Saturday, March 23, 2013

Continued from last post.

Xylitol and Osteoporosis

Another exciting benefit from xylitol is its role in reversing bone loss.
Studies in Finland found that xylitol maintained bone density in rats that
had their ovaries removed. Without ovaries, oestrogen levels plummeted and so
did the bone density in rats that were not given xylitol. However, in the
rats that had ovaries removed and were given xylitol, bone density actually
increased.10 Another study showed that xylitol was effective in decreasing
age-related bone loss in older male rats by 10 per cent.11

In an unprecedented action, the Finnish researchers made bold recommendations
for human application of their studies. They suggested that an effective
human dose would be about 40 grams daily. The scientists speculated that
xylitol's bone density enhancing properties are due to its ability to promote
intestinal absorption of calcium. Including xylitol in one's diet is
certainly an enjoyable way to reap the benefits of greater bone density,
along with other health benefits.

Xylitol and Insulin Resistance, Diabetes Hypertension and Hormonal Imbalances
Consuming sugar and other refined carbohydrates results in the rapid release
of glucose, or blood sugar. In response, the pancreas secretes insulin to
usher glucose into the cells, where it is burned for energy. Excess glucose
stresses the system, and over time the cells become less responsive to
insulin. This condition, known as insulin resistance, is a huge health
problem and it is estimated to affect half the American population. Insulin
resistance is associated with abnormalities in cholesterol and triglyceride
levels, hypertension, increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.

The dramatic rise in type-2 diabetes since the mid-1900s directly coincides
with our increased consumption of sugar. One long-term study of more than
65,000 women demonstrated that a high-sugar, low-fibre diet increased the
risk of type-2 diabetes by 250 per cent. Another recent study found that
excessive intake of sugar was the single most important dietary risk factor
for heart disease in women and for men. It has been estimated that sugar
intake may account for more than 150,000 premature deaths from heart disease
in the United States each year.12

Xylitol has been demonstrated in repeated clinical studies to be very slowly
metabolised. In fact, on the glycaemic index, which measures how quickly
foods enter the bloodstream, sugar is rated at 100 and xylitol at just seven!
Xylitol is a natural insulin stabiliser, therefore it causes none of the
abrupt rises and falls that occur with sugar. In fact, it actually helps in
stopping sugar and carbohydrate cravings. Foods sweetened with xylitol will
not raise insulin levels. This makes it a perfect sweetener for people with
diabetes as well as those wanting to lose weight. There is a growing
consensus amongst anti-ageing researchers that maintaining low insulin levels
is a key to a successful anti-ageing program.

Insulin resistance also plays a significant role in hormonal imbalances,
including those that lead to breast cancer. High insulin levels increase the
production of oestrogens, leading to an oestrogen-dominant condition, and
also interfere with healthy ovarian function. Insulin resistance is a major
cause of a growing hormonal problem called polycystic ovarian syndrome
(PCOS). PCOS causes the ovaries to become anovulatory, which means that the
normal cyclic production of oestrogen followed by progesterone either ceases
or becomes dysfunctional. Insulin stimulates the ovaries to produce
predominantly male hormones, which, in combination with higher insulin and
glucose levels, increase weight-gain around the waist--a body type that is a
risk factor for breast cancer. Signs that the body is being exposed to higher
levels of the male hormones include acne, loss of head hair and an increase
in body hair. Lowering insulin levels is crucial for not only treating PCOS
but also resolving most other hormonal imbalances, including those leading to
breast cancer.13

Dr John Lee, author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer,
explains the connection between insulin resistance and breast cancer:
"Overeating junk food makes you fat. Increased body fat and lack of exercise
lead to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance leads to further craving of
sugary carbohydrates to generate energy for the body. More insulin is
released in response to increased carbohydrate intake, leading to more weight
gain. More fat leads to more estrogens, which, in turn, lead to earlier
breast development and menstruation. Earlier onset of menstruation leads to
more ovulatory cycles and a greater lifetime exposure to oestrogens without
adequate progesterone. A greater lifetime exposure to estrogens increases
breast cancer risk.

"Simultaneously, increased consumption of simple carbohydrates, coupled with
insulin resistance, leads to polycystic ovaries and lack of ovulation during
menstrual cycles, resulting in excess production of androgens and estrogens,
along with inadequate production of progesterone. Excessive estrogen
production in the absence of progesterone production leads to estrogen
dominance and increased breast cancer risk. Use of contraceptive hormones
increases insulin resistance, exacerbating all the above problems."14

Using xylitol instead of sugar as well as reducing intake of high-glycaemic,
refined carbohydrate foods helps to lower the risk not only of PCOS but also
of ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, PMS, hot flushes, weight gain and

The Safer Sweetener

Increased sugar consumption has bedevilled Western cultures with more and
more health problems, many of which are putting an enormous strain on health
care systems. Finally, there is an answer to our collective prayers for
something truly healthy that can also satisfy our sweet tooth. Over 1,500
scientific studies have found that the more you use xylitol, the more you can
eliminate sugar cravings, reduce insulin levels and alkalinise your body.

It's a great aid on the way to good health and long life.

Imagine never having to feel those twinges of guilt when you bite into a
xylitol-sweetened brownie. Or how about increasing your bone density while
enjoying your favourite hot drink with two spoonfuls of xylitol crystals, or
knowing that xylitol-sweetened chewing gum is preventing cavities and gum

With xylitol, you can now have your sweet tooth and treat it, too!

Free Lead System Forever
Elvis Presley - The wonder of you.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

 Xylitol and Ear, Nose and Throat Infections

Recurring middle ear infections pose a great health threat to children. Tubes are often inserted into the ear drum in children with these recurring infections to reduce the fluid that is attempting to wash out the infection from the middle ear. While this procedure sometimes helps to reduce the frequency of infections, it is also designed to help with hearing.

Language, a critical part of learning, is built by auditory input during the first two years of life--the same period when ear infections are most common. If this input is dampened by infection or fluid in the middle ear during this important period, it can cause learning problems. One researcher demonstrated that even when properly treated, recurrent middle ear infections during the first two years result in significant impairment in reading ability up to the age of nine.7 Another study followed children longer and showed significant learning and social problems extending up to age eighteen.8

One of xylitol's versatile benefits is its ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause middle ear infections in young children. In two recent studies involving over 1,000 children, xylitol-flavoured chewing gum was found to reduce the incidence of middle ear infections by 40 per cent, significantly decreasing ongoing middle ear complications and the need for antibiotics.

Regularly washing the nose with a spray containing xylitol decreases the number of harmful bacteria and stimulates normal defensive washing of this area. A clean nose reduces problems with allergies and asthma that originate from nasal irritants and pollutants. Current research shows how bacteria attach to cells in the body, causing infection. Some sugars like xylitol are known to be able to interfere with this binding, blocking the attachment of the major infection-causing bacteria that live in the nose. Dr Lon Jones, a physician in Plainsview, Texas, reported that the use of a xylitol nasal spray in his practice prevented 93 per cent of ear infections and resulted in comparable reductions in sinus infections, allergies and asthma.9

Xylitol has been shown to be effective in inhibiting Candida albicans, a serious systemic yeast problem, and other harmful gut bacteria including H. pylori, implicated in periodontal disease, bad breath, gastric and duodenal ulcers and even stomach cancer.

#1 Publisher of Alternative Cancer Treatments

The Righteous Brothers - I Believe

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

Friday, March 22, 2013

 Continued from last post.

Xylitol and Oral Health

Tooth decay and gum disease are serious problems. According to the American Dental Association, 75 per cent of American adults over the age of 35 suffer from some form of periodontal disease.1 Needless to say, diet plays a major role in dental heath. When there is an excess of sugar in the diet, this weakens the immune system and creates an acidic environment; thus oral health suffers. The mouth is home to over 400 strains of bacteria. Most of these are benign, but when sugar enters the scene it feeds the destructive strains, allowing them to proliferate.

Periodontal disease is basically caused by bacteria. These deposits permit the growth of bacteria that cause inflammation of the gums. The bacteria also release minute amounts of toxins that break down gum tissue, thereby helping the infection to progress. Plaque is an invisible, sticky film of saliva and food residue that constantly forms on the teeth. Ongoing low-grade bacterial infection also burdens the immune system.

Bacteria help to create plaque and they also thrive within it. Unless removed, plaque formed along the gum line can lead to gum disease. When left untreated, plaque at or below the gum line hardens into tartar. Periodontal disease takes two forms: simple gum inflammation, called gingivitis; and a more severe gum infection, called periodontitis, which may lead to tooth loss and receding gums.

