes cancer at the
systemic level. So what causes an individual cell to become
cancerous? Many cancer cells form by a prior cancer cell
dividing and creating two cancer cells. But how does a normal
cell become cancerous?

In a normal cell, molecules called ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
provide the energy of the cell. ATP molecules are created inside
the mitochondria which are inside of every human cell. In fact,
there are thousands of mitochondria in side of every human cell.

The normal process of creating ATP molecules is this (this is
highly simplified):
1) Glucose gets inside of the cell,
2) Some of the glucose is converted into pyruvate [this is a 10
   step process]
3) Pyruvate gets inside of the mitochondria,
4) Once inside the mitochondria, pyruvate is at the beginning of
two sequential chemical reactions (the Citric Acid Cycle and then
the Electron Transport Chain which spins-off about half-way through
the Citric Acid Cycle).

It is these two cycles which normally creat e the ATP molecules
in the cell.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

Cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose than a normal cell.
Thus, a person would logically expect a cancer cell to create
15 times more ATP molecules than a normal cell. But in reality,
cancer cells create virtually zero ATP molecules !! Cancer
cells are ATP molecule starved and they have to revert to
fermentation to create what little ATP molecules they create.
With so much glucose there should be an abundance of ATP

Why in the world do cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose
and yet not be able to create any ATP molecules in the normal
way? The thing that blocks the production of ATP molecules is
a very special pleomorphic bacteria, which some alternative
cancer treatment researchers believe is Helicobacter Pylorior,
H. pylori. However, it is not quite as simple as naming one
bacteria as a cause of cancer, but I won't get into that. So
how does a bacteria block the production of ATP molecules and
thus turn a cell cancerous?

The bacteria blocks ATP production in two different ways:
First, bacteria eat glucose so as the bacteria proliferates
inside the cell (by the way, a bacteria is roughly the same
size as a mitochondria) it intercepts more and more glucose.
This means less and less pyruvate is made . With less pyruvate
there is less ATP.

Secondly, microbes excrete mycotoxins, which are highly acidic
and totally worthless molecules. This also blocks the mitochondria
from getting the key molecules it needs to create ATP. The bottom
line is that the mitochondria, instead of "swimming" in a sea of
pyruvate are swimming in a sea of mycotoxins!! This blocks the
mitochondria from obtaining any pyruvate and thus blocks both the
Citric Acid Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain.

These discoveries were made by the author in 2004. This microbe
is highly pleomor phic, meaning it has many different sizes and
shapes (16 to be exact), as discovered by Dr. Gast on Naessens.
This microbe can literally be smaller than a virus. Many people
think it is a virus or fungus that causes cancer, but it is actually
a cell wall deficient pleomorphic bacteria in most cases and perhaps
all cases.

The book: The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens , by
Christopher Bird, describes the 16 phases of the cancer microbe
as discovered by Gaston Naessens.


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513


Cancer knowledge and Cancer Treatment.

Cancer knowledge and Cancer Treatment.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Question #13:

Why does a healthy cell become cancerous and is this knowledge


Answer #13:
You have probably been taught over and over again that it is DNA
damage that causes cancer. This is scientifically absurd. Whether
this belief is what some people actually believe or whether it is
nothing but a scam to convince the general public that cancer
cannot be cured, I do not know.

The truth is that once a person understands what really causes
cancer they will understand why it can be so easy to cure a
newly diagnosed cancer patient of cancer. But even very advanced
cancer patients can benefit from a clear understanding of what
causes cancer.

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

When talking about what causes cancer we need to talk about it
at two different levels.

One level to talk about cancer is at the systemic level,
meaning what causes cancer at the level of the entire body. The
other level of talking about what causes cancer is at the cellular
level. In other words, why does an individual normal cell
become cancerous?

These two subjects are totally different subjects!! In this
article we will also talk about the immune system and why
it is so important.

We can compare these two levels by talking about a flood.
We could talk all day long about the damage a rain storm
caused, such as the flooding of rivers, the damage to crops
caused by heavy rain, the damage to roads that have flooded,

But that is only one level to talk about rain. We could also
ask what weather conditions cause rain to form in the clouds.
Thus, a scientist might talk about what causes rain up in
the clouds, but a newscaster might talk about the flooding
of a river caused by the rain.

The same is true about cancer. A discussion about what causes
cancer at the cellular level is a totally different subject
than talking about what causes cancer at the systemic level.
And a discussion of the immune system is also critical.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

Let us start by talking about cancer at the systemic level:
Part 1 of 3:
What Causes Cancer At the Systemic Level
Every human being has cancer cells in their body!! Anyone
who can read this sentence has many cancer cells in their
body. However, God has designed our bodies to have a very,
very sophisticated immune system which, among other things,
was designed to safely target and kill cancer cells.

