Friday, February 14, 2014

Owning a Dog Is Linked to Reduced Heart Risk

REMINDER: In The Archive is all of the articles that I
have posted since I started this blog. There is TONS OF
INFORMATION there for you to learn from. It's the type
of information that not only saved my life...It also has
given me a better quality of life.


              The Solution For Disease FREE Health...

By Dr. Mercola

    More than 36 percent of Americans share their homes with a dog,
and 30 percent with a cat.1 This amounts to more than 70 million pet
dogs and 74 million pet cats in the US alone.

    This love affair with animals is nothing new; humans have been
sharing their lives with companion animals since ancient times, when
dogs, domesticated from wolves, may have been used for hunting and
protection, and cats, which were often regarded as sacred, helped
control pests.

    This mutually beneficial relationship continues today; although
most Americans no longer depend on dogs for hunting or cats to scavenge
mice, we take them in with abandon no less, and even look the other
way when they wake us up barking or meowing at 4 am, chew up our
slippers or scratch up our new furniture.


    Because they provide unconditional love in return, providing a
sense of friendship and comfort in a way that is unmatched, sometimes
even by humans. And as if you needed another reason to give your pet
a hug today, research is also increasingly showing that these furry
creatures offer proven benefits to your health.

American Heart Association Says Owning a Pet Benefits Your Heart

    According to a new statement released by the American Heart
Association (AHA), owning a pet, particularly a dog, may reduce your
risk of heart disease. The conclusion came following a review of
dozens of studies that showed pet owners were in better health than
non-pet owners. Highlights of the research included:

        People with dogs engaged in more walking and more physical
activity, and were 54 percent more likely to get the recommended
level of physical activity Pet ownership is probably associated with
a reduction in heart disease risk factors and increased survival
among patients

        Owning a pet is linked with lower blood pressure and
cholesterol levels, and a lower incidence of obesity Pets can have
a positive effect on your body’s reaction to stress, including a
decrease in heart rate, blood pressure and adrenaline-like hormone
release when a pet is present

    While many of the studies did not prove that owning a pet
directly reduces heart disease risk, and some of the benefits may be
due to the increased activity that dog owners get from walking with
or playing with their pets, the researchers concluded:

        Pet ownership, particularly dog ownership, is probably
associated with decreased CVD [cardiovascular disease] risk  [and]
may have some causal role in reducing CVD risk.

Pets Benefit Your Health at All Life Stages

    Pets have a way of appealing to very diverse groups, from children
to the elderly, families to singles. Perhaps this is because they
offer advantages for people at all stages of life:

        Children: Owning a pet has been linked to higher levels of
self-esteem as well as an ability to function better emotionally in
kids. Children who live with a dog during their first year of life
also have a lower risk of respiratory tract infections and ear
infections, and need fewer antibiotics, than children in non-pet

        This may be because dogs track more dirt and bacteria into
homes, and this increased exposure to “germs” helps strengthen the
immune system. Living with a cat was also linked to health benefits
among children.

        Adults: One of the most revealing studies on the health
benefits of pets for adults involved New York City stockbrokers who
were being treated with medications for high blood pressure. Those
who adopted a dog or cat were able to lower their blood pressure
significantly more, and felt calmer, than those who did not.

        Couples: Couples who own pets are less stressed by conflicts
and recover quicker when conflicts occur. Pet-owning couples also
reported more signs of happiness and sociability than non pet-owning

        Singles: Singles, as well as those who are widowed, divorced
or separated, are increasingly adopting pets because they provide
love and a sense of family.

        Elderly: Two of the biggest hurdles facing the elderly
are social isolation and inactivity. Owning a dog not only increased
the amount of activity, with dog owners taking twice as many daily
walks than non-owners, but also increased social interactions through
casual conversations that occurred during the daily walks. Elderly
dog owners also report being more satisfied with their social,
physical and
emotional states.

Do Cats or Other Pets Give Similar Benefits?

    Many of the health benefits of pets focus on dogs, with their
tendency to make us get out for more frequent walks as well as their
strong sense of emotional devotion to their humans. But cats, too,
offer benefits to your health. For starters, many of the above-mentioned
studies involved both dogs and cats; for instance, living with either a
dog or a cat is linked to lower rates of respiratory infections in kids,
and both dogs and cats helped lower blood pressure among stressed-
out stockbrokers.