Gingivitis results from the build-up of plaque and tartar which irritate the gum or periodontal tissue. The more advanced state of gum disease, periodontitis, occurs when inflammation of the gums is accompanied by bone and ligament destruction. Bleeding gums are usually the first indication that gum disease is developing, but obvious symptoms may not always be present.

Gum infection can also lead to other serious health problems. It doubles the risk of stroke, triples the risk of heart attack, increases the incidence of premature, low-weight babies and also contributes to bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema. In fact, the same bacteria that cause gum disease end up either directly or indirectly infecting your heart and arteries. A study conducted at the University of Minnesota in 1998 found that rabbits injected with tooth plaque developed blood clots which led to heart disease.2 It seems that the bacteria first attack the bones and gums in the mouth and then enter the bloodstream through small cracks in the gums.

Eating sugar causes tooth decay by creating a highly acidic condition in the mouth. Acidity strips tooth enamel of minerals, causing it to weaken and making it more vulnerable to attack by bacteria, leading to tooth decay or demineralisation. Ordinarily, saliva bathes the mouth with an alkaline solution that neutralises all acidity and actually remineralises the teeth. Saliva also washes away leftover bits of food and helps the digestion process. But when saliva turns acidic because of too many sweets, bacteria in the mouth have a feeding frenzy. These nasty bacteria, along with carbohydrate waste, stick to the teeth and tongue and hold the acid close to the teeth where it eats away enamel. Virtually whatever food you ingest, the remaining particles become food for plaque-producing bacteria. Using xylitol helps to raise plaque pH, thereby reducing the time that teeth are exposed to damaging acids as well as starving harmful bacteria of their food source.

Xylitol is a dentist's dream. It reverses all these destructive effects of sugar on oral health. Xylitol is non-fermentable and therefore cannot be converted to acids by oral bacteria, thus it helps to restore a proper alkaline/acid balance in the mouth. This alkaline environment is inhospitable to all the destructive bacteria, especially the worst variety, Streptococcus mutans. It also inhibits plaque formation.

Using xylitol right before bedtime, after brushing and flossing, protects and heals the teeth and gums. Unlike sugar, it can even be left on the teeth overnight. With proper use, xylitol actually stops the fermentation process leading to tooth decay. Long-term use suppresses the most harmful strains of oral bacteria, making a long-lasting change in those bacterial communities. Xylitol even has the ability to enhance the mineralisation of the enamel. It is most effective in treating small decay spots. Although larger cavities won't go away, they can harden and become less sensitive.

Consistently using small amounts of xylitol tends to increase protective factors in saliva. Xylitol stimulates saliva flow and helps keep salivary minerals in a useful form. Prolonged xylitol use increases the buffering capacity and protective factors in saliva. Increased saliva production is especially important for people suffering with a dry mouth due to illness, ageing or drug side-effects.

Since the oral environment becomes less acidic with continued xylitol use, it is advisable to chew xylitol gum or suck a xylitol mint after every meal or after eating sweet snacks. The best news is that studies have shown that xylitol's effect is long-lasting and possibly even permanent.

Xylitol has recently received positive support in the Journal of the American Dental Association. "Xylitol is an effective preventive agent against dental caries ... Consumption of xylitol-containing chewing gum has been demonstrated to reduce caries in Finnish teenagers by 30&endash;60 per cent. Studies conducted in Canada, Thailand, Polynesia and Belize have shown similar results..."3 A study conducted at Harvard School of Dental Medicine concluded that "xylitol can significantly decrease the incidence of dental caries".

Another unexpected benefit came from a Finnish study which showed that children whose teeth are colonised between 19 and 31 months of age by Streptococcus mutans bacteria are more likely to have a large number of cavities. Most children acquire this bacteria from their mother's saliva through food tasting, sharing cups and kissing. The study showed a dramatic 70 per cent reduction in tooth decay among children whose mothers chewed xylitol gum.

Xylitol, however, isn't just for the young. In a paper published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, researchers tested 111 adults aged 60 and older over a 12-month period. All were frail but healthy adults. In the study, one group of volunteers chewed no gum, a second chewed gum containing xylitol, and a third group chewed gum containing both xylitol and an antimicrobial. In the two groups receiving gum, the participants chewed two pieces for 15 minutes, two times per day. At the end of the study, the researchers reported that the group who received xylitol gum had substantially lowered their risk of developing thrush, a fungal or yeast infection that can cause mouth soreness. (The group who received xylitol plus the antimicrobial had equal benefits.) It had also reduced their risk of developing angular cheilitis, a condition in which sores develop in the corners of the mouth. The researchers noted that xylitol gum can provide a "real clinical benefit" to frail, elderly people.

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Michael Bolton - How Can We Be Lovers

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson


Xylitol - All Natural Sweetener...Xylitol - Our Sweet Salvation?

Xylitol is not only a safe, natural sweetener without the bad side-effects of
sugar and artificial substitutes, it's also good for your teeth, stabilises
insulin and hormone levels and promotes good health.

Americans have a mighty hankering for sugar. It seems that we just can't get
enough of the stuff. On average, a half a cup of sugar is consumed per person
every day. It is estimated that the average American eats, drinks, slurps,
stirs and sprinkles about 150 pounds of it annually. Never in modern history
has a culture consumed so much sugar.

Sugar truly does deserve its reputation as a "white poison". Thinking of
sugar as a food is really a stretch of the imagination, because it is more a
chemical that is difficult for our bodies to utilise and digest. Humans were
really not designed to eat large amounts of sugar in whatever form it may
take: white and brown, corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, glucose, fructose,
lactose, maltose, barley malt, honey, rice syrup and maple syrup. Sugar is
also highly seductive, acting like an addictive drug that lures even the most
well-intentioned person back into its sweet clutches.

According to Chinese wisdom, sweetness is one of the flavours necessary for
maintaining balance in the body. But regularly eating large amounts of sugar
will cause serious harm. Sugar can cause hypoglycaemia and weight gain,
leading to diabetes and obesity in both children and adults. It leaches the
body of vital minerals and vitamins. It raises blood pressure, triglycerides
and the bad cholesterol (LDL), increasing the risk of heart disease. It
causes tooth decay and periodontal disease, which leads to tooth loss and
systemic infections. It makes it difficult for a child's brain to learn,
resulting in a lack of concentration. Both children and adults exhibit
disruptive behaviour, learning disorders and forgetfulness from sugar
consumption. It initiates auto-immune and immune deficiency disorders such as
arthritis, allergies and asthma. It also upsets hormonal imbalance and
supports the growth of cancer cells.

So what are we to do? Will our sugar-cravings always hold us hostage, or is
there really a way to lick the sugar habit successfully?

Xylitol to the Rescue!

During World War II, Finland was suffering from an acute sugar shortage. With
no domestic supply of sugar, the Finns searched for an alternative. It was
then that the Finnish scientists re-discovered xylitol, a low-calorie sugar
made from birch bark. It had, in fact, been known to the world of organic
chemistry since it was first manufactured in 1891 by a German chemist.
By 1930, xylitol had been purified, but it wasn't until World War II that the
sugar shortages forced researchers to look at alternative sweeteners. It was
only when xylitol was stabilised that it became a viable sweetener in foods.
It was also during this time that researchers discovered xylitol's insulin-
independent nature (it metabolises in the body without using insulin).

By the 1960s, xylitol was being used in Germany, Switzerland, the Soviet
Union and Japan as a preferred sweetener in diabetic diets and as an energy
source for infusion therapy in patients with impaired glucose tolerance and
insulin resistance. Since then, many other countries including Italy and
China have been producing xylitol for use in their domestic markets--and with
remarkable health benefits. It has been relatively unknown in the USA and
Australia, primarily because cheap supplies of cane sugar made the more
expensive xylitol less economically viable.

Xylitol is a natural substance found in fibrous vegetables and fruit, as well
as in corn cobs and various hardwood trees like birch. It is a natural,
intermediate product which regularly occurs in the glucose metabolism of man
and other animals as well as in the metabolism of several plants and micro-
organisms. Xylitol is produced naturally in our bodies; in fact, we make up
to 15 grams daily during normal metabolism.

Although xylitol tastes and looks exactly like sugar, that is where the
similarities end. Xylitol is really sugar's mirror image. While sugar wreaks
havoc on the body, xylitol heals and repairs. It also builds immunity,
protects against chronic degenerative disease and has anti-ageing benefits.

