Saturday, January 5, 2013

Get the Most out of Yoga – the 3 step Blueprint

  By Arun GoelThere are several reasons why you may like to hop onto the Yoga bandwagon. The reasons are many; the goal ultimately the same (with or without your conscious knowing).

Whether you are looking at Yoga as a tool for physical fitness, or as an aid to disease management or even for mental peace and ultimate bliss, you should adopt a blueprint for long-lasting effects.

Step 1: Purification and developing the right attitude The maximum benefits of any Yoga practice can be had when the mind is

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Attitude Training in Yoga Therapy

In yoga therapy there are many misconceptions. Most of the asana and Pranayam are classified as if they are for particular physical or mental problems. For example, Matsyendrasan is

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Everyone knows someone with cancer or that has died from cancer. It's
time for some new awareness...knowledge and real honesty about cancer,
treatment and recovery, not death from cancer and/or its treatment.
Please pass this blog on. Thank You & God Bless.
  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments
  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health. 
God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513
Income for the 98% that fail in Their Internet Business.
Disclaimer...What you read on this site is opinion only. I am not
a doctor or any specialist in anything pertaining to this site. I'm
only a cancer survivor for over 5 years due to the alternative approach.
I did NOT follow the medical approach...I followed the alternative
approach to curing cancer. Now you know why I have a strong opinion.

What Is Yoga Therapy?

By: Manjaree Bhatt

Now a days, Yoga is taken as a fitness, show off or a social status symbol of 'A Class society' Any celebrity says that he/she practices Yoga, and then it becomes a status symbol When a patient is advised by a family doctor or a specialist to practice Yoga, it becomes a must sort of thing like a 'prescribed medicine' So in most cases person will find any yoga teacher or studio suitable to own needs, demands, thinking or budget Yoga is not a 'once a week' kind of practice. It is a life style, which one has to live for 24 hours and for a lifetime It requires dedication, commitment and regular practice. Yoga is not at all just fitness or fun kind recreational activity!

Here I'm trying to explain that why simple yoga practices and Yoga therapy is different? Yoga is a practical science, Indian Psychology with its ideology and technology: as a holistic system for promoting harmony at physical, mental, emotional, social and lastly at spiritual levels. When this balance is disturbed by accident, illness, disorder or the stress created by any illness: physical or mental. Yoga can help restore it, and help cure or manage the illness. Yoga therapy is the adaptation of yoga practices for people with health problems. Although ordinary yoga classes can improve general health and resolve mild complaints but they may be ineffective or can be even harmful for serious conditions. In such cases, yoga therapy can help people by tailoring yoga life style to their individual needs, taking into account their health problems, flexibility, capacity, capability, habits, constitution and circumstances.

Yoga therapy practitioners are qualified yoga teachers with further training in human physiology, anatomy and applications of yoga to medical conditions. Yoga therapy utilizes practices from India, which date back thousands of years and are part of traditional Indian healthcare system. Critical research trials show that yoga therapy practices are among the most effective known methods for managing the psychosomatic diseases and disorders, stress-related conditions, which are so common today. This is because Yoga bridges the gap between body and mind, ranging across the whole spectrum from physical to mental, from gross to subtle.

As in medical science we all know that there are several medicines available in the market. Even details are written on the medicines like doze and what it contains and compounds? Even Pharmacists can help but then why we go to the doctor? It is the doctor who decides and gives you the right amount to take and which is suitable to you as patient. Doctor knows the nature of the patient and what can improve the conditions through his/her years of practice and experience. Similarly Hath yoga practices: poses, Pranayams, kriyas etc. all are known from ages There are thousands of books available in the market from old texts to the most modern approach with CD s and DVDs. With details that which pose is good for what type of problem? Very few explain its limitations. That when one should not do or practice any particular pose or technique in certain conditions Plus the same pose is taught but with various simplified variations and versions. It's the Yoga therapist who knows that which pose is going to help for a particular problem and which version or variation should be done by the client who takes special class for any particular problem.

Here I would like to emphasize that why Yoga therapy is more effective than other therapies. The Allopathic science has only two tools with them to fight back with any disease or disorder: medicine and surgery. Medicines masks the symptoms and surgery removes the problem temporarily but chances are for redeveloping Even medical sciences are also non-specific when it comes to its effectiveness. After all men have invented all these sciences, so it can't be as perfect as nature Yoga - the science is based on the laws of the nature. We all accept that human mind cannot be comparable with Mother Nature. After all it's Mother Nature who makes and creates the man So there are always limitations in man's discovery Yoga offers variety of tools. They are suitable to individual needs, conditions, capacity and capability. It offers poses, breathing techniques, Mudras, Bandhas, Cleansing techniques, Relaxation techniques. It provides physical as well as mental training through its five major branches: namely Classical - Astanga yoga, Hath yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga and Karma yoga. Person can practice in any positions: standing, sitting or laying. It offers everything and a total package covering human life from 'womb to tomb - birth to death.' It deals with the root cause of the problem and helps in removing the cause not just symptoms. Certain conditions those are not curable, it helps patients to manage the problem and helps in maintaining the conditions so it does not go from bad to worst!