    Cat owners, specifically, have even been found to have a 40 percent
lower risk of heart attacks than non-owners,10 and a cat’s purr, which
gives off low-frequency vibrations, has been called a “natural healing
mechanism” that may help strengthen and repair bones, relieve pain and
heal wounds.

    Studies involving birds, reptiles, horses and other pets are far
less common than those with cats or dogs. However it’s often the
emotional connection that leads to the decreased stress responses felt
by those when their beloved pet is present. So it stands to reason
that any pet with which you feel an emotional bond, whether furry,
feathered or finned, can benefit your health on multiple levels.

Health Considerations Shouldn’t Be Your Only Motivation for Getting
a Pet

    Pet owners do seem to have a health advantage over non-owners,
but you shouldn’t rush out to adopt a pet solely for this reason.
Obviously, having a pet comes with considerable demands on your time
and finances, so you must be sure you are fully able to care for a pet,
and committed to adding this animal to your family for its lifetime,
before proceeding. Even the AHA researchers noted:

Despite the likely positive link, people shouldn’t get a pet solely 
to reduce heart disease risk.

    However, if you are thinking about adding a pet to your family,
or if you’re a pet owner already, you can find a guide for bringing
home a new dog or cat, along with a treasure trove of additional
pet ownership information, at Mercola Healthy Pets.

    Every day at Mercola Healthy Pets, Dr. Karen Becker shares her
passion for the benefits of proactive, integrative and wellness-
oriented pet healthcare, and the value of alternative therapies that
are rarely, if ever, discussed in the conventional veterinary community.
Now countless animal lovers across the globe are learning about the
foundations of pet health and becoming empowered to take the best
possible care of their pets, and I urge you to join them if you’re
a pet owner, too.

Thank You Dr. Mercola

 God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Have a great day...unless you have made other plans.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What 9 out of 10 DOCTORS Would Prescribe...

  UPDATE:  The only thing to fear is fear itself and what 9 out of
10 doctors would prescribe.

HOW TRUE THIS STATEMENT IS...Not only with cancer treatment...
but 90+% of what is being prescribed for all of our medical

Have YOU ever wondered why you settle for treating the symptoms
in stead of curing the medical problem.

Could it be that we have been lied to all of these years by
????????? Brain washed for the all mighty DOLLAR??? If you
really want to know the answer to that question...KEEP READING
 THIS BLOG...OPEN your mind and start thinking for YOUR health.

REMINDER: In The Archive is all of the articles that I
have posted since I started this blog. There is TONS OF
INFORMATION there for you to learn from. It's the type
of information that not only saved my life...It also has
given me a better quality of life.


              The Solution For Disease FREE Health...

        World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative
        Cancer Treatments Cancer Defeated

The Explanation...

What has just been described is how modern medicine treats cancer
that has already metastasized. Cancer can be compared to a fire.
It is a fire that will spread until it kills you. But modern medicine
does nothing that will put out the fire.

The first fire truck represents surgery to cut out tumors or parts
of the body where there are concentrations of cancer cells, after
the cancer has already started to spread throughout the body!

The third fire truck represents radiation, which is used to shrink
tumors, after the cancer has already started to spread throughout
the body!

While the second fire truck represents chemotherapy, the progress
chemotherapy is making is frequently judged by its ability to
shrink tumors. Oncologists love to tell the cancer patient that
their tumors are shrinking.

But even if chemotherapy does slow down the progress of the cancer,
and even if it puts cancer patients into remission, it is almost always
a temporary Pyrrhic victory because the cancer almost always

The Food and Drug Administration (the real FDA) has approved
scoresof chemotherapy drugs, but none of them can stop the spread
of cancer because chemotherapy drugs do not target cancer cells.

There are scores of natural substances that do target cancer cells
and can stop the spread of cancer. But the FDA has never approved a
single one of these natural substances (natural substances cannot be
patented by the pharmaceutical companies).

Insurance companies will not pay for natural cancer treatments (i.e.
alternative cancer treatments). The media never says anything good
about alternative cancer treatments, but constantly glorifies the
medical profession in television show after television show. Medical
schools have not taught a single truthful thing about alternative
cancer treatments since 1910.