When a person is "diagnosed" with cancer it means there is
an imbalance in their body between the strength of their
immune system and the number of cancer cells in their
body. In other words, something has damaged their immune
system and/or something has caused a high number of cancer
cells to form.

The result of this imbalance is an abnormally high number
of cancer cells which thrive in their body. The number of
cancer cells may grow out of control and eventually the
person may be diagnosed with cancer.

The approach of many alternative or natural health
practitioners is four-fold:
First, change the diet and lifestyle of the person to
change their "inner terrain" to make the body hostile
to cancer cells (e.g. change to an alkaline diet).

Second, strengthen the immune system with electr
omedicine and/or natural nutrients.

Third, use very gentle treatments that safely ta
rget and kill the cancer cells or revert them into normal
Fourth, use supplements to protect and energize the non-
cancerous cells damaged by orthodox treatments.

Of course, in many cases other things are needed, but these
are the most common aspects of an alternative cancer treatment.
Note that in this process no damage is done to the body
(except in rare cases where orthodox medicine is needed to
deal with a special situation).

By doing these things the balance (between their immune system
and the number of cancer cells) has been restored. They are


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Thursday, May 23, 2013

YOU don't have to suffer through Cancer Treatment...Then die.

Continued From Last Post.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


YOU don't have to suffer through Cancer Treatment...Then die.

Question #12:

Why do medical doctors use chemotherapy and radiation?

Answer #12:
Medical doctors are only trained to use chemotherapy and radiation.
While they are expected to use these protocols, there are also
financial reasons that they use these protocols. Back in the mid-
1960s, in Scotland (we know this from the writings of Linus Pauling);
if medical doctors knew they could not significantly benefit a
cancer patient they would simply send the patient home to die
without any treatments!!

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

They realized that the treat ments of modern medicine caused a
great deal of suffering but did not extend life. These doctors
had integrity because they did what was best for their patient's
well-being. Such integrity is the subject of history books now.

"My studies have proved conclusively that untreated cancer
victims live up to four times longer than treated individuals.
If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live
longer and feel better than if he undergoes radiation, chemotherapy
or surgery ..."
Prof Jones. (1956 Transactions of the N.Y. Academy of Medical
Sciences, vol6)

Now consider this quote: "In 1975, the respected British medica
l journal Lancet reported on a study which compared the effect
on cancer patie nts of
(1) a single chemotherapy,
(2) multiple chemotherapy, and
(3) no treatment at all.

No treatment proved a significantly better policy for patients
survival and for quality of remaining life.'"

Barry Lynes, The Healing of Cancer- The Cures - the Cover-ups
and the Solution Now! - page 9

Today, about 20% of cancer patient who die are still taking
chemotherapy!! If medical doctors had any integrity they would
stop giving a cancer patient chemotherapy as soon as they knew
the patient could not be significantly benefited by orthodox
treatments (which is typically the day they meet the patient).
The integrity of the 1960s is gone forever.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

It seems that today no one considers quality of life or life-
expectancy to be important. As already mentioned, if medical
doctors to day used the best of the alternative cancer
treatments their patients would have a 90% survival rate and
their patients would have zero pain and suffering from their

The mother of one of my son-in-laws had a type of cancer which
medical doctors knew they could not cure, but they did not send
her home to die until they had all of her insurance money and
the money from 50 acres of her family's farm, which was the
inheritance of her children.

Many medical doctors have seen this corruption and have moved
from orthodox medicine to alternative medicine. Frequently they
leave the United States and treat cancer patients in another
country in order to avoid persecution by the AMA or their
state medical board. Many of their patients are Americans!

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513


YOU decide the Real TRUTH on Orthodox Cancer Treatment?

Continued From Last Post.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.

YOU decide the Real TRUTH on Orthodox Cancer Treatment?

Question #11:

What is the true cure rate of orthodox medicine?

Answer #11:
Among the many types of cancer, there are a very small number of
cancers for which chemotherapy can actual ly keep a cancer patient
in remission indefinitely. However, for most types of cancer, in
fact the vast majority of types of cancer, chemotherapy is worthless
and does more harm than good as was discussed above.

Thus, their overall 3% cure rate is some what deceptive because
for most kinds of cancer the true cure rate is less than 1%.
But even that number is deceptive because of the way they define
"cure," the way they define "cancer," and so on.