Yoga therapy starts with a one-to-one consultation to ascertain the presenting condition, associated health problems and related lifestyle factors. This is followed by a series of one-to-one or specialized group sessions. Yoga therapy starts with very simple flexibility exercises followed by simplified poses, simplified breathing techniques and at the end relaxation, so that clients can begin to practice and benefit right away, even if they have not prior experience of yoga. Yoga therapy is very safe, when taught by a qualified yoga therapist. In addition to helping manage the present condition, it often yields other health benefits through awareness. Yoga therapy empowers people to look after their own health, makes them independent and thus leading to patient's satisfaction and reducing expenditure on consultations, drugs & medicines. The most important is that it helps to protect you from the side effects of drugs. Yoga therapy is based on the laws of the nature so it is totally harmless and natural way of healing. Thus Yoga therapy is a part of treatment, for cure and prevention.

Note: Encyclopedia of Family Health, Published 1991, with two reprints in 1998 and 2005 editions, authored by Dr. David B. Jacoby from Johns Hopkins School or Medicine and Dr. Robert M. Youngson from Royal Society of Medicine - Volume 1-18 have cover Yoga under two sections: (1) Treatment and Cure (2) Prevention and Diagnosis of Disease.

This proves that Yoga, the origin of Indian health care practices have crossed its boundaries in the past due to its authenticity and practical positive results which have been approved by allopathic practitioners from ages and to the date.


Manjari Bhatt is a Yoga Teacher & Therapist and Founder of Yoga Education Centre Ontario  ... More
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Friday, January 4, 2013

Religion and Yoga

By Manjari Bhatt

The word 'Yoga' is way differently understood or rather misunderstood by many around the globe. For some, Yoga is a cult, for some it's a Hindu religion and for some its mystical practices! For some its complicated poses, breathing and meditation. For many, it is a union of body, mind and soul, but how they are related or connected, can't be explained or is not known! So is the case of Sanskrit word 'Dharma'. This word is translated as 'religion, custom, behavior etc' in English. Sanatan Dharma is now addressed or called 'Hindu religion'.

First, I believe and so I would like to explain that Hindu is an identity and not a religion. In ancient time the land was known as Aryavarta the area or region of Aryans and later known as 'Bharatvarsha' due to the king Bharata, who established the first democratic nation on earth in human history! People living in this region believed and followed Sanatan Dharma. Outsiders, who visited the land of 'River Sindhu or Indus,' identified people living in this region as Hindus and so their religion as 'Hindu religion!' The name given was Hindustan as the land of Hindus. As time passed the original 'Sanatan Dharma' became a Hindu Dharma or religion! Later the word India was given from Indus River and people were called Indians. Thus all outsiders, visitors, attackers, robbers or rulers used various names of the same land; but the fact is that the Aryan civilization was established on the banks of 'Sindhu River.' Even today descendents are called and addressed as Sindhis, one of the Indian communities!

We have to understand the word Sanatan Dharma in order to understand Religion. Sanatan means Eternal, the one, which does not have beginning or end and Dharmameans 'duty and discipline.' Very clearly Lord Krishna has explained this in Bhagavad Gita as "Manav Dharma" - how to live a disciplined life by performing one's duties as human by following various paths of Yoga. Sanatan Dharma is not established by any one God or prophet but completely based on the laws of Mother Nature: the five natural elements: air, fire, water, earth, ether. On earth it covers all creatures and nature in all forms. Indian philosophies or schools of thoughts are completely based on it. Yoga is one of these schools, so naturally it is based on the laws of Mother Nature. It has nothing to do with any particular 'faith or religion' as per the modern meaning or term. Yoga, practically, is a way of life and a healthy life style!

Yoga teaches us how to use these natural elements to keep us healthy and happy -  mentally and physically - and develop and uplift our spiritual growth. Spirituality is an inherent quality in all humans! Yoga teaches us to find out that quality in ourselves; it shows various paths to follow as per our interest, physical and mental capacity and capability to reach the highest goal of self-realization, knowing the self!