Xylitol is considered a five-carbon sugar, which means it is an
antimicrobial, preventing the growth of bacteria. While sugar is acid
forming, xylitol is alkaline enhancing. All other forms of sugar, including
sorbitol, another popular alternative sweetener, are six-carbon sugars which
feed dangerous bacteria and fungi.

Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1963, xylitol has no
known toxic levels. The only discomfort that some sensitive people may notice
initially when taking large amounts is mild diarrhoea or slight cramping.

Since the body makes xylitol daily, as well as the enzymes to break it down,
any discomfort usually disappears within a few days as the body's enzymatic
activity adjusts to a higher intake.

Xylitol has 40 per cent fewer calories and 75 per cent fewer carbohydrates
than sugar and is slowly absorbed and metabolised, resulting in very
negligible changes in insulin. About one-third of the xylitol that is
consumed is absorbed in the liver. The other two-thirds travels to the
intestinal tract where it is broken down by gut bacteria into short-chain
fatty acids.

Xylitol looks, feels and tastes exactly like sugar and leaves no unpleasant
aftertaste. It is available in many forms. In its crystalline form, it can
replace sugar in cooking, baking or as a sweetener for beverages. It is also
included as an ingredient in chewing gum, mints and nasal spray.

by Sherrill Sellman

#1 Publisher of Alternative Cancer Treatments

Ray Stevens - God Save Arizona

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

Is Hidden True Cause Of

Alzheimer's Your Toothpaste?

From Paul Kuhlman

Hello Jeff...

I am a truck driver, and have hauled just about everything over the past 13 years.

I read your site's article postulating that naturally occurring aluminum found in water might be the key to Alzheimer's disease. I'll go one better than that.

I once picked up a 44,000 pound load of aluminum dioxide powder in the aptly-named town of Bauxite, Arkansas. Noting that the destination for the load was not a processing plant or a mill, I enquired as to why this load was destined for the Colgate-Palmolive Company. The shipping agent said that the quality of bauxite (Aluminum dioxide) found in Arkansas was too low grade for manufacturing purposes, but was fine for toothpaste.

"Toothpaste?" I enquired. He then went on to explain that common white toothpaste is made largely from Aluminum Dioxide, which is a mildly abrasive, brilliantly white powder. They'll simply add a sudsing agent to make the bubbles, a flavoring agent to make it palatable, perhaps a food coloring agent, some water, and presto - toothpaste.

Go read the ingredients on your tube of toothpaste. It'll list one or two 'active ingredients'...notice the combined total amounts of 'active ingredients' is usually less than 1%. What about the other 99%?

* Were you aware that every day of your life, you are filling your mouth with a gob of nearly pure aluminum dioxide?

* Can you imagine the possible health effects?

* Do you see how this is the number one entry point for aluminum to enter the body?

* Can you guess why the inactive ingredients aren't listed?

* Imagine the outcry from all the millions of health conscious Americans who suddenly discovered that they are being poisoned!

*Yes, that's why they aren't listed.

So, if you and your vast readership are concerned about getting too much aluminum in their diets, you can all relax about naturally occurring aluminum in the water, or cooking with pots and pans. These are trivial sources of aluminum compared with the several pounds of aluminum directly swallowed or absorbed through the tissues while brushing our teeth.

On the bright side, we can all still have a beautiful smile in our old age, if only we can remember how to smile.

Thank You...Paul Kuhlman

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Roy Orbison and The Everly Brothers - "What'd I Say" on "Shindig"

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

Thursday, March 21, 2013

By Dr. Mercola

Healthy Food – Not Fluoride – Essential for Healthy Teeth

    Fluoride's predominant action is on the surface of your tooth (although even this is now questionable) and not from inside the body – so the idea that many Americans are still being forced to swallow it for their teeth defies all common reason. Good oral health and strong, healthy teeth are NOT the result of drinking fluoridated water and brushing your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste. Rather it's virtually all about your diet.

    Dr. Weston A. Price, who was one of the major nutritional pioneers of all time, completed some of the most extensive research on this topic back in the early 1900s and documented his findings in his classic book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. He found native tribes who were eating their traditional diet had nearly perfect teeth, and were almost 100 percent free of tooth decay -- and they did not have toothbrushes, floss, toothpaste, or root canals and fillings.

    But when these tribal populations were introduced to sugar and white flour, guess what happened … their health, and their perfect teeth, rapidly deteriorated, just like the kids in El Salvador. By avoiding sugars and processed foods, you prevent the proliferation of the bacteria that cause decay in the first place.

    Most people whose diet includes very little sugar and few processed foods have very low rates of tooth decay. So the simple act of limiting, or eliminating sugar, and avoiding processed foods -- along with regular cleanings with your natural mercury-free dentist -- will ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy and cavity-free naturally.

Infants and Children Among Those Most at Risk

    Breast milk contains very little, almost no, fluoride, and this is by design. Remember, fluoride is a neurodevelopmental toxin that can damage a baby’s brain. As Dr. Paul Connett, co-author of the book, The Case Against Fluoride, explained:

        “In the view of many critics of fluoridation, including Arvid Carlsson, Nobel laureate in medicine/physiology, it is reckless to expose infants to levels of fluoride orders of magnitude higher than that found in breast milk.

        In the U.S., infants who are fed formula reconstituted with fluoridated tap water receive the highest levels of fluoride (per kilogram bodyweight) in the human population. Specifically, infants who are fed formula made with fluoridated water at the current level of 1 part-per-million (1 ppm = 1 mg/liter) fluoride will receive a dose up to 250 times more than the breastfed infant.

        Even with the proposal by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to lower fluoride to 0.7 ppm in fluoridation schemes, bottle-fed infants will still receive up to 175 times more fluoride than the breastfed infant.

        … Even though health agencies in the U.S. and other fluoridating countries have recognized that children are being grossly over-exposed to fluoride (41 percent of American children aged 12-15 now have some form of dental fluorosis), they are unwilling to concede that fluoride may be impacting the brain. Their approach has been either to ignore these studies completely or to challenge the relevance and the methodology of the fluoride-brain studies. They have thus far failed to conduct any IQ studies of their own.”

What You Can Do TODAY!

    The Fluoride Action Network6 has a game plan to END water fluoridation in both Canada and the United States. Our fluoride initiative will primarily focus on Canada since 60 percent of Canada is already non-fluoridated. If we can get Calgary and the rest of Canada to stop fluoridating their water, we believe the U.S. will be forced to follow.

    Please, join the anti-fluoride movement in Canada and United States by contacting the representative for your area below.

Contact Information for Canadian Communities:

        If you live in Ontario, Canada, please join the ongoing effort by contacting Diane Sprules at
        The point-of-contact for Toronto, Canada is Aliss Terpstra. You may email her at

Contact Information for American Communities:

    We're also going to address three U.S. communities: New York City, Austin, and San Diego:

        New York City, NY: The anti-fluoridation movement has a great champion in New York City councilor Peter Vallone, Jr. who introduced legislation "prohibiting the addition of fluoride to the water supply." A victory there could signal the beginning of the end of fluoridation in the U.S.

        If you live in the New York area I implore you to participate in this effort as your contribution could have a MAJOR difference. Remember that one person can make a difference.

        The point person for this area is Carol Kopf, at the New York Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF). Email her at Please contact her if you're interested in helping with this effort.
        Austin, Texas: Join the effort by contacting Rae Nadler-Olenick at either: or, or by regular mail or telephone:

        POB 7486
        Austin, Texas 78713
        Phone: (512) 371-3786
        San Diego, California: Contact Patty Ducey-Brooks, publisher of the Presidio Sentinel at

Thank You Dr. Mercola

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God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson
Continued from Last Post.

By Dr. Mercola

     Did you know that the United States is one of only eight countries in the entire developed world that fluoridates more than 50 percent of its water supply? Even China does NOT allow water fluoridation because it's too toxic and causes damage, according to their studies. Instead, the waste product from their phosphate fertilizer industry is shipped to the United States, where we add it to our water supply!

    This is a very important point: the fluoride added to your water is NOT even pharmaceutical grade.

    It's a toxic industrial waste product, which is also contaminated with lead, arsenic, radionucleotides, aluminum and other industrial contaminants. The story gets even more convoluted, as now declassified files of the Manhattan Project and the Atomic Energy Commission show that the original motivation for promoting fluoride and water fluoridation in the United States was to protect the bomb-, aluminum-, and other fluoride-polluting industries from liability. In the early days some of the sodium fluoride used to fluoridate water supplies in the U.S. came from Alcoa.

    A couple of years later, they switched to the even more hazardous waste product hydrofluorosilicic acid from the phosphate fertilizer industry.