The American Cancer Society is in charge of deceiving the general
public as to theffectiveness of orthodox cancer treatments. They
use a wide range of very sophisticated statistical tricks to make
chemotherapy look far more effective than it really is. My first
college degree was in mathematics so I understand their tricks.

The board of the ACS is controlled by medical doctors, medical
school executives, etc. and the ACS has absolutely no interest
in curing cancer. Nor do most other "cancer research"

A "Non Sequitur" cartoon said it best (Friday , October 1, 2010).
A dragon and a dragon-killing knight are talking to each other.
The dragon says: "Look ... You're dead if you lose and out of a
job if you win, so what I propose is a win-win that can be summed
up in 3 words ... Dragon-slaying research."

The caption says: "Birth of the perpetual fundraising industry."
Yes, there are a few very small cancer research organizations
that really are looking for cures for cancer (and if they are
truly look ing you can rest assured they have already found many
cures), such as the Independent Cancer Research Foundation in
Missouri and Utah and the American Anti-Cancer Institute in
Washington state, but these organizations are blacklisted by the
media and very few people know about them.

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

FDA Food and Drug Administration...FDA & Alternative Cancer Treatment.

Continued From Last Post.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


FDA Food and Drug Administration...FDA & Alternative Cancer Treatment.

Question #10:

Does chemotherapy and radiation extend life?

Answer #10:

Study this quote:
A German epidemiologist from the He idelberg/Mannheim Tumor Clinic,
Dr Ulrich Abel, has done a comprehensive review and analysis of every
major study and clinical trial of chemotherapy ever done. His
conclusions should be read by anyone who is about to embark on the
Chemo Express.

To make sure he had reviewed everyt hing ever published on chemotherapy,
Abel sent letters to over 350 medical centers around the world, asking
them to send him anything they had published on the subject. Abel
researched thousands of articles: it is unlikely that anyone in the
world knows more about chemotherapy than he.

"The analysis took him several years, but the results are astounding:
Abel found that the overall worldwide success rate of chemotherapy
was 'appalling' because there was simply no scientific evidence
available anywhere that chemotherapy can 'extend in any appreciabl
e way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic

Abel emphasizes that chemotherapy rare ly can improve the quality of
life. He describes chemotherapy as 'a scientific wasteland' and
states that at least 80 per cent of chemotherapy administered throughout
the world is worthless and is akin to the 'emperor's new clothes'--neit
her doctor nor patient is willing to give up on chemotherapy, even though
there is no scientific evidence that it works!

(Lancet, 10 August 1991)
No mainstream media even mentioned this comprehensive study: it was
totally buried.
Tim O'Shea, The Doctor Within

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.



Is orthodox medicine using the right approach to treating cancer?

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Question #9:

Is orthodox medicine using the right approach to treating cancer?

Answer #9:

Your medical doctor probably told you that you would get a "response"
if you used their protocols. A "response" simply means they were trying
to shrink your tumors slightly and has absolutely not hing to do with extending life!!

Here is what a medical doctor said about the focus of orthodox medicine
on shrinking tumors:
"When a patient is found to have a tumor, the only thing the doctor
discusses with that patient is what he intends to do about the tumor.
If a patient with a tumor is receiving radiation or chemother apy,
the only question that is asked is, "How is the tumor doing?" No one
ever asks how the patient is doing.

In my medical training, I remember well seeing patients who were
getting radiation and/or chemotherapy. The tumor would get smaller
and smaller, but the patient would be getting sicker and sicker.

World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


At autopsy we would hear , "Isn't that marvelous! The tumor is gone!"
Yes, it was, but so was the patient . How many millions of times are
we going to have to repeat these scenarios before we realize that we
are treating the wrong thing?

In primary cancer, with only a few exceptions, the tumor is neither
health-endangering nor life-threatening . I am going to repeat that statement. In primary cancer, with few exceptions, the tumor is
neither health-endangering nor life-threatening. What is health-
endanger ing and life-threatening is the spread of that disease
through the rest of the body.

There is nothing in surgery that will prevent the spread of cancer.
There is nothing in radiation that will prevent the spread of the
disease. There is nothing in chemotherapy that will prevent the spread
of the disease.

How do we know? Just look at the statistics! There is a statistic
known as "survival time." Survival time is defined as that interval
of time between when the diagnosis of cancer is first made in a given
patient and when that patient dies from his disease.

In the past fifty years, tremendo us progress has been made in the
early diagnosis of cancer. In that period of time, tremendous
progress had been made in the surgical ability to remove tumors.