The laws of the Mother Nature are for everyone! They are also applicable to each and every person on this earth! We don't know about other planets! None on earth can say that "I don't believe in Nature" or "I don't use any of the natural elements!" - no matter which faith or religion the person believes in. There were 16 religions or faiths on earth at one point. Out of which 12 survived namely: (1) Hindu (Sanatan Dharma), (2) Jainism, (3) Buddhism,(4) Sikhism, (5) Zoroastrian,  (6) Christianity,  (7) Judaism, (8) Islam, (9) Confucius, (10) Tao, (11) Shinto and (12) Bahai. What do the founders or spiritual leaders of these faiths and religions ultimately teach or tell us to follow? How to perform our duties and live a disciplined life as a human by following described rules and regulations from their authentic text!  That's what Yoga's core teachings are. Not only that, Yoga also warns us about the impediments and obstacles on our path, shows us the reasons of that and how to overcome those obstacles in order to reach our short term or long term goal step by step and ultimately the final goal.

We can compare the core teachings of all these faiths or religions and we will find one thing common is that they all have code of conducts, moral and ethical values. The Yama(Dos) and Niyama (Don'ts) the first two steps on the path of Yoga are also in the form of restrains and observances. Explaining what one should not do as five restrains and what one should do as five observances. They are ten in total. The universal code of conduct is marked in the Yoga text, the Patanjali Yoga sutra - the oldest documents on earth where some of the religions did not even exist! The purpose of Yogic Practices is to destroy the impurities of the mind and acquire physical practices for ultimately attaining Self Realization. "Meditation" means to "Reflect Upon". This happens when the mind is concentrated on a particular activity or object, internal or external, gross or subtle over an elongated period of time. In short, Yoga practices are universal and not limited to any particular group of people. No matter which faith or religion you observe or follow, Yoga can be practiced by everyone who want to live a healthy life: physically, mentally and spiritually.

This little piece of land on earth known as 'India' today, has given four faiths or religions to the world namely:(1) Hindu, (2) Jainism, (3) Buddhism, and  (4) Sikhism. Six schools of thoughts:(1) Nyaya, (2) Vaisheshika, (3) Samkhya, (4) Yoga, (5) Mimansa and (6) Vedanta. Hundreds and thousands of spiritual leaders in its history from time immemorial were born on this land.  None of them have ever tried to prove their own supremacy on the other because they all originate from Sanatan Dharma and the followers were living a yogic life style no matter which path they believed in, followed and preached!

Manjari Bhatt is a Yoga Teacher & Therapist and Founder of Yoga Education Centre Ontario  ... More
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Everyone knows someone with cancer or that has died from cancer. It's
time for some new awareness...knowledge and real honesty about cancer,
treatment and recovery, not death from cancer and/or its treatment.
Please pass this blog on. Thank You & God Bless.
  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments
  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health. 
God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513
Income for the 98% that fail in Their Internet Business.
Disclaimer...What you read on this site is opinion only. I am not
a doctor or any specialist in anything pertaining to this site. I'm
only a cancer survivor for over 5 years due to the alternative approach.
I did NOT follow the medical approach...I followed the alternative
approach to curing cancer. Now you know why I have a strong opinion.

Rise of Disease

Any disease, big or small originates from the mind. Disturbance in the mind, if not managed in time, manifests itself in some sort of a physical ailment.

How can daily stress and unresolved issues cause disease?

Our bodily functions are controlled by a complex play of various hormones, enzymes and chemicals. The production of these chemicals is done by the pituitary-pineal-hypothalamus gland complex in our brain. The brain acts after getting the signals from the mind.

A peaceful and relaxed mind will send normal impulses to the brain, whereas, a stressful mind, will generate chaotic impulses, leading to a disturbance in the brain's gland complex. This will further lead to minor metabolic defects. These defects gradually become major defects, producing a spectrum of diseases.

For example, let us see how stress can lead to major heart problems: Stress

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Attitude For Weight Loss

Much has been said and written about methods of weight loss, to the extent that if I see an article on it I'd probably turn over the page quickly. Then, why should I bother to write about one?

Because, what I have to say is not about any diet plan or exercise plan, but about how we feel; about what we think (not about what we eat), and how that really makes what we are.

There are all kinds of diets, exercise plans, retreats and what not - training people in aspects of weight loss. The techniques are all well researched; the teachers are good. Yet, these things don't always work and even if they do, it's mostly temporary. Then why is it that, after slogging for weeks or months, the fat refuses to go from our bodies. It just stays put for ever and ever....and ever...

The problem lies not with the method but with our mind, our attitude and our lifestyles. Besides following the routine of exercises and diets, it is most important to be self-aware; Awareness, that we have the healing power within ourselves; to realize what are our needs , strengths and weaknesses; To know what is good for us rather than blindly going for a fancy looking (Hollywood celebrity endorsed) diet plan.

Yogic approach to weight loss refers not only to the physical body, but to all aspects. It works on our level of consciousness (mental energy).

The meditation practice of antar mouna or inner silence helps to clean the mind. You start becoming aware of your own toxic thoughts and vicious mental patterns leading to repeated weight gain.