    While the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officially claims that "For more than 65 years, water fluoridation has undergone extensive scientific studies and reviews to assess its public health benefits and risks. For many years, panels of experts from different health and scientific fields have provided strong evidence that water fluoridation is safe and effective,”4 this claim appears to have the flimsiest of foundations.

    According to a 2006 report from the National Research Council,5 extensive amounts of research are inconclusive, or still missing and need to be conducted to evaluate the whole-body impact of fluoride …

    Not only that, but their scientific review also identified research suggesting a variety of harmful effects, from skeletal fluorosis, bone fractures, and, potentially, even cancer. With that in mind, how can the CDC claim that "extensive research" has concluded water fluoridation is safe for ALL community residents, without differentiation between infants and adults, the sick or the healthy?

    How can the CDC possibly claim, as they often do, that water fluoridation is one of the top public health achievements of the last century? Fluoride is a toxic agent that is biologically active in the human body where it accumulates in sensitive tissues over time, wreaks havoc with enzymes and produces a number of serious adverse health effects—including neurological and endocrine dysfunctions. So why is it still being added to so much of the U.S. water supply?

By Dr. Mercola


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Céline Dion - It's All Coming Back To Me Now

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ

By Dr. Mercola

    Fluoride is added to 70 percent of U.S. public drinking water supplies to aid in the prevention of cavities.

    This benefit is dubious at best, as there is practically no difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries, and no difference between states that fluoridate a high versus low percentage of their water.

    Yet, while fluoride in drinking water does NOT decrease rates of tooth decay, numerous studies show that this chemical has a wide array of devastating health effects – one of them being lowered IQ.

Yet Another Study Links Fluoride to Lower IQ Levels

    A review of brain studies involving the use of fluoride has concluded that one of the adverse effects of fluoride exposure on children is damage to their neurological development.1 According to the Harvard researchers, children who lived in high-fluoride areas had “significantly lower IQ than those in low fluoride areas,” with the authors noting:

        “The results support the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children's neurodevelopment.“

    This just adds to the growing number of animal and human studies demonstrating the damage fluoride inflicts on your brain, including your pineal gland. The results of one study looking at children’s intelligence in two towns – one with fluoridated water and one without – were particularly revealing, with about 28 percent of the children in the low-fluoride area scoring as “bright, normal or higher intelligence” compared to only 8 percent in the high-fluoride area.

    Further, 15 percent of children in the high-fluoride city had signs of mental retardation, compared with only 6 percent in the low-fluoride city. And the study even accounted for other potential variables, such as lead exposure, iodine deficiency or a history of brain disease or head injury. There have been over 23 human studies and 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage.

By Dr. Mercola


Willie Nelson - Precious Memories

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Continued from last post.


Getting rid of aluminum and remediating the damage
"The evidence is strong enough that the prudent person will eliminate all food and cosmetic sources of aluminum, and will use aluminum cooking utensils only if they are coated." Gary Price Todd, M.D., Nutrition, Health and Disease, 1985

High fiber diet - Fiber in the diet will bind with aluminum salts and carry them out with your next bowel movement. Apple pectin, for instance is an effective binding agent.

Algin has the reputation of removing heavy metals. Typically, 5 capsules of algin are consumed in the morning and again at noon for 10 days. After another 10 days of rest, repeat the process. Continue for 3 months.

Calcium and Magnesium supplements - They bind with aluminum and will carry it out of the body.

Intravenous chelation? - Several dozen sessions of intravenous EDTA chelation will remove a significant load of metals from the body including obstructive calcum plaques from the arteries. Aluminum is not a "heavy metal." There is some controversy about the ability of intravenous EDTA chelation to remove aluminum.

"Oral chelation" - A serious program of specific nutrients can have a similar effect as intravenous chelation when continued for some months. It is generally believed that oral chelating agents can displace aluminum from tissues.

Lecithin - Bathes and protects the nerves including the brain.

B complex vitamins, especially B6 - are important for removing excess metals from the body.

TOXIC HEAVY METALS: SOURCES AND SPECIFIC EFFECT - Recent studies suggest that aluminum may be involved in the progression of Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's disease, Guam ALS-PD complex, "Dialysis dementia", Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), senile and presenile dementia, neurofibrillary tangles, clumsiness of movements, staggering when walking and an inability to pronounce words properly (Berkum 1986; Goyer 1991; Shore and Wyatt, 1983). To date, however, we do not completely understand the role that aluminum plays in the progression of such human degenerative syndromes.

Chronic aluminum exposure has contributed directly to hepatic failure, renal failure, and dementia (Arieff et al., 1979). Other symptoms that have been observed in individuals with high internal concentrations of aluminum are colic, convulsions, esophagitis, gastroenteritis, kidney damage, liver dysfunction, loss of appetite, loss of balance, muscle pain, psychosis, shortness of breath, weakness, and fatigue (ATSDR 1990). Behavioral difficulties among schoolchildren have also been correlated with elevated levels of aluminum and other neuro-toxic heavy metals (Goyer 1991). And, aluminum toxicity may also cause birth defects in newborns (ATSDR 1990).

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Larry Nelson
Continued from last post.


Aluminum toxicity produces symptoms of poor calcium metabolism similar to osteoporosis including softening of the bones and rickets. Aluminum ingestion impairs absorption of selenium and phosphorus. Because low serum phosphate causes the bones to dissolve and the muscles to weaken, consumption of aluminum reduces total bone and matrix formation as well as periosteal bone and matrix formation. The weakened muscles can become painful, ache or twitch. Dialysis patients who get large doses of aluminum risk the formation of osteomalacia.

Gastointestinal irritation and disturbances produce colic, loss of apetite (anorexia), esophagitis, gastroenteritis

Hepatic dysfunction (decreased liver function) can result in anemia and loss of energy.

Additional symptoms include dyspnea, headaches.

Benefits of organic aluminum in the brain
Although there is a large amount of aluminum in dirt, it actually only found in small amounts in plants. Minute amounts of organic aluminum are needed in the brain to catalyze (activate) important enzyme systems. The herb gotu kola, which has a reputation as a memory booster and brain enhancer is assayed to have amoung the highest levels of aluminum of all herbs. (see Organic vs. Inorganic.)

Toxicity of inorganic aluminum in nerve and brain tissues
Suprisingly, aluminum is needed in very minute amounts to activate enzyme systems in the brain.

Excessive aluminum evidently accumulates in long-lived cells such as nerve cells where it gradually poisons and kills the cells.

Brain functions are disturbed by the deposit of (even relatively small) excessive levels of aluminum. When aluminum salts accumulate in the brain, they reduce mental faculties. Aluminum toxicity in the brain produces symptoms similar to Alzheimer's disease. Symptoms include forgetfulness, speech disturbances, memory loss, dementia, psychosis, extreme neverousness, encephalopathy, ataxia and seizures.

Alzheimer's disease is probably directly related to accumulation of inorganic aluminum in the brain. Aluminum-injected rats learn at a slower rate and have aluminum concentrations in their brains parallel to thos found in the brains of Alzeheimer's patients. There has been some controversy over the concept that aluminum deposits may be result of Alzheimer's rather than the cause of it. Some believe that aluminum becomes deposited on the debris of dead cells.

The level of aluminum in ground water around the world does not seem to be related to the incidence of Alzheimer's.

Aluminum toxicity can also produce motor nerve paralysis and localized numbness.

The Aluminum - Magnesium Link

Research have suggested that aluminum may be more likely to accumulate in the brains of persons whose diets are magnesium-deficient -- which, unfortunately, includes 90% of Americans! Several studies have shown that animals fed diets low in magnesium accumulate high concentrations of aluminum in the Central Nervous System. One of magnesium's many functions is to activate the enzyme tubulin involved in the maintenance of nerve tissue cells. It has been suggested that when there is not enough Magnesium in the body to plug into the appropriate receptor site on the tubulin enzyme, aluminum takes its place instead. This leads to the inactivation of tubulin and, consequently, inadequate nerve function. Malic acid can pull aluminum away from this enzyme, making a place for magnesium. This may be a protection against Alzheimer's disease. Malic Acid is found abundantly in fruits such as apples. Malic Acid is also produced in the human body. It is a metabolite of the Krebs cycle the set of biochemical reactions used to produce 90% of all energy in the cells of the body. Malic Acid readily crosses the Blood-Brain-Barrier and has been shown to bind to aluminum. It functions in the body by drawing aluminum away from the tubulin enzyme, so that Magnesium can plug into the receptor sites instead. Malic Acid's unique ability to bind with aluminum means it can be flushed out of the body, preventing unwanted build-up.
Because a Magnesium-deficient diet may increase the amount of aluminum taken up and stored by the body, it is vitally important that we take in sufficient amounts.