Tremendous progress has been made in the use of radiation and
chemotherapy in their ability to shrink or destroy tumors. But, the
survival time of the cancer patient today is no greater than it was
fifty years ago. What does this mean? It obviously means that we are
treating the wrong thing !"

Philip Binzel, M.D., Alive and Well, Chapter 14 Dr. Binzel was one
of those medical doctors who switched from orthodox medicine to
alternative medicine. He used liquid laetrile therapy by I.V. in
Ohio before his death. His son was an attorney or likely he would
not have been permitted to use that protocol in Ohio.

            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


If your medical doctor told you that orthodox treatments extend life, compared to doing nothing, they did not know what they were talking
about (see the next question).

On the other hand, Dr. Linus Pauling, the only two-time unshared
Nobel Prize winner, did extend the life of cancer patients (compared
to those who used chemotherapy) by ten times, and all he used was
10 grams of Vitamin C a day by I.V.

In other words, those who used vitamin C by I.V., instead of
chemotherapy, lived ten times longer!! These patients had no pain
from their treatment and so me of them were totally cured.

Do you think "modern medicine" was happy about the discovery that
Vitamin C is ten times more effective than chemotherapy? Or thodox
medicine was not at all happy about Dr. Pauling and they did three intentionally faulty studies which tried to discredit him.

This should answer any questions you might have about whether the
medical labor union, the AMA, cares about patients. Whenever someone
comes up with a treatment or cure for cancer, that is superior to
orthodox medicine, it is time for damage control . Even when a two-
time Nobel Prize winner comes up with something better than chemotherapy
and radiation (and surgery in almost all cases), it is time for damage control.

It is rare when damage control is necessary, because of the media,
but when a movie star or other high profile person supports
alternative medicine; the propaganda machine is turned on in high gear.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls Of Fire

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Will our Medical Health Care system & US FDA Treat Cancer?

Will our Medical Health Care system & US FDA Treat Cancer?

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Question #8:

What Is the approach of alternative medicine?

Answer #8:

Every human being has cancer cells in their body!! Anyone who
can read this sentence has many cancer cells in their body.
However, our bodies were designed to have a very, very
sophisticated immune system which, among other things, was
designed to safely target and kill cancer cells.

When a person is "diagnosed" with cancer it means there is an
imbalance in their body between the strength of their immune
system and the number of cancer cells in their body. In other
words, something has damaged their immune system and/or
something has caused a high number of cancer cells to form.

The result of this imbalance is an abnormally high number of
cancer cells which thrive in their body. The number of cancer
cells may grow out of control and eventually the person may
be diagnosed with cancer.

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

The approach of many alter native or natural health practitioners
is four-fold:

First, change the diet and lifestyle of the person to change
their "inner terrain" to make the body hostile to cancer cells
(e.g. change to an alkaline diet),
Second, strengthen the
immune system with very gentle electromedicine and/or natural
Third, use very gentle treatments that safely target and kill
the cancer cells or revert the
cancer cells into normal cells,
Fourth, use supplements to protect and energize the non-cancerous
cells damaged by orthodox treatments.

As to the third item, if you kill all of the microbes which are
inside of a cancer cell it will be able to restore its metabolism,
start creating ATP molecules again (without using fermentation)
and will revert into a normal cell. Dr. Royal Rife knew this in
the 1930s but his discoveries have been ignored by orthodox medicine.

By doing all four of the above things the cancer patient has the
balance between their immune system and the number of cancer cells
restored without damaging the body.

They are cured because the balance has been restored back to normal!!
The approach of orthodox medicine, however, severely damages the immune

system with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. This makes the
imbalance even worse

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.
Orthodox cancer treatments also kill many healthy cells and can
damage organs and the lining of the stomach and colon; which can
make it difficult for the patient to extract nutrients from healthy
foods and supplements.

One of the reasons alternative medicine cancer researchers are so
interested in developing electromedicine protocols is because so
many cancer patients have damage to the lining of their stomach
and colon (due to chemother apy or surgery).

Electromedicine becomes their only hope for survival because these
things work without the ability of the stomach and colon to digest
nutrients from foods.

Is it any wonder that alternative cancer treatments, when used on
newly diagnosed cancer patients and when administered by exper
ts, have a massively higher cure rate than orthodox medicine?
Alternative cancer treatments build-up the person's body (especially
the immune system) and gently deals with getting rid of the cancer cells.
However, even when orthodox medicine puts someone into "remission"
(i.e. their cancer appears to be gone), their treatments have damaged
the immune system sobadly that they have made the imbalance even worse
, so even if orthodox medicine claims they have put someone into
remission, it is almost certain the cancer will come back!! This is
called: regression.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513


USFDA & Alternative Cancer Treatment.