It is these negative thoughts which lead to inactivity and wrong food decisions. Once the thoughts are purged, their manifestation will cease. The physical body which is an outcome of our mental body will also be healed. The body will come back to its balanced weight and shape and remain like that.

With the practice of yoga therapy, we begin to realize our needs. We begin to develop greater self-confidence with our increasing awareness. We start becoming aware of what we need to eat, what exercise is good for us and how we should lead our lives.

Right mental attitude will then yield results of your preferred diet or exercise plan. The changes implemented then, will be lifelong.
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Changing Wives- Is this the solution?

After a couple of years or maybe even months of marriage, a man gets bored of his wife. He starts finding her incompatible, too demanding, too nagging or simply not as attractive. The solution to such a problem is divorce or maybe having an extra marital affair or simply cursing and brooding over your personal life. How convenient!!!

In these modern times, a person wants to have a new car, a new house, latest fashion clothes, new job and even a new religion or ideology to suit their changing needs. So, why not a new wife??

A husband or wife is just a part of a fancy plan, which an individual has set for her/himself. If the spouse fits into the plan, Wow! If not, there is misery, unhappiness and an urge to hurriedly move on. Instead of working out a solution, you just want to run.

Dissatisfaction has been ingrained in our systems. Wanting to be in a new relationship is just like wanting a new car. Greed and dissatisfaction never lead to happiness. Acceptance, patience and understanding may. Marriages based on appearances with no understanding and adjustments are definitely shallow!!

You are the person you are. If you think, that you are troubled by your wife or husband, think again! Most likely, what you are experiencing is something which is surfacing from within you. It really is not a problem with your wife, but a problem with yourself. Some deep rooted notion of fears, insecurities, expectations, prejudices or whims of YOUR mind get unfolded during the course of the relationship. The trouble will surface in every relationship.

So, one has to look within oneself and do some self-study. You have to analyze your own weaknesses- Understand why you get irritated? Why do you become upset or angry in a certain situation? Keep asking yourself why..why..why.. Try to reach the inner layers of your nature. One has to change himself, for a better relationship. Changing the external shall not change the flawed and tainted perception. Changing of the wife will not change the problem inside you. It will raise its ugly head in every relationship. You have to work on removing that problem.

Everyone wants happiness, and the search is on. Instead of hunting for the Mr. Right or Ms. Trophy Wife, hunt for the problems within yourself. Marriages are made in heaven and working on them, may finally lead you to heaven. Happy Married Life...

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Everyone knows someone with cancer or that has died from cancer. It's
time for some new awareness...knowledge and real honesty about cancer,
treatment and recovery, not death from cancer and/or its treatment.
Please pass this blog on. Thank You & God Bless.
  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments
  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health. 
God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513
Income for the 98% that fail in Their Internet Business.
Disclaimer...What you read on this site is opinion only. I am not
a doctor or any specialist in anything pertaining to this site. I'm
only a cancer survivor for over 5 years due to the alternative approach.
I did NOT follow the medical approach...I followed the alternative
approach to curing cancer. Now you know why I have a strong opinion.

Why be Spiritual?

By Arun Goel

Before we delve into why one should be spiritual, we should understand what is meant by being spiritual.

Spirituality means different things to different people. For someone it means becoming more religious (religion implying worship of "God" and the teachings of their accepted faith).

It is to be understood that performing ceremonies and customs is the ritualistic aspect of the religion and not the spiritualistic part.

In its simplest form, spirituality means to go within. Even the act of worshipping or connecting with God is actually a form of going within - connecting with one's own interpretation of God and faith.

What is this going within?

Going within is basically establishing a sort of connection with something within on a sustained basis - Something that provides us with an unending source of energy, irrespective of happenings in the outside world.


Spirituality offers us a way to avoid accumulating stress or emotion.

Being spiritual implies a total non-dependence on any external object or situation. This non-dependency on anything external prevents any energy dissipation.

Once we start being spiritual, we begin to realize the meaningless-ness of several things or issues that we usually give undue importance to. We start seeing the impermanence behind several material pursuits and outcomes, in such a way, that we begin enjoying the process without building upon ourselves the baggage of emotion.

The impermanence of and meaningless-ness behind material pursuits becomes a growing realization which, in turn, conserves our finer energies that we otherwise dissipate all the time. The quality of our wants and desires improve from the grosser to the finer level and this sets up a virtuous cycle with every passing day, the culmination of which is an ocean of supreme bliss, peace and unwavering stability.

Spirituality offers us a realization that this world and everything is in constant change. Change itself is inevitable. Yet, spirituality provides the invisible anchor to help us find our bearings at all times.