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Continued from last post.


Aluminum is included in many dental amalgams. It is added to some toothpastes. Read labels carefully for chemicals such as dihydroxyaluminum.

Aluminum chlorhydrate is a prominant component of many antiperspirants. It is DESIGNED to be absorbed. Studies show that regular use of these product can raise the risk of Alzheimer's by as much as three-fold.

Aluminum hydroxide in antacids - Aluminum hydroxide in antacids may be the most common cause of aluminum toxicity in the United States (where antacids are widely advertised and inappropriately used). Elizabeth Jeffery, a research scientist at the Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Illinois says that "A normal dose of Tums will give you 5 grams of aluminum hydroxide a day." This is several hundred times the amount normally ingested from food sources. Besides creating digestive complications by neutralizing stomach acid, other side effects are described below.

Aluminum smelting plants - People who work in aluminum smelting plants may experience dizziness, loss of coordination and balance and unusual fatigue. This could be the result of aluminum accumulating in nervous tissues.

Aluminum and silicon - These are two most abundant elements in dirt. When these two elements are absorbed in the intestines they form _?_ compounds that accumulate in the cerebral cortex, blocking nerve impulses. This is agravated by calcium deficiencies.

Excretion and removal of aluminum (4 lines of defense)
The body is easily able to manage normal, natural levels of aluminum. The body excretes 74-96% of our normal dietary intake of aluminum. Most of the aluminum forms insoluble salts, especially phosphate salts, in the intestine. These are mostly excreted in the feces instead of being absorbed. In excess, however, this can produce a phosphorous deficiency which leads to calcium loss which leads to structural problems.

The aluminum that is absorbed is only poorly excreted by the kidneys and can easily accumulate in body tissues. It tends to concentrate in the brain, liver, thyroid and lungs.
The elderly and those with kidney damage are especially at risk of accumulating aluminum.

Toxicity in soft tissues and organs
Aluminum can be toxic if it is present in tissues in excessive amounts. Usually, the body shows some ability to adapt to increased aluminum intake over time. Individuals with hypophhosophatemia or abnormal bone metabolism adapt less well.

Aluminum is excreted through the kidneys. Excessive amounts damage the kidneys, impair kidney function and can cause nephritis and may produce excessive sweating. Chronic renal insufficiency increases the severity of other aluminum-induced diseases.

Ray Charles - Leave My Woman Alone - Original

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God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Continued from last post.


Aluminum is the most abundant metallic element in the earth's crust. It is
abundant in the soil, water and air particles. Acidic rain increases the
amount that is leached into our water supplies.

Aluminum is an abundant element in dirt. It is found naturally in nearly all
foods and herbs. Herb companies, knowing how much aluminum a pure herb should
contain, can use a laboratory measure of aluminum content to indicate how
clean the plant (especially root material) is; extra dirt would add to the
aliminum content.

Aluminum is not a "heavy metal." It is used in industry where economy,
stength and light weight are needed i.e. aircraft parts and beer cans, etc.
Minute amounts of aluminum are needed in the brain to activate vital enzyme
systems. It may even play a role in protein synthesis.

There is a distinct difference between organic and inorganic forms of

Sources of Aluminum and aluminum compounds
Aluminum is primarily absorbed into the body through the digestive tract.

Dietary intake ranges widely from 5 to 150 mg/day. These levels do not seem
to interfere with the absorption or utilization of calcium, phosphorous,
zinc, copper, selenium, iron or magnesium. Adequate calcium intake may
decrease the risk of aluminum toxicity.

It is also absorbed through the lungs and skin.

Treated municipal water - Many municipal water supplies are treated with alum
(aluminum sulfate) to get rid of murkiness. At least seven separate studies
have shown that people drinking water high in alum are more likely to develop
Alzheimer's than people drinking water low in alum. The worst part is that
alum can combine with flouride in the blood to form aluminum fluoride. About
300,000,000 pounds of sodium fluoride, an industrial waste from aluminum
refiners, is added to our water supply each year. (see Fluoridated Water)

Aluminum researcher Elizabeth Jeffery has found evidence that flouride
interferes with the body's ability to get rid of aluminum. She says, "My
research indicates that flouride readily combines with aluminum in the blood,
and that aluminum flouride, once formed is very poorly excreted in the
urine." She believes that the aluminum fluoride then becomes concentrated in
the bones (where flourine replaces calcium) and continues to slowly release
and recycle through the body over time. Albert Burgstahler, a professor of
biochemistry at the University of Kansas, has found that aluminum flouride
can pass unusually well through biological barriers, notably the blood-brain
barrier, and accululate in the brain. (See "Toxicity in brain tissues" below)

The EPA Secondary Maximum Contaminant level for aluminum in water is 50 ppb.

City water filtered through a "Multi-pure" system is usually less than 10
ppb. Coca-Cola Classic in an aluminum can has been measured at 6,160 ppb.
(Don't be too shocked. The amounts of aluminum in baked goods, antacids and
antiperspirants leaves your Cola in the dust.)

Carbonated beverages are acidic. When doctors at John Hunter Hospital checked
containers of 52 different beverages, they found soft drinks in cans
contained up to 4 1/2 times the recommended amount of aluminum that drinking
water can contain. Medical Journal of Australia 156(9): 604-5, 1992

Aluminum alloy cookware and containers - Cooking utensils and aluminum
beverage cans contribute substantially to our load of aluminum. Beer has more
aluminum when it is packaged in aluminum cans. It is best to use stainless
steel cooking containers or glass or iron cookware. The older your aluminum
cookware is the more rapidy it corrodes. Acid-forming foods dissolve aluminum
more rapidly. The amount of aluminum ingested from cookware, however is far
exceeded by the amounts ingested from food additives.

Food - Sodium aluminum phosphate is an additive in most baking powders, cake
mixes and self-rising flower.. If this form of aluminum combines with maltol,
a sugar-like flavoring agent, the resulting aluminum compound is able to get
through the blood-brain barrier 90 times as well.

Potassium alum is used to whiten bleached flour.

Aluminum compounds are widely used as additives to prepared foods. They
lighten food texture, adjust acidity and keep chunks of processed vegetables
and fruits firmer.

Aluminum is even used in infant formulas and beer.
Sodium aluminosilicate or aluminum calcium silicate are added to table salt
to absorb moisture and keep it from caking.

Sodium aluminum phosphate is used as an emulsifier in processed cheese.
OTC and prescription drugs - Aluminum is found in many over-the-counter
painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and douche preparations. For instance,
aspirin is commonly buffered with aluminum hydroxide or aluminum glycinate.

If you wash down your aspirin with orange juice, the buffering powder becomes
aluminum citrate which is able to get through the blood-brain barrier five
times as well.

Let it be - Ray Charles

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Larry Nelson

Alzheimer's & Aluminum Toxicity

Reducing Your Risk of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease, or senile dementia of the Alzheimer's type, will be one of America's greatest health problems in the coming years. Sixty percent of patients now admitted to nursing homes have this diagnosis, and the number of Alzheimer's victims is projected to increase as much as eight-fold by the middle of the next century.

There is a strong connection between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. Research clearly demonstrates abnormally high accumulations of aluminum within the brains of Alzheimer's victims. Independent studies performed in Norway, the United Kingdom, France and Canada, show a direct correlation between the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and aluminum concentrations in the drinking water.1,2,3,4 In fact, one British study reported in the highly respected medical journal; The Lancet, showed the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease to be 50 percent greater where drinking water contained high levels of aluminum.5

The connection between aluminum in the brain and Alzheimer's Disease is so convincing that various studies are under way to explore whether aluminum in the brain can be removed, and if so, to determine if this would be beneficial for Alzheimer's patients. One fascinating study also reported in The Lancet, showed that by administering desferrioxamine, a chemical known to remove aluminum and other metals from the body, the progression of dementia associated with Alzheimer's disease was significantly slowed.6

In a recent article appearing in the Townsend Letter for Doctors (November 1993), Dr. Michael A. Weiner, executive director of the Alzheimer's Research Institute summarized our present understanding of the dangers of aluminum exposure when he stated "... aluminum has been known as a neurotoxic substance for nearly a century. The scientific literature on its toxic effects has now grown to a critical mass. It is not necessary to conclude that aluminum causes Alzheimer's disease to recommend that it be reduced or eliminated as a potential risk. It is the only element noted to accumulate in the tangle-bearing neurons characteristic of the disease and is also found in elevated amounts in four regions of the brain of Alzheimer's patients."