Continued From Last Post.

USFDA & Alternative Cancer Treatment.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Some electromedicine treatments work by vibrating the microbes
(at the correct frequency) until they burst. Other electromedicine
protocol s work by breaking the enzymes off of the outside surface
of the microbes so that they cannot breed. Others lack finesse and
simply electrocute the microbes.

But do not confuse the very gentle "electrom edicine" of alternative
medicine with the crude, barbaric, painful and worthless "radiation"
therapy of orthodox medicine.

Radiation therapy is like using a rifle to put out a carpet fire, but
"electromedicine" in alternative medicine is more like using a
flyswatter because it is so easy to kill microbes.

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

In the 1950s, Dr. Robert C. Olney, M.D. was curing cancer with
ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy (UVBI). He would extract some
blood from the patient, use Ultraviolet-A light to irradiate the
blood and then he would put the blood back into the patient's body.
See the book:
Into the Light -Tomorrow's Medicine Today
by William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

(Chapter 12).
UVBI is considered an "oxygen" treatment, meaning it floods the
body with oxygen. However, it is not known whether this oxygen
kills the cancer cells or it kills the microbes inside the cancer
cells or if it works in some other manner. It may actually be a
vibrational medicine treatment.

Currently, some clinics in Mexico and other countries are using
this technology (Google: UVBI cancer ultraviolet clinic).

While many alternative cancer treatments have solid cancer theory
behind them, most alternative cancer treatments were designed by
exchanging notes with other researchers and by using their own
experiences and research. All of them use special diets. All of
them try to build the immune system. All of them try to protect
the non-cancerous cells, and so on.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

Most highly potent alternative cancer treat ments (i.e. protocols)
combine several supplements (and may include gentle electromedicine)
to accomplish all of the needed tasks. Some of the top alternative
cancer treatments today, which can be done at home, include:
Cellect-Budwig (nutrients), GB-4000 Protocols - i.e. Rife Machines
(electromedicine, reverts cancer cells into normal cells), Cesium
Chloride (minerals and nutrients), Bob Beck Protocol (electromedicine,
builds immune system), Bill Henderson Protocol (nutrients and immune
builders), LifeOne Protocol (nutrients), various Oleander protocols
(nutrients), Brandt Grape Cure (nutrients), etc., etc.

In some cases these protocols can be combined and in some cases
they cannot be combined.

Of course, any alternative cancer treatment expert will give you a
different list. This is because no single alternative cancer treatm
ent expert has experience with every type of alternative cancer
treatment. We do the best we can with the limited time and resources
we have.

Some new alternative cancer treatments could restore and even improve
on the old 50% cure rate on advanced cancer patients. Electromedicine,
combined with one of the top nutritional protocols, has by far the best
chance of doing that.

In fact, the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A., combined with the Cellect-Budwig,
is likely already at or above the 50% cure rate on very advanced
cancer patients. Some of the clinics are also at or above the 50%
cure rate on advanced cancer patients. But the most important key
to survival is working with an expert, either at a clinic, over
the phone or by Internet. All of the treat ments listed above, except
the Bob Beck Protocol and Brandt Grape Cure (which have limited
support), have expert support available.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Six Pack Abs Reviews

Chuck Berry & Keith Richards - Oh Carol

Monday, May 20, 2013

Alternative Cancer Treatment & FDA Food and Drug Administration...FDA

Continued From Last Post.

FDA Food and Drug Administration...FDA & Alternative Cancer Treatment.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Question #7:

What kinds of alternative cancer treatments have and do exist?

Answer #7:

M.D. run alternative medicine clinics in Germany are currently
using hyperthermia to allow small amounts of chemotherapy to
target and safely kill cancer cells.

Some clinics in the U.S. (in the states they are allowed to operate)
are using insulin to allow small amounts of chemotherapy to target
and safely kill cancer cells. This is called "Insulin Potentiation
Therapy" or IPT.

In the 1930s, Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiolog ist, was curing cancer
with very gentle electromedicine called "Rife Machines." Like more
recent "electromedicine" protocols, the treatment was so gentle
that the patient barely knew the device was turned on.

The American Medical Association, the labor union of medical doctors,
tried to buy Rife's technology; but Rife refused to sell because he
knew they only wanted to "bury" his technology.

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

Because he would not sell-out, the FDA came in and shut down Dr. Rife.
It was not until 2008 and 2010 that two of his technologies were
completely replicated by alternative medicine cancer researchers.
The modern "Rife Machines" which replicated Rife's original technology
are part of the GB-4000 family of devices. Each has the same frequencies
and "carrier waves" of the original Rife devices.