This, itself, is a sufficient reason to find merit in the spiritual path.
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Everyone knows someone with cancer or that has died from cancer. It's
time for some new awareness...knowledge and real honesty about cancer,
treatment and recovery, not death from cancer and/or its treatment.
Please pass this blog on. Thank You & God Bless.
  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments
  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health. 
God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513
Income for the 98% that fail in Their Internet Business.
Disclaimer...What you read on this site is opinion only. I am not
a doctor or any specialist in anything pertaining to this site. I'm
only a cancer survivor for over 5 years due to the alternative approach.
I did NOT follow the medical approach...I followed the alternative
approach to curing cancer. Now you know why I have a strong opinion.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Yoga and Asthma - The role of Yoga Therapy

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Everyone knows someone with cancer or that has died from cancer. It's
time for some new awareness...knowledge and real honesty about cancer,
treatment and recovery, not death from cancer and/or its treatment.
Please pass this blog on. Thank You & God Bless.
  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments
  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.  
God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513
Income for the 98% that fail in Their Internet Business.
Disclaimer...What you read on this site is opinion only. I am not
a doctor or any specialist in anything pertaining to this site. I'm
only a cancer survivor for over 5 years due to the alternative approach.
I did NOT follow the medical approach...I followed the alternative
approach to curing cancer. Now you know why I have a strong opinion.

Tension - Its Cause and Release

By Arun Goel

We strive for mental peace all the time. The more we strive for it, the more it seems elusive. Due to our living ways, we keep accumulating tensions within us. We try to do things to make us feel happy, we run after all kinds of luxuries and escapism for that peace of mind, but to no avail. We forget that to resolve tension one must look within rather than the external surroundings.

A pebble thrown in a pond creates ripples. External pleasures may help the ripples, but we have to stop the throwing of stones for peace of mind.

Yoga helps not only the body, but the mind as well. The mind is where all tensions and anxieties dwell. They become so settled in our minds, that they keep going deeper and deeper and start affecting our conscious self and moods even without our knowledge. Feelings of sorrow, worry, failure, power, greed, jealousy etc. if not removed keep getting etched in our minds. These feelings then keep re-surfacing into our conscious mind and create tensions and unexplained mood swings.

Tensions are of three types- muscular, mental and emotional. They all can be managed with yoga practices. Muscular Tension-This is the tension of the body, nervous system, digestion problem, hormonal imbalance or any medical condition. Such tensions can be measured using tests.

They are also the easiest to handle. They can be managed by a specificHatha yoga plan of asanas and pranayam.Emotional Tension-These tensions are a result of emotions like feelings of hate, love, loss, success, failure, death, happiness etc. Emotions sometimes lead to confusion and are difficult to handle. Things like expressing yourself clearly, facing an honest fact is all difficult, leading to upheaval of the mind and increased tension.

Sometimes, emotional tensions are released in the forms of dreams or other areas or experiences. But otherwise an effort has to be made to lighten up the mind.

Emotional tensions can be handled by practice of Karma Yoga and Bhakti.

Karma yoga is not any kind of physical yoga, involving asanas and the works. It is yoga on the mental level, yoga to discipline senses, the mind and emotions. It can be practiced all the time, while doing office work or work at home. Karma Yoga is about attitude of doing work without any expectation. Work should be done with whole heartedness, and not expect anything in return. It is to gain joy in the process. This requires lots of change in ideas and outlook towards things and may take days or years to master. When you do not expect, you are not adding any baggage to your mind. If a task is successful it's ok, if not even then it's ok. It is to treat "Work as Play" .

Bhakti Yoga means, surrendering everything to the higher force. It could mean God to someone or simply his Guru. It is to understand that everything that happens is because of his will and that I am just the medium. It means total devotion and boundless love towards your deity. It is the love which becomes the guiding light.

Emotions create havoc in our mind. When emotions override our wisdom, they make us chase the perishable pleasure of life, leading to repeated disappointments. With the practice of Bhakti, the love and emotions are channeled to a higher force, keeping us light hearted and in peace. Mental Tension- Mental tensions are caused by excessive intellectual activity. Intellectual processes of the mind create balance or imbalance. Mind is a whirlpool of fantasies, confusions and oscillations. With years, these whirlpools increase in number and strength, affecting our lives. These accumulated feelings - either happy or sad - keep affecting our moods from time to time. We sometimes get angry, irritated or depressed and blame it on a superficial cause, which is not often true. It is what is inside us on the mental level that makes us see things as good or bad.

Before such accumulated feelings start affecting the daily life, it is essential to clean the mind up. To detoxify the mind, to get rid of deep rooted experiences, to release the stresses - Meditation is the key. Once the pent up emotions are released there is feeling of nothingness and tranquility.

There are several ways to practice Meditation. Different methods suit different people. But to make a beginning is what is important. What you like or dislike will be a process of self-discovery over a period of time.