The Importance of the Spreading of Cancer

To understand how all of this relates to the spreading of cancer,
consider this quote by an M.D., the late Dr. Philip Binzel:

    When a patient is found to have a tumor, the only thing the
doctor discusses with that patient is what he intends to do about
the tumor. If a patient with a tumor is receiving radiation or
chemotherapy, the only question that is asked is, How is the tumor
doing? No one ever asks how the patient is doing. In my medical
training, I remember well seeing patients who were getting radiation
and/or chemotherapy. The tumor would get smaller and smaller, but
the patient would be getting sicker and sicker. At autopsy we would
hear, Isn’t that marvelous! The tumor is gone! Yes, it was, but so
was the patient. How many millions of times are we going to have
to repeat these scenarios before we realize that we are treating the
wrong thing? In primary cancer, with only a few exceptions, the
tumoris neither health-endangering nor life-threatening. I am going
torepeat that statement. In primary cancer, with few exceptions, the
tumor is neither health-endangering nor life-threatening. What is
health-endangering and life-threatening is the spread of that disease
through the rest of the body.There is nothing in surgery that will
prevent the spread of cancer. There is nothing in radiation that will
prevent the spread of the disease.

There is nothing in chemotherapy that will prevent the
spread of the disease. How do we know? Just look at the statistics!
There is a statistic known as survival time. Survival time is defined
as that interval of time between when the diagnosis of cancer is
first made in a given patient and when that patient dies from his
disease.In the past fifty years, tremendous progress has been made
in the early diagnosis of cancer. In that period of time, tremendous
progress had been made in the surgical ability to remove tumors.
Tremendous progress has been made in the use of radiation and
chemotherapy in their ability to shrink or destroy tumors. But,
the survival time of the cancer patient today is no greater than it
was fifty years ago. What does this mean? It obviously means that
we are treating the wrong thing!

                Philip Binzel, M.D., Alive and Well

In other words, if the cancer has not spread from the tumor, the
tumor presents no danger to the patient (with rare exceptions, such
as when a tumor blocks the fluid in the common bile duct).

It is important to understand that the vast majority of cells in a
tumor are healthy cells. Cancer cells CANNOT form tissue. Thus,
if the cancer were contained within the tumor, there would not be
enoughcancer cells in the person’s body to endanger their life.
Likewise,if a man had prostate cancer, and the cancer was contained
insidethe prostate gland, there could not be enough cancer cells inside
the prostate gland to endanger the patient’s life.

Even if the cancer cells in a tumor were killed, or the tumor was
cut out, it would not solve the problem of the spreading of the
cancer if the cancer has already spread. There would be no benefit
to the patient because it is the spreading of the cancer that kills
cancer patients, not the cancer inside the tumor.

Yet the focus of orthodox medicine is on shrinking the tumors.

Chemotherapy (i.e. the second fire truck in the example) is so toxic
to cancer patients that if they gave enough of it to a cancer patient
to kill all of the cancer cells, the patient would die from the side-
effects of the chemotherapy immediately.

So doctors give chemotherapy in very low doses (though they seem like
very high doses), not enough to actually cure you. In the mean time
the cancer continues to spread.

Chemotherapy may put a patient in remission, but virtually every
cancer patient who goes into remission eventually comes out of
remission and later dies.

Incredibly, doctors use radiation, the third fire truck, even after
the cancer has started to spread. They are interested in shrinking a
tumor. As mentioned above, the tumor is not the problem, it is the
spreading of the cancer that is the problem.

About Alternative Cancer Treatments

Alternative medicine vendors, practitioners and consultants fall
into one of three categories.

First, there are experts in alternative cancer treatments who care
about the cancer patients they work with. These people may or may
not make their living working with cancer patients. Some of them
make a lot of money treating cancer successfully and others make
virtually nothing. But the common thread is that they care about
the cancer patients and do a very good job working with them!! 

Second, there are vendors who mean well, and would like to help
cancer patients, but simply don’t know how to help them. They may
be selling one product line and simply don’t know anything outside
of that product line.

Third, are the con artists who couldn’t care less about any patient
because they are only in it for the money.

Fortunately, the first category has quite a few people in it!!

Mother Nature obviously fits in the first category!! It is just a
matter of finding the best of the best products from Mother Nature
and those people who know how to use those products!!

Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2006 R. Webster Kehr, all rights reserved.

 God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Have a great day...unless you have made other plans.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Why Are Drug Companies Interested in the Supplement Market?



Our history tells us that was beleived by many
people for many years until explorers proved it

Yet...Most people believe the medications that are
prescribed to them are "safe" and "healthy for us.

Most prescriptions are treating the symptoms and
have extremely high risk for causing other medical


the drug when you get the drug.  

REMINDER: In The Archive is all of the articles that I
have posted since I started this blog. There is TONS OF
INFORMATION there for you to learn from. It's the type
of information that not only saved my life...It also has
given me a better quality of life.