The GB-4000 actually comes in two different versions. First, is the
GB-4000 with SR-4 10 watt linear amplifier. While this is an excellent

protocol for cancer, a newer and more powerful device has come out,
the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A.

Basically, the GB-4000 creates the frequencies and the SR-4 or M.O.
P.A. amplifies the frequencies. These two devices replicate what Royal
Rife's most famous devices accomplished, but using modern technology.
The Cancer Tutor website ( was actually the first
website to provide step--by-step instructions on how to use the 2008
device (the GB-4000 with SR-4 amplifier) and the much more powerful
2010 device (the GB-4000 with M.O.P.A.).

However, for legal reasons these instructions have been moved to
another website (the Cancer Tutor website links to this article
in the "electromedicine" protocols article).

Some other brands of Rife Mach ines today, such as the Rife-Bare,
do not have a carrier frequency but yet are very effective at
treating cancer.

The protocol of the late Dr. Bob Beck (he had a PhD in physics)
for AIDS and cancer also used a "frequency generator" technology,
but in an entirely different way as Rife.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

While the focus of Rife's technology was to revert cancer cells
into normal cells, the focus of the Bob Beck Protocol was to kill
the microbes in the bloodstream and elsewhere in the body. By doing
this the immune system was supercharged and the immune system was
able to cure the cancer. Actually, it was not so much that the
immune system was "supercharged" as much as that the immune system
was able to perform at its full potential by not being burdened
by the presence of two pounds of microbes in the body.

Clearly, in my research since 2002, the direction of highly
effective cancer treatments is in the direction of vibrational
medicine, which includes both gentle electrical vibrations
and lightwaves.

It is microbes inside the cancer cells which make a cell cancerous
because they block the production of ATP molecules in the
mitochondria (technically, these microbes block the production of
pyruvate, which in turn blocks the production of ATP) and flood the
cell with acidic mycotoxins.

(Note: See the answer to Question #13 for a detailed discussion on
how microbescause cancer and why DNA damage does not cause cancer.)
Killing these microbes was how Dr. Rife cured cancer in 100% of the

And it is microbes in the bloodstream and throughout the body that
heavily suppresses the immune system. Killing these microbes was
the way that Dr. Bob Beck (PhD in physics) cured cancer in 95% of
the cases. ONLY vibrational medicine can safely get rid of these
microbes. Microbes are very, very small compared to a human cell
and can easily be killed or attenuated (i.e. made unable to breed)
by electromedicine.


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Willie Nelson 
To All The Girls I've Loved Before

Full Body Detox Reviews

Is Alternative Cancer Treatment Safe & Effective Cancer Treatment.

Continued From Last Post.

Is Alternative Cancer Treatment Safe & Effective Cancer Treatment.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Question #6:

Can alternative cancer treatments cure someone who has had
extensive chemotherapy, radiation and surgery?

Answer #6:

That is the key question because most people who look into
alternative medicine have already had extensive orthodox
cancer treatments!! Many of them have been sent home die
before they even begin look ing for an alternative cancer

As already mentioned, the cure rate of natural medicine
(i.e. alter native medicine), for people who are newly
diagnosed, can be over 90% if the patient works with an
expert who knows what he or she is doing.

For alternative medicine experts, the cure rate for
advanced cancer patients, who had had significant
chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, used to be about

Even though alternative cancer treatments are getting better
and stronger, the cure rate has probably dropped slightly in
the past few years because medical doctors are keeping their
patients on chemotherapy and radiation longer and longer.

Do not assume your doctor's estimate of how long you have to
live is correct, especially if you start using alternative
cancer treatments. If you work with an expert, your chance
of survival is about 50%, but even those who die can have a
more comfortable life and can life longer.

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

One very, very important thing to understand about alternative
cancer treatments is that not all alternative cancer treatments
are equally strong !!! This is true especially for cancer
patients who have had a lot of orthodox cancer treatments!!

For example, carrot juice and a different diet can easily cure
most newly diagnosed cancer patients, but it would probably
not be strong enough for a cancer patient sent home to die by
orthodox medicine.

However, carrot juice can be part of a highly potent protocol
designed specifically for advanced cancer patients. For example,
the Cellect-Budwig protocol, which was designed specifically
for advanced cancer patients, includes carrot juice but it also
includes several other treatments.

When a cancer patient is first diagnosed, there are usually
hundreds of alternative cancer treatments which can cure them,
if they are combined with a good diet.