Mantra Japa, Antar Mouna and Yoga Nidra are some very effective and easy to practice ways, to reach state of meditation.

Mantra Japa or Mantra repetition seeps down into the mind where thoughts are residing as seeds. From there they act upon the deep rooted feelings and expel them. Therefore, in the initial stages of mantra practice the mind becomes more restless. But as the thoughts get expelled, the burdened mind becomes lighter. The tensions are released, leaving peace behind. The easiest way to practice Mantra Japa is with the help of bead strings or Malas.

Antar Mouna or Inner Silence is the practice in which, a person just observes the behavior of the mind without any judgments or obstructions. The practitioner just witnesses the goings of his mind without any partiality. When the mind is brooding over a thought, we may become sad or happy. The idea of this practice is not to get affected by our thoughts, and just watch them with detachment- like a movie. Observe the thoughts, as if they are not yours. This practice too will help in release of tensions.

Yoga Nidra or Psychic Sleep is a relaxation technique where you actually don't sleep. While lying down, each body part is made to relax, followed by relaxation of the mind. It is powerful technique, leading to great release of tensions and strengthening of goals. This can be practices for half an hour daily.

Just like anything new, Meditation practices also may take some time getting used to. It may take few or several attempts to reach a meditative state, depending on the state of one's mind, how relaxed or worked up a person is. One must not lose heart, but only tensions to get relief.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Everyone knows someone with cancer or that has died from cancer. It's
time for some new awareness...knowledge and real honesty about cancer,
treatment and recovery, not death from cancer and/or its treatment.
Please pass this blog on. Thank You & God Bless.
  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments
  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.  

The upcoming information may take weeks to cover all of it.

 by R. Webster Kehr, Chairman
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.



Why a 3% Cure Rate?

   Treating diseases as "chronic diseases" is a lot more profitable than
curing diseases! Curing cancer patients safely with natural products
would dramatically reduce the profits of the medical community and the
pharmaceutical industry. Chemotherapy, for example, is highly profitable
to the medical community and pharmaceutical industry, but does far more
harm than good to cancer patients (with rare exceptions)!!

    "In 1975, the respected British medical journal Lancet reported on a
study which compared the effect on cancer patients of (1) a single
chemotherapy, (2) multiple chemotherapy, and (3) no treatment at all. 'No
treatment' proved a significantly better policy for patients' survival
and for quality of remaining life.'"
   With this in mind, why does the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
routinely approve worthless chemotherapy drugs and persecute those who
use effective natural treatments for cancer?? The reason is that the FDA
has been the private police force of the pharmaceutical industry for
several decades!! For example, the FDA has shut down many cancer clinics
which were curing cancer and has shut down many vendors of products which
could cure cancer!!

   But by far the main job of the FDA is to rig their regulations to make
it impossible for any cancer treatment from Mother Nature to be
"approved" by the FDA. In this way natural medicine cannot compete with
the highly profitable and worthless chemotherapy and other highly
profitable patented drugs.

   For example, when the FDA intentionally declares all highly effective
natural cancer treatments to be "unproven" the totally corrupt medical
labor union (i.e. the American Medical Association - AMA) can prohibit
its members from curing cancer patients with these "unproven" cancer

   Yet many of these "unproven" natural cancer treatments are painless
and have a 30 times higher cure rate than the "proven" orthodox cancer

   The truth is that the FDA is effectively an appendage of the
pharmaceutical industry. The FDA only cares about what Big Pharma (the
pharmaceutical industry) wants and they couldn't care less whether cancer
patients survive their cancer!! Ditto for Congress and the American
Medical Association (AMA). The AMA jumped in bed with the newly emerging
pharmaceutical industry in about 1907, but the AMA had been corrupt long
before then!!

   Congress and the "medical schools" sold-out to the pharmaceutical
industry shortly after the pharmaceutical-funded Flaxner Report was
released in 1910.

   Because of the FDA and AMA; Big Pharma makes billions of dollars a
year selling dangerous and worthless drugs which are approved by the FDA
and are then used by the AMA members.

   But the most important ally of the pharmaceutical industry is neither
the FDA nor the AMA, it is the media.

   Because of the media, when a person is diagnosed with cancer they
cannot run fast enough to their doctor to get filled with chemotherapy,
radiation and surgery. Television show after television show glorifies
the medical profession and because of this, medical doctors are exactly
where people go when they get sick.

    "No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of
propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a
uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of
unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance."
    Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives, Alan Bullock

By using the constant repetition of seeing "medical doctors" on
television, people are conditioned (the "uniform pattern of public
utterance") to believe that anyone who is not a "medical doctor" must be
a quack (the "jarring dissonance")!!

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513
Income for the 98% that fail in Their Internet Business.
Disclaimer...What you read on this site is opinion only. I am not
a doctor or any specialist in anything pertaining to this site. I'm
only a cancer survivor for over 5 years due to the alternative approach.
I did NOT follow the medical approach...I followed the alternative
approach to curing cancer. Now you know why I have a strong opinion.

Chronic Joint Pain Relief

Chronic joint pain can be caused by a wide variety of ailments such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, allergies, or lupus.

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Treatments For Psoriasis

Treatments for psoriasis include topical ointments or lotions (which can be prescribed or over the counter), systemics medication, phototherapy, or natural homeopathic remedies.

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Monday, December 31, 2012

Everyone knows someone with cancer or that has died from cancer. It's
time for some new awareness...knowledge and real honesty about cancer,
treatment and recovery, not death from cancer and/or its treatment.
Please pass this blog on. Thank You & God Bless.
  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments
  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.  

The upcoming information may take weeks to cover all of it.

 by R. Webster Kehr, Chairman
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.

                        CONTINUED FROM LAST POST

The second concept I wish to discuss is regarding the nature of cancer cells. It was discovered in about 1930, and a Nobel Prize was awarded for this discovery, that the defining characteristic of cancer cells is low ATP energy. ATP is a molecule which is made inside the mitochondria, which is inside of all cells. There are thousands of mitochondria inside of all cells and the ATP is what provides cells their energy.

So why do cancer cells have low ATP energy and who cares if there are microbes inside the cancer cells?

In 2004, an ICRF cancer researcher tied these two major discoveries together by explaining the mechanism of how these microbes, which are inside of the cancer cells, block the production of ATP molecules. In other words, he explained that cancer is caused because the microbes inside the cancer cells block the production of ATP in two different ways.

This discovery by the ICRF supported the claim of Dr. Rife that if you kill these microbes the cancer cells will revert into normal cells. They become normal cells again (or for the first time in many cases) because with no microbes inside the cell the ATP energy will be restored and the cell will be healthy again!!

This discovery has led to several new, highly effective natural cancer treatments, particularly DMSO, MSM and honey protocols. It has also explained how some previously existing natural cancer treatments worked.

The discovery also led to the fact that some natural cancer treatments would conflict with each other (the conflict is not dangerous, but one treatment may neutralize another treatment). The conflict can occur because one type of cancer treatment is trying to lower ATP energy (to cause the cancer cells to fall apart), and another treatment is trying to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells, which would raise ATP energy because when the microbes are gone, so is the reason ATP energy in cancer cells stays low.

For example, do not mix Paw Paw (which causes cancer cells to fall apart by lowering ATP energy) with the High RF Frequency Protocol, which was designed to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells and thus revert the cancer cells into normal cells. When you kill the microbes the ATP energy rises because there is nothing to block the creation of ATP energy (the microbes are what block the ATP energy). Thus, one protocol is lowering the ATP energy and the other protocol is incidentally raising the ATP energy.

A different ICRF cancer researcher designed the protocol for using the "High RF Frequency Protocol" for cancer. It is one thing to have the equipment and another thing to know how to use it.

Let us partially summarize what the cancer microbe does.

First, the cancer microbe largely or totally blocks the production of ATP molecules in the mitochondria (and the cancer cells have to revert to another method to make enough ATP molecules to stay alive).

Second, the DNA of the cancer microbes is what causes the DNA damage of the cancer cells.

Third, the cancer microbe also excretes enzymes that coat the outside of the cancer cells so the immune system cannot identify them as cancer cells and thus the immune system cannot safely target and kill them. The existence of the enzyme coating has been known about for more than 50 years in natural medicine.

In fact, over 50 years ago there were natural cancer treatments (e.g. proteolytic enzymes) that stripped away these enzyme coatings so the immune system could identify the cancer cells and kill them.

The existence of this protein coating is proof that DNA damage is not the cause of cancer. How could DNA damage create a coating of enzymes on the surface of cancer cells??

Fourth, Dr. Mathias Rath, MD, who had to flee the United States to avoid being arrested for curing cancer, discovered that these enzymes (or different enzymes excreted by these microbes, we don't know) also cut a path across tissue so the cancer cells could spread more easily.

It is beyond the scope of this article to go any further, but my point is that there has been researcher after researcher who knew about the cancer microbes inside the cancer cells. And there have been a growing number of clever tactics developed to kill these microbes.

When you kill all of the microbes inside of a cancer cell, the cancer cell will revert into a normal cell because there is nothing to block the production of ATP energy. This is the ideal way to cure cancer because there are no dead cells and no debris from dead cells.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513
Income for the 98% that fail in Their Internet Business.
Disclaimer...What you read on this site is opinion only. I am not
a doctor or any specialist in anything pertaining to this site. I'm
only a cancer survivor for over 5 years due to the alternative approach.
I did NOT follow the medical approach...I followed the alternative
approach to curing cancer. Now you know why I have a strong opinion.