Our exposure to aluminum is certainly nothing new. It is one of the most common elements in the earth's crust and has long made its way into our foods. Ancient man consumed aluminum when rocks were used to mill grain into flour. Minimal exposure to aluminum isn't a problem; our bodies can excrete small amounts very efficiently. Laboratory research has shown that we can handle about twenty milligrams of aluminum ingestion each day.7 Unfortunately, most of us are exposed to and ingest far more aluminum than our bodies can handle.

What are the sources of aluminum that contribute to toxicity? Aluminum is an ingredient in a wide-range of items that many of us use every day. Some of these products include processed foods, medications and even personal hygiene products.

Aluminum is added as an emulsifying agent in many processed cheeses, especially those which are single-sliced. It is found in cake mixes, self-rising flour, prepared doughs, nondairy creamers, pickles and in some brands of baking powder. Aluminum lauryl sulfate is a common ingredient in many shampoos, while several anti dandruff shampoos, including Selsun-Blue, contain magnesium aluminum silicate. Aluminum is an active ingredient in most antiperspirants (aluminum chlorhydrate). However, since people have started becoming more aware of the dangers of aluminum, some "aluminum free" antiperspirants are now being advertised.

Aluminum is readily absorbed by foods cooked in aluminum cookware. In a study conducted at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, tomatoes cooked in an aluminum pot had a two to four milligram increase in aluminum content per serving.8 Perhaps the most significant source of aluminum exposure comes from medications. Most antacid preparations, for example, may contain 200 milligrams or more of elemental aluminum in a single tablet! That's ten times more than the presumably acceptable 20 milligrams per day.
[Note: When purchasing cookware, take a magnet with you to the store to help identify steel cookware. -ed.]

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Almost 75 years ago, Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel prizes for his theories that cancer is caused by impaired cell respiration due to a lack of oxygen at the cellular level. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in hyper-acidity at the cellular level.

In 1984 Keith Brewer, PhD (Physics) translated Warburg's theories into a practical, cost efficient treatment protocol for cancer. Brewer successfully treated 30 patients with various cancers, using Cesium, nature's most alkaline mineral. The results of Brewer's work -- all 30 survived.

Dr. Brewer noted that the element also apparently retards aging. After taking cesium daily for five years, he reported he was still more vigorous than when he began. He was 92 by that time. This is consistent with research being done with treatment of chronic fatigue. An increase of the alkalinity in the body by .6 ph, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood by almost 70%. It is only logical that this would increase one's energy and mental alertness, and help avert degenerative diseases. It would also be a healthier energy than from caffeine, candy, drugs, or alcohol.

In 1996 Neal Deoul provided financing that enabled T-UP Inc. to become a primary distributor of Cesium and concentrated aloe vera. Hundreds of cancer patients experienced remarkable results using Cesium and T-UP aloe vera in their battles against cancer ...

Over seventy-five years ago Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel Prize winning paper describing the environment of the cancer cell. A normal cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take up oxygen to convert glucose into energy by oxidation. In the absence of oxygen the cell reverts to a primitive nutritional program to sustain itself, converting glucose, by fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division and the cancer cells begin to multiply unchecked. The lactic acid simultaneously causes intense local pain and destroys cell enzymes. Therefore, cancer appears as a rapidly growing outer cell mass with a core of dead cells.

Cesium, a naturally occurring alkaline element has been shown to affect the cancer cell two ways. First, Cesium limits the cellular uptake of the nutrient glucose, starving the cancer cell and diminishing fermentation. Second, Cesium raises the cell pH to the range of 8.0 neutralizing the weak lactic acid and stopping pain within 12 to 24 hours. A pH range of 8.0 is a deadly environment for the cancer cell and the cancer cell dies within a few days and is absorbed and eliminated by the body.

The science of High pH therapy (drastically changing the acid/alkaline balance of the cell):

By the late 1970's mass spectrographic and isotope studies had shown that tumor cells exhibit a preference for the uptake of certain alkaline minerals; Potassium, Rubidium, and especially Cesium. Further, specific antioxidants i.e. vitamin C, and Zinc were shown to enhance the uptake of these alkaline minerals by the cancer cell.

A normal cell is surrounded by a membrane, which selectively allows materials to flow in and out. Oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose, flow in and the waste products of cellular chemistry flow out. The cells are protected by the immune system; a well functioning immune system is the best defense against the formation of cancer cells. When environmental toxins (carcinogens) overwhelm the immune system the entire program is compromised. The cell membrane is affected first, losing its ability to exchange oxygen (respiration); the cell then reverts to a primitive survival mechanism - fermentation. The newly formed (anaerobic) cancer cell cannot be repaired (fermentation is not reversible) the cell is now out of control and must be destroyed as rapidly as possible.

Note that in areas of the world where there is a high Cesium content in the soil cancer is virtually unknown: Hopi Indians of Arizona, the Hunza of North Pakistan, and the Indians of Central and South America. This observation suggests the possibility of a vitamin, mineral, antioxidant formula containing Cesium in an amount equal to that found in the soil of cancer free habitats. This vitamin could be a powerful new tool to help slow down and even reverse the present cancer epidemic.

Some possible side effects noted during Cesium therapy:

Numbness within the triangle describing the mouth and the tip of the nose. Nausea and/or flu like discomfort.

Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight w/lyrics

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God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

Monday, March 18, 2013

We Face a Time of New Beginning

In the beginning, the earth's atmosphere was 37% oxygen. Now the
atmosphere is 20% oxygen. Oxygen is essential to metabolize food and
create high energy, and it is also impossible for cancer to exist in an
alkaline oxygen-rich environment.

All people have the right to know the truth and the basics for human life.
God did not create the human body to suffer from cancer, and if we will
use the same methods scientists use, to return the body to its original
state, we will never suffer from this disease. People who know and apply
this information are saving hundreds of thousands of lives annually.

Scientists have simply shown us how to raise the body's alkalinity and
oxygen to eliminate cancer. The method is just a logical and safe way of
returning the body to its original state.

- No Cutting; No Burning; No Nuking; No Drugs -

18 things that CAUSE cancer: (in no particular order)

    Smoking cigarettes
    Drinking non-organic milk or eating non-organic dairy products
    Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids
    Mammography radiation
    Chemotherapy and radiation
    Perfumes and fragrance products
    Cosmetics and personal care products
    Home cleaning products, including laundry detergent, dryer sheets, etc.

    Plastic food containers - includes plastic lining inside food cans
    Sodium nitrite - found in most processed meats
    Pesticides, PCBs, chlorine and other chemicals
    Acrylamides (formed during high-heat food processing such as frying)
    Watching television / lack of exercise
    Severe emotional distress or relationship stress
    Refined sugars / refined grains
    Dry cleaning chemicals
    Hair color chemicals
    Nail polish remover

22 things that PREVENT cancer:

    Vitamin D and sunshine - see the Healing Power of Sunlight and

Vitamin D
    Anti-cancer foods
    Green tea
    Broccoli and cruciferous vegetables
    Medicinal mushrooms - reishi, shiitake, agaricus blazei, etc.
    Lycopene and tomatoes
    Infra-red saunas and sweat lodges - because sweating expels toxins
    Pomegranate seeds
    Omega-3 oils / chia seeds
    Rainforest herbs - There are many anti-cancer rainforest herbs,
    including graviola and Cat's Claw (Una de Gato).
    Juice detoxification
    Acupuncture - helps move blood and chi (body's energy)
    Sprouts - ALL sprouts are anti-cancer. Best sprouting machine is the

EasyGreen Automatic Sprouter (use any search engine to find resellers)
    Red clover - Helps cleanse the blood. Find from any supplement maker.
    Deep breathing / oxygenation / stress reduction
    Yoga, Tai Chi or Pilates - These all boost lymph circulation
    Cacao - (real chocolate)
    Therapeutic massage - helps move lymph, boost circulation
    Mint - grow your own (the easiest plant to grow)
    Apricot pits / laetrile / vitamin B17

The cancer industry attacks nearly all genuine cancer solutions
After examining this list, it's not difficult to notice something quite
curious: The cancer industry promotes many things that cause cancer while
attacking most things that prevent cancer. Naturopathic doctors who once
prescribed laetrile for cancer patients, for example, have been run out
of the country or arrested. Herbal product companies have been censored
to such a degree that none dare tell the truth about the anti-cancer
effects of their own products, and even broccoli growers and marketers
are scared into remaining silent about the remarkable, scientifically-
proven anti-cancer effects of broccoli.