However, by the time a cancer patient is sent home to die by
orthodox medicine, the number of natural cancer treatments
which can give them a real chance of survival has dwindled to
only a handful of treatments. This is because not all alternative
cancer treatments are equally strong. Most cancer patients begin
their cancer treatment with orthodox medicine and when they are
sent home to die they simply go home and die. Those sent home to
die who look into alternative medicine at
least have a fighting chance.

An "advanced cancer patient" (i.e. someone who has had extensive
orthodox cancer treatments or someone who has a very nasty type
of cancer) MUST work with an expert in alternative cancer treatments
to even have a hope of survival. Helping an advanced cancer patient
survive is an extremely complex process.

One option is to work with someone by telephone and another option
is to go to analternative cancer treatment clinic in the U.S.
or another country. Do not assume that all clinics are better than
all home treatments. Some home treatments (with expert telephone
support) are far better than some clinics.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

Since 2002 I have been researching alternative cancer treatments.
I know I have seen more than 600 alternative cancer treatments.
But since 2004 I have been sorting out these treatments, as
time permits, to find the most potent treatments for advanced
cancer patients.

It is this research which has allowed the Cancer Tutor website
to help so many cancer patients. And I have never charged one
cancer patient a single penny.

But other cancer researchers work full-time to help cancer patients
and by necessity these people do need to charge for their services
and material.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513


Six Pack Abs Reviews

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Safe & Effective Cancer Treatment.

Continued From Last Post.

Safe & Effective Cancer Treatment.

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Question #5:

Chemotherapy is so toxic and power ful, how can natural medicine
be more effective against cancer?

Answer #5:

Let me borrow a story from one of my other articles: Suppose you
own an antique dining room table which is worth many tens of
thousands of dollars. Suppose your butler tells you that there
are dozens of cockroaches crawling around on your priceless
table and you will be having dinner guests in one hour.

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

Your butler informs you that his job description does not include
killing cockroaches and as he is leaving your house he suggests
four options for getting rid of the cockroaches:
1) He suggests you use a chainsaw to "slash" the little critters
to pieces,
2) He suggests you use a large and powerful flamethrower to "burn"
the critters to pieces,
3) He suggests you pour 2 gallons of a highly, highly toxic liquid
chemical on the table to "poison" the critters, and
4) He suggests you use an old $1 flyswatter. Which of the four
options would you use to get rid of the cockroaches?

Would you choose one of the first three options (slash, burn
and poison) because they are highly potent at killing cockroaches
or would you choose the cheap, wimpy flyswatter?

Think about why you would make your choice. Most likely you would
pick the flyswatter because the other three items (which are far
more powerful than a flyswatter at killing cock roaches) are also
massively powerful at destroying your priceless table!!

Chemotherapy (the toxic chemical above), surgery (the chainsaw
above) and radiation (the flamethrower above) do kill cancer
cells, but they also kill healthycells (the priceless antique
table), damage the immune system, damage the ability of your
digestive tract to process nutrients, etc. because they do not
target cancer cells. Thus, these treatments cannot cure cancer
(which has spread) without killing the patient first.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

By comparison, alternative cancer treatments (the flyswatter),
while not as powerful as the other items, are far more effective
at treating cancer because these treatments either target cancer
cells or do not damage your healthy cells, Thus they can be given
in much higher doses than any of the "orthodox " cancer treatments.

For example, a person can drink a quart of carrot juice but they
would die if they drank a quart of chemotherapy!!

But this is only part of the story. In addition to treatments
which can safely kill cancer cells, alternative cancer treatments
typically build the immune system (instead of destroying the immune
system), multiple alternative cancer treatments can generally be
combined, and so on.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Affiliate marketing Reviews

Willie Nelson & Keith Richards

FDA Food and Drug Administration...FDA

Continued From Last Post.

FDA Food and Drug Administration...FDA

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


    Question 4 & Answer

Actually, the FDA works for the large pharmaceutical companies.
For example, if a small pharmaceutical company wants a highly 
effective drug to be approved, which drug would cut into the
profits of the large pharmaceutical companies, the FDA may
harass this small company (such as by not approving their
studies) until they "sell out" to the large pharmaceutical
company or close their doors. If they choose to "sell out,"
the large pharmaceutical company will almost certainly "bury"
the treatment. Some federal judges also seem to be on the
payroll of the pharmaceutical industry.

When the FDA is persecuting people who know how to cure
cancer, some federal judges intentionally run "Kangaroo
Courts" which will not allow the defense team to produce
evidence regarding the effectiveness of the product or
device. Helping people survive deadly diseases is irrelevant
to these judges, only their level in the court system matters
to them.

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

Only the Internet still has some semblance of freedom of speech
(as long as you are not a vendor). However, the pharmaceutical
industry controls so many large websites that even the Internet
is largely useless to cancer patients.

But of far more importance is that because the media blacklists
alternative medicine, people think alternative medicine is
useless and they are not likely to search the Internet for
alternat ive medicine websites. That is why people have to
"stumble" across websites which speak the truth about alternative
medicine. Many "cancer researchers" are also in bed with Big
Pharma. The National Institutes of Heath, the National Cancer In
stitute, etc. all exist to pretend to look for cures for cancer,
but it is also important that they pretend that curing cancer is
difficult (e.g. by claiming it is DNA damage that causes cancer)
and they also make alternative cancer treatments look weak and
ineffective (partly because they have no idea how to use alternative
cancer treatments).

Ditto for all large cancer charities and almost all small cancer
charit ies which claim they are "looking" for cures for cancer.
University-based researchers would lose the bulk of their funding
if they released a cure for cancer or even claimed that cancer
could be cured. Let us, for a moment, assume that DNA damage did
cause cancer (which it

Does that mean someone could not cure cancer by safely and gently 
targeting and killing the cancer cells. Laetrile is a natural
molecule in apple seeds and apricot seeds and some grains.
Laetrile safely and gently targets and kills cancer cells.
Laetrile, especially when used in clinics, has cured many cancer
patients. But it is an element of some of the best alternative
cancer treatments for home use.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

What the general public hears in the media is a well-orchestrated
fantasyland of bad science and the complete blacklisting of
people who know how to cure cancer. The fantasy is driven by
massive amounts of money.

The Savior of the world described what is going on in two words:
"whited sepulcher." (See Matthew 23:27) Those people outside of
the sepulcher (e.g. the general public) have no clue what is going
on inside the sepulcher because the media has "whitewashed" the
outside of the sepulcher by distracting their attention from what
is really going on inside the sepulcher.

Outside of the sepulcher is a fantasyland creat ed by the artistry
of the media. The inside of the sepulcher is the real world that
the average person knows nothing about and may become a victim of.
Many books have been written by people who have not been deceived.
These books discuss the corruption of the FD A, the pharmaceutical
industry, orthodox medicine, etc.

One of the best of these books is: "World Without Cancer -
The Story of Vitamin B17, by G. Edward Griffin. This book is
about laetrile (i.e. Vitamin B17) and starting with Chapter 13
it gets into the behind-the-scenes events that have led to our
current situation.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513


Continued From Last Post.

Is There Any Health Care Reform in Our Future?


       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


    Question 4 & Answer

So what happens when the rich and famous get cancer? They
will frequently go to Germany or some other country to get
natural cancer treatments
Here is a quote from a medical doctor in Germany, who
exclusively used natural cancer treatments , who treated many,
many rich and famous people, including one president of
the United States:
"You wouldn’t believe how many FD A officials or relatives
or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients
in Hanover. You wouldn’t believe this, or directors of the AMA,
or ACS [American Cancer Society], or the presidents of orthodox
cancer institutes. That’s the fact."

  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

Hans Nieper M.D. (1928-1998 - Hanover, Germany) But there is
another reason the FDA makes sure that all alternative cancer
treatments are rated as "unproven treatments." By rigging
their regulations they allow the media, the corrupt charities
(e.g. the American Cancer Society, and many others), the health
insurance companies, etc. etc. to ignore and persecute
alternative medicine. I personally have communicated by email
with thousands of cancer patients. You would not believe how
many times I have seen someone write: "we just can't afford
that [alternative cancer treatment]." These patients (or their
health insurers) have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to
Big Medicine, but don't have $3,000 left for something that
may cure them.

The health insurance companies will gladly plop down a quarter
of a million dollars so someone can die of cancer, but they
won't spend a dime for someone to get cured by Mother Nature.
Mother Nature is not corrupt, orthodox medicine is corrupt.
This is just one of the many truths that people who are new
to alternative medicine must get used to.

All of this is what makes the Cancer Tutor website (www., and other such websites, so important.
Nothing is sold from this website, nor do I sell anything
from any other website.

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

On this website, in a few days, a person can go from knowing
nothing about alternative medicine, to understanding many
of their options with alter native medicine. That is because
this website has dozens of articles on highly effective
alternative cancer treatments and related issues.

In other words, because I don't sell anything, I can make 
medical claims for products which the vendors cannot make.
That is why it is so important that the reader study the
Cancer Tutor website in addition to the vendor websites
(even though they cannot make medical claims, they do
provide some information).


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513