Pancreatic Cancer Treatments

Pancreatic cancer treatments aid in minimizing the effects of the disease while attempting to remove the cancerous tumors.

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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hearing Loss Treatment

Hearing loss treatment can be approached in many ways and can range from simply flushing the ear out with water to complicated surgery.

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Osteoporosis Prevention

Osteoporosis prevention is the best way to combat a serious condition that degenerates bone density and puts over 40 million Americans at risk.

View the Original article
Everyone knows someone with cancer or that has died from cancer. It's
time for some new awareness...knowledge and real honesty about cancer,
treatment and recovery, not death from cancer and/or its treatment.
Please pass this blog on. Thank You & God Bless.
  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments
  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.  

The upcoming information may take weeks to cover all of it.

 by R. Webster Kehr, Chairman
Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.


Cancer Researchers in the Past and Today

The root cause of cancer was discovered in 1890 by William Russell (1852
-1940). The brilliant Dr. Russell saw microbes both inside and outside of
the cancer cells. It was obvious that the microbes inside the cancer
cells were the ones causing the cancer.

The cancer microbe was studied in detail in the early 1900s and was found
to be highly pleomorphic. Many years later another microbiologist, Gaston
Naessens, counted 16 different sizes and shapes of the cancer microbe.
(see the book: The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens, by
Christopher Bird). The size and shape of the microbe is a function of the
pH inside the cancer cell. The higher the pH, the smaller the microbe.
The higher the pH the more lethargic the cancer microbes become and the
cancer spreads more slowly. Natural medicine practitioners take advantage
of this fact and frequently use highly alkaline protocols to slow down
the spread of the cancer and in many cases these treatments can cure the

Also, Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist, in the 1930s, also knew that it
was microbes which were inside the cancer cells which caused cancer. By
knowing this he developed a gentle electromedicine device to kill these
microbes. This device had a 100% cure rate and it did nothing but kill

The AMA (American Medical Association) and FDA (Food and Drug
Administration), were so incensed that he was curing cancer that the AMA
tried to "buy him out." When he refused the FDA came in and destroyed his
lab and his machines which had not already been sold and delivered.
Researchers since then have found three of his original machines, which
had been sold before the FDA destroyed his lab. They have made the
specifications of his equipment public information.

    A word of warning is in order. There are over a hundred brands of
"Rife Machines" sold over the Internet. Almost none of them were designed
to kill the microbes inside the cancer cells because they do not have the
critical "carrier wave" or "carrier frequency," nor are they powerful
enough to kill these microbes without the carrier frequency to carry them
inside the cancer cells. The two "High RF Frequency Protocol" devices
(this is actually not their real name), do have this carrier wave and
they are powerful enough to kill these microbes.

    These are true "Rife Machines" which use high-tech circuitry.

Dr. Virginia Livingston's team of cancer researchers discovered why
cancer cells have DNA damage. They discovered that the microbes inside
the cancer cells get inside the cell nucleus and their DNA mixes with the
DNA of the cell, which changes the DNA of the cancer cells.

In fact, the concept that the DNA of a microbe, which gets inside of a
human cell nucleus, and thus changes the DNA of the human cell, is at the
heart of gene therapy!! This is not some strange theory, it is a concept
which is used in modern medicine.

My point is that the Livingston team discovered that the DNA damage
occurs AFTER the cell is already cancerous!!

Dr. Livingston died without any recognition from orthodox medicine for
her team's critical discovery. Instead, orthodox medicine has ignored her
team's discovery and still claims that it is DNA damage that causes
cancer!! This gives them an excuse to claim that a cure for cancer is 50
years away. A cure for cancer will always be 50 years away according to
anyone who works with the pharmaceutical industry.

By claiming that DNA damage causes cancer, the public believes that
cancer will never be cured. But Virginia Livingston was curing cancer
with a vaccine she developed.

This DNA damage (which is a result of cancer, not a cause of cancer), is
what all large "cancer research" organizations claim cause cancer!! They
are spending billions of dollars trying to fix this DNA damage instead of
trying to safely target and kill the cancer cells using Mother Nature
(who already knows how to target and kill cancer cells) or by killing the
microbes inside the cancer cells (which reverts the cancer cells into
normal cells), which is how Dr. Rife cured cancer!!
God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513
Income for the 98% that fail in Their Internet Business.
Disclaimer...What you read on this site is opinion only. I am not
a doctor or any specialist in anything pertaining to this site. I'm
only a cancer survivor for over 5 years due to the alternative approach.
I did NOT follow the medical approach...I followed the alternative
approach to curing cancer. Now you know why I have a strong opinion.