In other words, if you want to know what the cancer industry supports or
attacks, just check to see which list it's on. If it's on the list of
things that prevent cancer, the cancer industry (including most of its
doctors, oncologists, non-profits and government regulators) will be
against it. If it's on the list of things that cause cancer, they will
promote it.

The exception to this is, of course, tobacco. That's a substance that
doctors once gladly promoted in magazine advertisements, claiming that
smoking was good for your health and even improved your teeth! But today,
the tobacco scam has long since been revealed, and even conventional
medicine is now squarely against this substance that they once strongly

The American Medical Association, by the way, used to actually run ads
for cigarettes in its flagship medical journal, JAMA. Doctors can always
be bought off and made to promote whatever poison is making the most
money this decade (these people have no shame). In the 1950's, it was
cigarettes. Today, it's pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy. Different
drugs, same scam. But money was always -- and IS always -- the bottom
line for conventional medicine.

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Larry Nelson

Understanding Cancer

Cancer does not develop for some unknown reason. Once you understand why
and how it develops, and learn how to support your body so that it may
more effectively fight cancer, it may never be too late to get healthy
again. (No matter what type, they have the same underlying causes.)

Cancer is a natural process where, to put it simply, an overworked and
weakened immune system cannot kill it as fast as it is multiplying.

Toxin, carcinogens, radiation, even viruses, combined with an unhealthy
internal environment , and in conjunction with a weakened immune system,
cause more cells to turn cancerous, and allows them to thrive.

You must change your internal environment to one in which cancer cannot
thrive. Just as we couldn't live on Mars with no oxygen, cancer can't
exist in cells where there is enough oxygen. Unfortunately, all too often
our cells are low in oxygen. Fortunately it is possible to increase the
levels of oxygen in cells, thus, making your body's internal environment
a place where cancer can't easily survive.

Immune System Support for Cancer

Cancer is a perfectly natural process. A very small percentage of cells
in every person who has ever lived turn cancerous. And the body usually
gets rid of those cancerous cells before they do harm. This process has
been going on for eons. It is only when more cancer cells are being
created than the body can get rid of that the problem comes. With
increased toxins, viruses, carcinogens, etc. our immune systems have
become significantly overworked and weakened.

The underlying cause of all cancer, no matter what type, may have been
discovered by Otto Warburg over 50 years ago. He actually won two Nobel
Prizes for work proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration
in cells. He stated in "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" that
the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever
any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements.

Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But,
even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few
words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of
oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.

Research Implications

All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen,
whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by
fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas
all cancer cells are partial anaerobes." J.B. Kizer, a biochemist and
physicist at Gungnir Research in Portsmith, Ohio explained, "Since
Warburg's discovery, this difference in respiration has remained the most
fundamental (and some say, only) physiological difference consistently
found between normal and cancer cells.

A nurse who works in medical research said, "It's so simple. I don't know
why I never thought of it before. When we're working with cell cultures
in the lab, if we want the cells to mutate, we turn down the oxygen, to
stop them, we turn the oxygen back up."

Ma Lan, MD and Joel Wallach DVD, point out that one type of white blood
cells kills cancer cells by injecting oxygen creating hydrogen peroxide
into the cells. Looking at cancer in this light, it makes sense to
drastically increase cellular oxygen levels and to detoxify the body so
that more cells stay oxygenated.


In chemistry, alkali solutions (pH over 7.0) tend to absorb oxygen, while
acids (pH under 7.0) tend to expel oxygen. For example, a mild alkali can
absorb over 100 times as much oxygen as a mild acid. Therefore, when the
body becomes acidic by dropping below pH 7.0 (note: all body fluids,
except for stomach and urine, are supposed to be mildly alkaline at pH
7.4), oxygen is driven out of the body thereby, according to Nobel Prize
winner Otto Warburg, inducing cancer. Stomach fluids must remain acidic
to digest food and urine must remain acidic to remove wastes from the
body. Blood is the exception. Blood must always remain at an alkaline pH
7.4 so that it can retain its oxygen. When adequate mineral consumption
is in the diet, the blood is supplied the crucial minerals required to
maintain an alkaline pH of 7.4.

However when insufficient mineral consumption is in the diet, the body is
forced to rob Peter (other body fluids) to pay Paul (the blood). In doing
so, it removes crucial minerals, such as calcium, from the saliva, spinal
fluids, kidneys, liver, etc., in order to maintain the blood at pH 7.4.

This causes the de-mineralized fluids and organs to become acidic and
therefore anaerobic, thus inducing not only cancer, but a host of other
degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, lupus,
etc.. Everyone knows that the human body is made up of 78% water by
weight, and that water is hydrogen and oxygen gases. When nitrogen gas
and carbon in the form of carbon dioxide and methane gases are added, the
total gas in the body by weight becomes over 95%. Almost half of the
remaining 5% that makes up the human body and controls all biological
functions is the mineral calcium. No other mineral is capable of
performing as many biological functions as is calcium. Calcium is
involved in almost every biological function. This amazing mineral
provides the electrical energy for the heart to beat and for all muscle
movement. It is the calcium ion that is responsible for feeding every
cell. It does this by latching on to seven nutrient molecules and one
water molecule and pulls them through the nutrient channel. It then
detaches its load and returns to repeat the process. Another important
biological job for calcium is DNA replication, which is crucial for
maintaining youth and a healthy body. DNA replication is the basis for
all body repair and can only occur on a substrate of calcium.

Thus, low calcium means low body repair and premature aging. As important
as all these and hundreds of other biological functions of calcium are to
human health, none is more important than the job of pH control. Calcium
to acid, is like water to a fire. Calcium quickly destroys oxygen robbing
acid in the body fluids. Thus, the more calcium, the more oxygen, and
therefore, the less cancer and other degenerative disease.

Calcium is the Key

In the 1950s, Dr. Carl Reich M.D. discovered that his patients were able
to cure themselves of almost all degenerative diseases by consuming
several times the RDA of calcium, magnesium, vitamin-D and other
nutrients. Dr. Reich was the first North American doctor to prescribe
mega doses of minerals and vitamins to his patients and is considered by
many to be the father of preventive medicine. By the 1980s Dr. Reich had
cured thousands, but lost his license for explaining that the consumption
of mineral nutrients, such as calcium, could prevent cancer and a host of
other diseases. This concept was considered too simple to accept by the
medical wisdom of the day. However, by the late 1990s, other medical men
of wisdom were also discovering that calcium supplements could indeed
reverse cancer.

        Continued in Next Post!

Michael Bolton - Missing You Now

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God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Almost 75 years ago, Otto Warburg was awarded two Nobel prizes for his theories that cancer is caused by impaired cell respiration due to a lack of oxygen at the cellular level. According to Warburg, damaged cell respiration causes fermentation, resulting in hyper-acidity at the cellular level.

In 1984 Keith Brewer, PhD (Physics) translated Warburg's theories into a practical, cost efficient treatment protocol for cancer. Brewer successfully treated 30 patients with various cancers, using Cesium, nature's most alkaline mineral. The results of Brewer's work -- all 30 survived.

Dr. Brewer noted that the element also apparently retards aging. After taking cesium daily for five years, he reported he was still more vigorous than when he began. He was 92 by that time. This is consistent with research being done with treatment of chronic fatigue. An increase of the alkalinity in the body by .6 ph, increases the amount of oxygen in the blood by almost 70%. It is only logical that this would increase one's energy and mental alertness, and help avert degenerative diseases. It would also be a healthier energy than from caffeine, candy, drugs, or alcohol.

In 1996 Neal Deoul provided financing that enabled T-UP Inc. to become a primary distributor of Cesium and concentrated aloe vera. Hundreds of cancer patients experienced remarkable results using Cesium and T-UP aloe vera in their battles against cancer ...

Over seventy-five years ago Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel Prize winning paper describing the environment of the cancer cell. A normal cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take up oxygen to convert glucose into energy by oxidation. In the absence of oxygen the cell reverts to a primitive nutritional program to sustain itself, converting glucose, by fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division and the cancer cells begin to multiply unchecked. The lactic acid simultaneously causes intense local pain and destroys cell enzymes. Therefore, cancer appears as a rapidly growing outer cell mass with a core of dead cells.

Cesium, a naturally occurring alkaline element has been shown to affect the cancer cell two ways. First, Cesium limits the cellular uptake of the nutrient glucose, starving the cancer cell and diminishing fermentation. Second, Cesium raises the cell pH to the range of 8.0 neutralizing the weak lactic acid and stopping pain within 12 to 24 hours. A pH range of 8.0 is a deadly environment for the cancer cell and the cancer cell dies within a few days and is absorbed and eliminated by the body.