              The Solution For Disease FREE Health...

        World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative
        Cancer Treatments Cancer Defeated

By Dr. Mercola

    The drug industry would rather you head out to your
physician's office and receive a prescription for a drug to
protect your heart and treat diseases. So why are they
increasingly buying up the supplement industry? The supplement
industry actually represents the drug industry's greatest
competition, and as the saying goes, you should keep your
friends close and your enemies even closer By buying up
supplement companies, the drug industry stands to benefit
in several key ways:

        Supplements as a category are yielding greater sales
growth than the overall US economy and represent the greatest
threat to drug company profits (the supplement industry is
expected to grow at a rate of 9 percent a year through 2015,
when it is expected to reach more than $90 billion3 -- as
compared to the US economy's dwindling growth rate of 2 percent
per year).

        Drug patents are set to expire soon, in great volume,
forcing pharmaceutical companies to find replacements for their
top moneymaking drugs.

        Pharmaceutical companies can snuff out their competition
by paying off politicians to write legislation that makes it too
difficult for small competitors (i.e., supplement companies) to
survive, and then buying up the large competitors that remain).

    These large drug companies actually benefit from the
increased regulatory hurdles being imposed upon the supplement
industry because it helps them squelch smaller competitors (who,
by the way, often offer you better quality goods and services).

    Recent acquisitions include:

        Pfizer, which purchased Alacer (the maker of "Emergen-C"
vitamin drink mixes) in February 2012 for $360 million

        Bayer acquired Schiff Nutrition International, a leading
nutritional supplement company, for $1.2 billion in a 2012 deal
        Procter & Gamble (which is partnered with Teva
Pharmaceutical Industries) bought supplement maker New Chapter
in March 2012 for $250 million

Can Multivitamins Improve Your Health?

    As a consumer interested in taking control of your own
health, you have a number of "tools" at your disposal,
including access to hundreds of therapeutic vitamins and
other nutritional supplements that are available over the
counter. Is this a worthwhile avenue to improve your health?

    I do believe that dietary supplements -- including
vitamins and minerals -- can help compensate for some of the
damage your body incurs through living in a contemporary
culture. However, it's not wise to use supplements to justify
a poor diet or otherwise unhealthful lifestyle. In my experience,
no amount of supplements will ever be able to substitute for
healthy food choices. And if you’re depending on a pill of
any form to lower your risk of cancer, as the above-mentioned
study claims for multivitamins, you’re short-changing yourself,
as there are far more comprehensive cancer-prevention strategies
at your fingertips

    Assuming you are using them to complement an otherwise
healthy lifestyle, a high-quality multivitamin can be useful.
Unfortunately, many spend hundreds of dollars a year or more
on synthetic vitamins purchased from discount stores, which
typically use cheap synthetic isolates.

    Isolated synthetic vitamins are far less than optimal.
Your body only absorbs a small percentage of an isolate form of
vitamins and minerals, and it utilizes even less. Plus, synthetic
vitamins often give you massive quantities of some nutrients
(often the most inexpensive ones) and insufficient quantities
of others.

    Nature intended for you to consume food in whole form
because all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes
are together in one package, working synergistically to give
your body the nutrition it requires for optimal health. This
is why when you choose supplements, you need to look for whole-
food supplements -- and steer clear of synthetic vitamins. 

How Do You Determine Whether or Not a Supplement 

Is a Good Choice?

    For starters, make sure it has the following characteristics:

        It is as close as possible to its natural (whole food) form.
        Use independent third-party labs that check the raw materials
        for contaminants and correct dosage.

        Follows industry standards for quality assurance including
        ISO 9001, ISO 17025 and Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP)

        The utmost care has been taken in all phases of its
production, from growing its ingredients, to manufacturing, testing
for potency and quality control.

        It works! I always try to select from companies that
have a long track record of providing high-quality products that
produce good clinical results.

    Remember, if you are interested in optimizing your health,
your BEST solution is to choose the highest quality foods possible,
and eat a wide variety of whole organic foods. You can use my free
nutrition plan and work your way up to the advanced stage. Once
you have addressed your diet and are looking for further improvement,
odds are you would likely benefit from some supplements, like an
animal-based omega-3 supplement and a probiotic, for example.
There are many others you could then consider depending on
your specific circumstances, including a high-quality multivitamin,
additional antioxidant support and others.

Thank You Dr. Mercola

 God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Have a great day...unless you have made other plans.