The science of High pH therapy (drastically changing the acid/alkaline balance of the cell):

By the late 1970's mass spectrographic and isotope studies had shown that tumor cells exhibit a preference for the uptake of certain alkaline minerals; Potassium, Rubidium, and especially Cesium. Further, specific antioxidants i.e. vitamin C, and Zinc were shown to enhance the uptake of these alkaline minerals by the cancer cell.

A normal cell is surrounded by a membrane, which selectively allows materials to flow in and out. Oxygen and nutrients, such as glucose, flow in and the waste products of cellular chemistry flow out. The cells are protected by the immune system; a well functioning immune system is the best defense against the formation of cancer cells. When environmental toxins (carcinogens) overwhelm the immune system the entire program is compromised. The cell membrane is affected first, losing its ability to exchange oxygen (respiration); the cell then reverts to a primitive survival mechanism - fermentation. The newly formed (anaerobic) cancer cell cannot be repaired (fermentation is not reversible) the cell is now out of control and must be destroyed as rapidly as possible.

Note that in areas of the world where there is a high Cesium content in the soil cancer is virtually unknown: Hopi Indians of Arizona, the Hunza of North Pakistan, and the Indians of Central and South America. This observation suggests the possibility of a vitamin, mineral, antioxidant formula containing Cesium in an amount equal to that found in the soil of cancer free habitats. This vitamin could be a powerful new tool to help slow down and even reverse the present cancer epidemic.

Some possible side effects noted during Cesium therapy:

Numbness within the triangle describing the mouth and the tip of the nose. Nausea and/or flu like discomfort.

Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman (from Black & White Night) 

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 God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

Naturopathy - A Cure For All Diseases

By P. Gopakumar [ 2006-11-5 ]

NATURE cure is a term that covers all methods of treating diseases, which aim at cooperating with the natural forces and the body's defense mechanisms. It is a distinct system of healing based upon its own philosophy of life, health and illness. Nature cure may be defined as an art, a science, a philosophy or practice which follows definite physical, chemical, biological, mental and spiritual laws for the restoration and maintenance of health and the correction of bodily disorders without the use of poisonous drugs.

Nature Therapies

Naturopathy is a system of medicine that diagnoses and prescribes through the use of water, air, diet, light, heat and all other kinds of natural methods and modalities. Nature therapies exist for most diseases, pains, injuries, deformities and psychological conditions.

Nature therapy includes mechano-therapy, auricular manipulation, corrective and orthopedic gymnastics, neurotherapy, psychotherapy, hydrotherapy, mineral baths, electrotherapy, thalmotherapy, artificial dilation and other means of stimulation of the nervous system through the body's orifices and diet.

In general, naturopathy investigates scientifically all the methods and procedures which are related to the correction of ills and the maintenance of sound health. Naturopathy prohibits the use of poisonous drugs, serums, invasive surgery, x-ray and radiation for therapeutic purposes.

The science of naturopathy has existed from time immemorial. Its origin dates back to the emergence of Homo sapiens on this planet when early man cured himself of all ailments by eating herbs and regulating his diets.

Through the ages, man has harnessed the forces of nature not only for the development of civilisation but also for keeping his body and mind healthy. This worked wonderfully well as long as they were used in their pure, unadulterated states like fresh herbs, free flowing hot water springs and natural magnets. But unfortunately with the emergence of artificially produced drugs of modern medicine, several of the infallible techniques of nature cure were thrown into the drains of history, only to be lost in mists of time.

Fortunately, over the last few years the wheel of medicine has turned a full circle, and once again interest in the natural methods of healing has been revived all over the globe. This is because modern medicine is sometimes found to do more harm and is often unsuccessful in curing chronic ailments and skin diseases.

It is true but a little known fact that naturopathy can cure virtually every disease and ailment that afflict mankind. Even the so-called terminal illnesses can be cured by naturopathy. Of all the terminal illnesses that afflict mankind, cancer is one of the most fatal ones. Cancer can be both prevented and completely eradicated from the body by the genre healing process of nature cure.

Nature cure involves educating people in self-control and inculcating the right habits of living, thereby preventing disease by following the laws of nature. It improves constitutional health by using the life force within us to effect cures and create internal defenses against ill-health and disease. It is a way of life in tune with the internal vital life-giving forces or elements, which comprise the human entity on the physical, mental and spiritual planes of well being.

There are three aspects of nature cure. First, as a natural process, which uses the natural forces of air, water, sunlight and food. Secondly, as a philosophy of natural living which incorporates healing and the joy of life. Thirdly, as a practical science of restoring health with the aid of a qualified naturopathic practitioner.

Nature cure means healing within. It is nature that heals and cures - the naturopathic physician merely lends intelligent assistance and interprets nature's laws for the patient. The body is a remarkable and unique mechanism. It can withstand danger within because of its power to correct itself and restore its own balance. No machine made by the hand of man can achieve this. No machine can repair its own broken parts, but the body does this through the air it breathes, the water it drinks and the food it eats.

Nature cures all kinds of diseases except where surgical intervention becomes essential or the body is damaged beyond repair. It is rightly said that there is no such thing as incurable disease, but there may be incurable patients. Usually patients who are medical rejects try naturopathy and expect miracles.

Nature cure treatment ensures that requisite amount of our own vital forces are generated, for it is only proper stimulation of the vital force within us that can cure us. Any form of treatment can only help the curative powers of the human system to operate more intensely than they have hitherto been doing.

Solutions Solutions The first expression of the power of life is found in nature. Amidst hostile conditions and varied zones of topography, the crosscurrents of life came out victoriously, and this has been the scenario since time immemorial. The world is going back to nature because the artificial barriers created by man cannot withstand one's own pressure. Mother Nature alone offers all the answers to us. The need is for true seekers of solutions. Let us begin to believe in its power, the fruits will come on their own.

By P. Gopakumar [ 2006-11-5 ]

Dance with my father again-Celine Dion

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God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson

You Needn't Live in Fear …

    One of the key strategies that drug companies depend on to make
medicalization of society work is targeting your news media with stories
designed to create fears about a condition or disease, and draw attention
to the latest treatment. This has led to problems on several key levels:

        People with benign, normal symptoms end up taking dangerous
drugs. Once you're convinced that natural signs of aging and common
conditions are diseases or treatable symptoms, you take drugs for such
things as balding, anxiety, mild bone loss and indigestion, which puts
your health at risk over issues that were not true illnesses or risks in
the first place.

        Further, many of these conditions are entirely treatable with
diet and lifestyle modifications.

        People who are tested regularly end up undergoing unnecessary
treatments with drugs and invasive surgery. Very few people after middle
age can pass standard medical tests without being told that they have
some sort of "risk."

        This risk is then turned into a pseudo-disease leading to such
things as dangerous breast and colon surgery and "preventive"
medications, instead of outlining natural strategies that would actually
help a person's health to thrive.

        As a result of "disease mongering," the more the medical industry
influences a nation, the sicker that nation "considers itself to be." It
eats away at your self-confidence and teaches you that you're weak and
incapable of staying well, and that all signs and symptoms are
potentially dangerous conditions and diseases.

        Truly, this sort of marketing has blurred the lines of what drugs
and surgery you really need to save your life, and which may end up
killing you faster.

        Rather than focusing more time and attention on your health as
you age, or as you see degeneration setting in, you might settle for a
"diagnosis" and the latest medications. The only winners in this grand
scheme are the ones who profit financially.

It's Time to Take Control of Your Health

    Drug companies will try to convince you that you're sick. Your
physician, too, may encourage you to seek drug treatments that aren't
really necessary and are very likely dangerous.

    The only way to break out of this self-destructive system is to take
a stand for yourself, and take control of your own health.

    One of the primary purposes of is to provide you with the
insight to protect and defend yourself from these persuasive and
manipulative influences. I encourage you to browse through the site and
get educated about how to get and stay well without drugs, surgery, and
other often-unnecessary medical interventions.

    If you're just beginning, read my nutrition plan first, as its
recommendations come from decades of experience in which I have
researched extensively, conferred with my professional colleagues, and
most importantly, successfully treated tens of thousands of patients.

    And always remember: first and foremost, drug companies are nearly
always trying to sell you something that there are better natural
solutions for. They're not really concerned if you're sick or well, or
whether you get healthy or sicker; they just want you to buy their
products. But in far more cases than not, there are more effective and
safer options than drugs to help you get well.

Johnny Cash Man In Black

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God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson