Saturday, June 1, 2013

More on Health C.are...Allergies.

                               More on Health C.are...Allergies.


            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


            Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


           Continued From Last Post

Seasonal Allergies Are Getting Worse Every Year

Little girl blows her noseHere are some natural ways to stop your body’s reaction and relieve your suffering!

According to the Harvard Health Letter, seasonal allergies are starting earlier every year, and pollen counts are rising. At least 36 million people are affected by seasonal allergies each year in the US.

Seasonal allergic rhinitis occurs when one’s immune system overreacts to foreign materials and produces an inflammatory response. Grass, weeds, and trees release tiny pollens into the air, and inhaling them triggers a reaction of your immune system. Floating pollutants such as mold spores and dust mite droppings also contribute (though in warmer climates, this can happen year round).

Uncovering what makes the immune system respond the way it does is important. One theory is that an excessive antigenic stimulus overwhelms the immune system, and this is what leads to an inflammatory response. In other words, a small amount of allergen may not be enough to cause symptoms, but continued exposure—or the exposure of number of different antigens—can lead to an overload of the system. This is magnified when one’s immune system is weak (which happens easily when one is tired or stressed or has recently been ill).

There are natural approaches to seasonal allergies that work well:

    Calm the allergic response. According to a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, subjects who took 2600 mg of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) found their upper and total respiratory symptoms significantly reduced within seven days, and improvement continued for all thirty days of the study. Also, as Dr. Mercola notes, MSM is 34% sulfur, which can help maintain optimal health. Sulfur helps the body detoxify itself, and helps produce glutathione, an important antioxidant. MSM is extremely safe and can be taken at high doses, even if one’s diet is full of raw vegetables and MSM-rich foods. Some of our staff have found complete relief from allergies with this product, but required higher daily doses than 2600 mg.
    Another substance that helps calm down the immune system under a pollen attack is the Alpine herb butterbur. In Scotland, researchers found that butterbur is effective. It can also be used in conjunction with MSM—the sulfur to condition the body, and the herb for acute attacks. Petadolex, a butterbur extract supplement, reduces inflammation so well that it can be used for migraines and other headaches too—it was endorsed as an OTC remedy for migraines by the Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society after their review of 284 scholarly articles on the subject. Butterbur in the wild contains a potentially toxic substance, but Petadolex has removed it.
    Freeze-dried nettles and quercetin are also used to reduce allergic response. They both work—the former sooner, and the latter over time—but they typically reduce rather than eliminate symptoms. Antihistamine drugs were initially developed from quercetin. As is often the case, the drugs had serious side effects (such as drowsiness) while the natural product from which it is derived did not. Another natural product that shows promise is Carnivora, derived from the plant of the same name, although more research needs to be done.
    Remove food allergens (which lightens the antigenic load). As the Townsend Letter points out, allergic/inflammatory processes may first become active in the gut. Then transportation of food proteins across the intestinal wall becomes altered, resulting in increased permeability and motility of the intestine—Leaky Gut Syndrome. Coupled with other conditions, such as intestinal infections, flora imbalance, and decreased immunoglobulin A antibodies, this may lead to further intestinal compromise and increased antigen-immune interaction.
    Get acupuncture. Researchers had 442 people with seasonal allergies receive acupuncture treatments. After eight weeks of acupuncture, a 71% patients reported an improvement in their symptoms (according to a scale used to measure allergy symptoms, the severity of these patients’ symptoms decreased by an impressive 37%).

    Reduce general inflammation in the body. Eating lots of veggies with deep-water fish will decrease inflammation levels. Omega-3s from all sources can reduce inflammation as well. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, licorice, skullcap, cordyceps, and perilla have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties (though consult a TCM practitioner for guidance).

    Strengthen the immune system. At the head of our list is vitamin D3, which reduces the incidence of respiratory infections. Also get plenty of vitamin E and magnesium, and knock off the sugar, which greatly weakens the immune system. And don’t forget vitamin C: studies indicate it’s a natural antihistamine.
    Relieve congestion gently. Don’t forget neti pots—saline nasal irrigation—which may provide sinus pain relief for allergy sufferers. But you probably won’t need them if you have enough sulfur in your system.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Willie Nelson with Ray Charles - Seven Spanish Angels

How Does this Change My New Exercise Recommendations?


Your New Look Through Fitness Exercises.




            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


            Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


           Continued From Last Post.

How Does this Change My New Exercise Recommendations?

    It is important to recognize that life is a journey and we are constantly
growing and learning. I have been exercising for nearly 45 years and most of
that time it was FAR from ideal. It certainly helped me more than not
exercising but by failing to incorporate many sound foundational principles I
wasted loads of time and did not achieve a fraction of the benefits I could

    One of my goals with this site it to share with you what I learn on my
health journey so hopefully you can avoid many of the mistakes I and others
make in an effort to achieve high-level health.

    I am very grateful to the many mentors in my life. With respect to
exercise, Dr. Ken Cooper is responsible for helping me make the lifelong
commitment to exercise. More recently Phil Campbell helped me to radically
improve my exercise with the concepts articulated in our Peak Fitness

    After doing Peak Fitness exercises three times a week for about a year I
gradually felt that it was too much for me and I reduced that to once a week,
which seemed to work out well.  When I interviewed Phil Campbell a second
time for this article, though, he made a compelling argument to increase Peak
Fitness workouts to three times a week, so you can get growth hormone
produced three times instead of once a week.

    Made sense to me so I bumped it back up to three times a week.
    However I had to reduce the intensity and back it down by about 5% or so,
as I was simply too fatigued between sessions. So instead of getting my heart
rate to 173 or so, it would be about ten less. Then I recently interviewed
Dr. Doug McGuff who is a strong proponent of Super Slow weight training to
achieve similar benefits that Phil discusses in this article.

    Dr. McGuff has a bit of a different take on using exercise to increase
growth hormone. He believes that you only need 12 minutes of Super Slow type
strength training once a week to achieve the benefits. I really enjoyed my
interview with him as he helped me appreciate a nagging truth that I hadn't
quite captured yet and that is the crucial nature of recovery integrated into
listening to your body.

Let Me Explain Further

    I have known the importance of recovery in exercise training for ages but
never applied it to what I have been teaching for an equally long time, which
is to Listen to Your Body when it comes to selecting foods.

    The epiphany I had with Dr. McGuff is that I wasn't applying the "Listen
to Your Body" principle with respect to my exercise program. When I grilled
him on parameters of what is the best way to know if you are recovered from
your exercise he said you would have a restless energy and feel like you have
to engage in some type of physical activity. You will just want to work out.

    Well that had not happened to me for some time as I believe I was pushing
myself too hard and had not allowed myself enough recovery time. I don't
believe this is a problem for most people who exercise, as they are more
likely not pushing themselves hard enough, but when you go to extremes as in
Peak Fitness high-intensity training programs, this is a serious risk you
need to pay careful attention to.

Putting it All Together

    So I am currently in a massive experimentation phase and playing with my
exercise program. I am doing Peak Fitness 2-3 times a week and also
incorporating some changes with my strength training. 

    Along with this I intend to do active isolated stretching on a daily
basis and do very specific strengthening exercises that are designed for
small muscles that are missed during virtually all traditional multi muscle
strength training exercises.  I will likely be exercising the same length of
time just breaking it up differently.  I suspect that will be more ideal for
me and I intend to report on my results as I seek to refine my program so you
can learn from it.

    I guess the lesson here to learn is that life is an exciting journey.

Learn as much as you can from your mistakes and continue to seek new
information from different mentors that you can apply and, here is the key,
learn to listen to your body so it can guide you into a path that will
provide you with the most efficient and effective benefits.

Thank You Dr. Mercola


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Friday, May 31, 2013

Success From Fitness Exercises!

You Can Use Peak Fitness Principles for Strength Training, Too


            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


            Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


           Continued From Last Post.

You Can Use Peak Fitness Principles for Strength Training, Too

    Instead of using an elliptical machine three times a week, you can use strength training to get a Peak Fitness workout in too. This is another way to activate HGH while building up different areas in your muscles. The challenge of relying on any specific exercise, the elliptical or the recumbent bike, and so on is that your body adapts to that.

    You really want a comprehensive holistic approach for optimal benefits.

    Phil explains how to do this:

        "It's the same principle. You're applying the same principle of recruiting fast-twitch muscle fiber with strength training as you can with Sprint 8. Your body is trying to do things not to recruit fast-twitch fiber because your body thinks it's trying to help you get through all day by staying to slow-twitch fiber in the system. So if it's a push or press movement away from the center -- like the chest press, bench press, shoulder press, squat or any push or press movement away from the center of the body -- those muscles return loaded with fast-twitch fiber that a lot of times simply don't get worked.

        It's real simple to engage that muscle fiber.

        So if you come down like on a push-up or a chest press, pause and then explode out -- don't use momentum to come out -- just pause and then explode with velocity because you're getting an intensity of movement.

        Whether Sprint 8 or lifting weights, you get intensity from the matter resistance and the velocity of movement. So when you factor in a velocity of movement into that equation, you recruit fast-twitch fiber. … And so you get all three muscle fiber types in the same exercise if you do it that way. We recommend doing that on push or press movements. It's the way to observe your body. A great example would be triceps. Triceps are just loaded with fast-twitch fiber. Triceps press for the rope, for example, is a great way to work it. You let a pause, explode. Pause, explode."

How to Make Sure Your Growth Hormone Stays Optimized AFTER Your Workout

    Once you have gone through all the time, effort and energy of stimulating growth hormone release, there's an exercise recovery phase of two to three hours, where you have to be somewhat careful about what foods you choose to eat. If you aren't careful, then you could suppress the stimulus and you won't get that growth hormone benefits that you would have if you have been more careful with your diet.

    Specifically, in order to promote HGH release, you do need to restrict sugar intake post-exercise (although carbs can benefit those more interested in fast recovery, such as professional athletes).

    Phil explains:

        "What we recommend … is to get 25 grams of protein afterwards within that 30-minute golden window. There is a lot of research to support that, but there's also some research done by Dr. John Ivy of the University of Texas, a great researcher on a young cyclist who made recovery. They're not looking at growth hormone or maximizing growth hormone. They're trying to get to recover as quickly as possible so they can cycle several days in a row.

        They showed that getting a ratio of 4:1 carbs to protein is better for recovery … 4:1 starts recovery faster. If you're going after recovery, that's the best strategy … [if] you're not looking for growth hormone, that is. But on the other side, if your goal for most middle-aged adults and older is to maximize growth hormone to get this wonderful hormone circulating for that full two hours in the surging window for going after body fat (just about like you're doing cardio for two hours), you can do that.… if you throw too many carbohydrates in … then that releases the hormones called somatostatin. That, for whatever reason, just shuts down growth hormone. That's clear in the research."

    So it's important to avoid carbs, especially sugar or fructose-containing foods, in the two hours after your workout, and this includes sports drinks, to be sure you're getting the full HGH benefits.

    Now, instead of wasting hours and hours needlessly on slow cardio workouts, you can cut down the time, improve the benefits and improve the quality of your life by doing Peak Fitness exercises for 20 minutes, just three times a week. This is not only about longevity but the quality of your life! For more information, Phil has written a book called Ready Set Go. I strongly recommend picking up a copy of that book if you're interested in using high-intensity exercise to improve your health.


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Peak Fitness Also Increases Your Endurance Through Fitness Exercises.

Peak Fitness Also Increases Your Endurance Through Fitness Exercises.


            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


            Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


           Continued From Last Post.

Peak Fitness Also Increases Your Endurance

    Another great facet of Peak Fitness is that it gives you both aerobic and
anaerobic benefits at the same time, essentially replacing the need to do
long, slow training. In fact, Phil points out that if you're trying to build
your endurance levels, replacing tedious distance workouts with Peak Fitness
is going to give you better results.

        "With long-slow cardio there's some benefits, but we know from the
sport sciences now that the best way to increase endurance capacity is
through hard, fast anaerobic training," Phil says.

        … There's a study … that shows you double endurance capacity with the
program very similar to Sprint 8, where you go on an all-cardio cycle for 30
seconds except they would rest for two-four minutes before they do another
one. Sprints 8, on the other hand, you only get an accurate recovery of a
minute and a half because we're trying to multitask an aerobic workout and an
anaerobic workout, where they would just look at endurance capacity. So
Sprint 8 is actually much more intense than this exercise protocol. But in
that protocol, they showed that you double endurance capacity three workouts
a week in two weeks' time."

Summary of a Typical Peak Fitness Workout

    Here's a summary of what a typical Peak Fitness routine might look like:

        Warm up for three minutes
        Exercise as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds. You should feel
        like you couldn't possibly go on another few seconds
        Recover for 90 seconds
        Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery 7 more times

    As you can see, the entire workout is only 20 minutes. Twenty minutes!
That really is a beautiful thing. And within those 20 minutes, 75 percent of
that time is warming up, recovering or cooling down. You're really only
working out intensely for four minutes. It's hard to believe if you have
never done this that you can actually get that much benefit from four minutes
of exercise. That's all it is.

    Keep in mind that you can use virtually any type of equipment you want
for this – an elliptical machine, a treadmill, swimming, even sprinting
outdoors (although you will need to do this very carefully to avoid injury)
-- as long as you're pushing yourself as hard as you can for 30 seconds. But
do be sure to stretch properly and start slowly to avoid injury. Start with
two or three repetitions and work your way up, don't expect to do all eight
repetitions the first time you try this, especially if you are out of shape.

    Phil states:

        "There are many different ways you could do Sprint 8. As long as you
can get totally exhausted in 30 seconds or less. That's the key. If you can't
go longer than 30 seconds -- no matter if you're a professional athlete or
just starting -- that means you're doing it correctly. It has to be so
intense that after 30 seconds, you're just praying for those last seconds to
go by … "

    Phil also mentioned that his study showed doing Peak Fitness on an
elliptical machine led to a higher release of growth hormone, and he suspects
that it is the most challenging type of equipment to use.

    One caveat: a treadmill may not be the best choice for Peak Fitness
because of the time it takes for the machine to adjust intensities. So
instead of the 30-second sprint, by the time the machine calibrates it will
only be 20 seconds.

    I really discourage people from using the treadmill because I don't
believe it is ideal due to lag time to adjust intensity levels and an
increased risk of falling off the equipment and injuring yourself. The
elliptical is probably close to the best in my opinion. But if you don't have
access to a gym or your own equipment, then you can improvise. You can use
virtually any type of cardio exercise, as long as you get your knees up and
your heart rate up, that's the key.

    I would strongly recommend that you invest in a chest strap heart rate
monitor to make sure your intensity is on target. If you are able to exceed
your calculative maximum heart rate, which is 220 minus your age, by five or
10 beats, then you know you have trained. And you really need to be accurate
within a few beats per minute to get the best results. There's a big
difference between 166 and 168, but you're not going to be able to calculate
that manually. You need an electronic version.

    If funds are limited and you can't join the gym or get a piece of
equipment, invest in a heart rate monitor. That's going to give you the
information you need to make sure you're doing the activity properly.


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Ray Stevens - Everything Is Beautiful

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Cardio Primarily Exercise          



            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


            Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


           Continued From Last Post.

  Cardio Primarily Exercise

    Traditional strength training and cardio primarily exercise your slow
twitch muscle fibers. Your body kicks in these slow twitch muscles first,
in an effort to not recruit your fast twitch muscles, or work your heart

    This is why you may not see results even though you spend an hour on
the treadmill a few times a week – you're basically denying the natural
physiology of your body by not working the other half of your muscle
fibers; your fast-twitch muscles.

    Phil states:

        " … the American Heart Association and the American College of
Sports Medicine, they have taken long-slow cardio and have taken it out
of the exercise guidelines and the reason is pretty clear. It just
doesn't work. It doesn't work both processes of your heart muscle,
aerobic process and anaerobic process. It doesn't work for your fast-
twitch fiber.

        To really work your cardiovascular system the way you should, I'm now
saying you do moderate-intensity cardio (which is still pretty intense) five
days a week for 30 minutes - or vigorous intensity cardio for 20 minutes,
three times a week. This is what Sprint 8 has been for years and years now."

You Should NOT do Peak Fitness Every Day

    I want to point out that even though Peak Fitness is, in my impression,
an essential, crucial element of any exercise training program -- it is NOT
something you should do every day, as your body requires more time to heal in
between sessions.

    Phil says:

        "We have to urge caution because research is pretty clear now: if you
do long and slow exercise, your muscle -- that's slow-twitch fiber -- can
heal pretty quickly in one day. But when you work fast-twitch fiber, whether
it's an NFL athlete, or me or anyone, it takes about 48 hours for that fast-
twitch fiber to truly heal back and totally recover. Sprint 8 is one of these
programs that you really don't want to do every day … we recommend three
times a week."

    The benefit of doing this program three times a week comes not only from
the way it works your fast and super-fast muscle fibers, but also the way it
increases your growth hormone with each session.

Each Peak Fitness Workout May Increase Your Growth Hormones by 771 Percent

    Human growth hormone is often referred to as "the fitness hormone." The
higher your levels of growth hormone, the healthier and stronger you will be.

Once you hit the age of 30, you enter what's called "somatopause," at which
point your levels of human HGH begin to drop off quite dramatically. This
decline of HGH is part of what drives your aging process, so maintaining your
HGH levels gets increasingly important with age.

       The longer you can keep your body producing higher levels of HGH, the
longer you will likely experience more robust health and strength. Some
athletes choose to inject it for this very reason, though it is a banned
substance in nearly every professional sport. I do not recommend injecting
HGH however, due to the potential side effects, the cost and, more
importantly, it is likely to cause more long-term harm than good.

Fortunately, your body produces HGH naturally when you exercise your super-
fast muscle fibers during vigorous, high-intensity exercise like Peak


    Phil explains:

        "You know, walking is a great thing, but it only works the aerobic
process of your heart muscle. It doesn't work the anaerobic process. It only
recruits your slow-twitch fibers. So those two other muscle fiber types are
meant to be used to exercise is necessary to release growth hormones.

        … If we look at the body and say, how do you want us to exercise?

When you do this – when you do Sprint 8 – it's almost like the result is
screaming this: When you do this, I release this hormone that's so powerful,
that if you're an Olympic athlete, your test goes positive for injecting
growth hormone. That's how significant Sprint 8 is when you look at growth

    In fact, an eight-week study conducted by Phil and colleagues found that
a Peak Fitness session resulted in an average HGH increase of 771 percent!
This also translated to increased fat burning among the study participants.

Phil states:

        "At the end of the eight weeks, results were phenomenal. The average
body fat loss was 31 percent. Sprint 8 was designed to replicate the growth
hormone production, which in the average case increases 14.4 percent.

Basically, Sprint 8 in this one study on middle-aged workers shows that it's
twice as effective in body fat loss as injecting growth hormone."


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Michael Bolton - When A Man Loves A Woman

Changing Our Tune on Exercise


            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments



    You’ve heard it all before... exercise can help you lose weight, help
prevent diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and help you live
to a healthy old age -- all spectacular benefits that are well worth a bit of
sweat and exertion.

    So why, then, do the majority of U.S. adults get no vigorous exercise,
and only 28 percent do so three times or more a week?

    Clearly, something in the message is not getting through... or it is not
motivating enough to make most people think of exercise as a priority in
their day – like working, eating and sleeping. New research has revealed that
part of the problem may, in fact, be in the way exercise is advertised, which
is missing out on a key motivating factor.

Would You Exercise More If...

    You thought your workouts would enhance your well-being today? If, after
you walked out of the gym or got home from a run, you knew you would feel
happier, more optimistic and better able to deal with all of the stress that
comes with living?

    Research by Michelle L. Segar, a research investigator at the Institute
for Research on Women and Gender at the University of Michigan, and
colleagues suggests you would. The study found that while many people started
an exercise program to lose weight and improve their appearance, they
continued to exercise because of the benefits to their well-being.

    Once people recognized this connection to their emotional health, they
continued to work out because it made them feel good mentally. Dr. Segar

        “It [Exercise] has to be portrayed as a compelling behavior that can
benefit us today... People who say they exercise for its benefits to quality
of life exercise more over the course of a year than those who say they value
exercise for its health benefits.

        …Immediate rewards are more motivating than distant ones... Feeling
happy and less stressed is more motivating than not getting heart disease or
cancer, maybe, someday in the future.

        …Physical activity is an elixir of life, but we’re not teaching
people that. We’re telling them it’s a pill to take or a punishment for bad
numbers on the scale. Sustaining physical activity is a motivational and
emotional issue, not a medical one.”

Exercise 'Marketing' Should Focus on Its Benefits to Your Happiness
    Perhaps in order to entice people to want to exercise, we do need to
change the way we “market” the idea. Rather than viewing exercise as a
medical tool to lose weight, prevent disease, and live longer, why not view
it as a tool to immediately enhance your frame of mind?

    It does this well, after all.

    Regular workouts, even during the winter months, will boost your mood
naturally and chase away the blahs or even more serious feelings of
depression. Exercise has been found to work at least as well as
antidepressants to treat symptoms of depression. Just getting outside for a
walk or to the gym for a 30-minute workout can dramatically improve your
mood, both short and longer term.

    Exercise boosts levels of potent brain chemicals like serotonin,
dopamine, and norepinephrine, which may help buffer some of the effects of
stress. Many avid exercisers also feel a sense of euphoria after a workout,
sometimes known as the “runner’s high.” It can be quite addictive, in a good
way, once you experience just how good it feels to get your heart rate up and
your body moving.

    So if you’re having trouble motivating yourself to exercise, there are
immediate benefits to help get you over the hump. Aside from the emotional
“high,” other immediate or near-immediate benefits include:

        Better sleep
        Boost your immune system
        Improve blood flow to your brain
        Enhance learning
        Build self-esteem and body image

    Once you experience these personally, you’ll likely have a high level of
self-determination or autonomy when it comes to deciding to exercise. Rather
than viewing it as a chore that you have to do, you’ll view it as a choice
that you value spending your time doing – and probably also start to think of
it as essential to keeping your emotional sanity. And exercise is, indeed,

        “We need to make exercise relevant to people’s daily lives,” Dr.
Segar continued. “Everyone’s schedule is packed with nonstop to-do’s. We can
only fit in what’s essential.”

Turning on Some Tunes Will Improve Your Exercise Performance Effortlessly

    Since we all want to make the most of our exercise time, it’s worth
noting that listening to music while exercising can increase your endurance
by 15 percent, and your movement will likely follow the tempo of the song.

For instance, in one study when the music's tempo slowed, the subjects'
exertion level reduced as well. And when the tempo was increased, their
performance followed suit.

    Your body may be simply responding to the beat on a more or less
subconscious level, but the type and tempo of the music you choose while
working out may also influence your conscious motivation. Certain music may
also have an enhancement effect by either reducing perceptions of fatigue or
increasing work capacity with higher than expected levels of endurance,
power, productivity or strength. To get the most benefits, the "right" music
has to be chosen, and researchers determined the most effective music for
exercise should be:

       Functional for the activity (rhythm should match up with your
       Selected with desired effects in mind (loud, fast, percussive music
       with a lot of bass will increase arousal, slower music will help you unwind,
       cool down, etc.)
       Accompanied by lyrics associated with movement, such as "the only way
       is up"
       Within the tempo band of 125-140 beats per minute for most people

    You needn't get bogged down with the details, however, as selecting music
is a highly personal and intuitive process. When a song gets you energized
and rearing to go, you'll know it, and these are the types of songs you
should add to your workout playlist. Most of the music playing in typical
gyms I have not found very helpful, but you can use your own music with a
pair of high-quality lightweight headphones.

Thank You  Dr. Mercola

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Céline Dion - It's All Coming Back To Me Now

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Arthritis Treatment


       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Do your friends call you for the weather report because your achy joints can
predict rain? Do you wake up in the morning with stiff, sore ankles making it
hard to walk to the bathroom or take a stroll with your spouse? Is exercising
at the gym a nightmare? Do you ever have trouble opening jars, using a
keyboard or cell phone or shaking hands?

Sadly, if you suffer from stiff joints, arthritis or inflammation, the
chronic pain that goes along with it can keep you from enjoying a full and
happy life.

But what if I told you that your pain, inflammation and even arthritis are
NOT something you have to suffer with any more. There’s a simple, all-natural
cure, that’s quick, inexpensive and you can make it right at home.

When I first heard that, I thought, this is crazy! How can one simple home
remedy cure joint pain? Why haven’t I heard this before? The drug companies
make hundreds of millions of dollars each year on arthritis drugs and over-
the-counter pain medications but nobody ever mentioned a cure …

This is what was going through my head when I first spoke to my good friend
Jesse Cannone. You may have heard of Jesse. He’s the co-founder of the
Healthy Back Institute and author of The 7-Day Back Pain Cure. He’s known as
the “back pain relief guy” because he’s helped so many people get rid of
their pain for good with all-natural treatments. Over the years, I’ve really
learned a lot from him.

That’s why when he mentioned this arthritis cure, I had to listen. He’s never
steered me wrong before. Jesse told me about a book that he’s licensed called
The Cure for All Diseases by Dr. Hulda Clark. Dr. Clark’s book gives all the
details about this amazingly simple home remedy that can actually CURE joint
pain, and backs it up with real science.

Dr. Clark shows you exactly how you can quickly and inexpensively eliminate
the source of pain, which, as it turns out is from a parasitic infection. Dr.

Clark, a pioneer in the study of the effects of parasites on humans, has
found that particular parasites can infect humans and cause all sorts of
disease and pain. According to Dr. Clark’s research, the patients she
examined who were suffering from joint pain were infected with as many as
four specific types of worms.

World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


In the book, Dr. Clark shows how you can eliminate these parasites quickly
and easily. She also helps you identify and remove key toxins from your home
to reduce or prevent re-infection. Dr. Clark’s book really offers a wealth of
information and all-natural remedies. It’s truly an all-natural health bible,
full of helpful advice and real cures for pain and disease.

But Jesse was completely honest with me. He told me that Dr. Clark has been
under fire for years from the mainstream medical community for her natural
remedies, despite 30 years of clinical study and patient research, and
thousands of success stories. This doesn’t surprise me. Dr. Clark’s book
virtually eliminates the need for doctors or drugs, so it’s only natural that
the medical authorities and Big Pharma would be trying to silence her.

They’re always trying to keep the lid on anything that’s outside the medical
norm or that doesn’t help them cash in.

When I looked into it further, I found that Dr. Clark’s joint pain treatment
has no side effects. It’s completely painless and you can do it yourself,
right from home. It costs less than $25 to make yourself .You make it just
once and then can use it forever. It’s all outlined in the book, The Cure for

All Diseases.

If you or someone you love is experiencing chronic joint pain, don’t suffer
in silence or accept it as a natural part of aging. You can do something
about it. Take the first step today and order The Cure for All Diseases.

Thank You Barton Publishing Inc.

            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Roy Orbison - Crying (from The Roy Orbison Show)

Mental Illness

Continued From Last Post.

Mental Illness

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Many of the Mental Illnesses in the DSM are Subjective

    It's almost impossible to see a psychiatrist today without being diagnosed with a mental disorder because so many behavior variations are described as pathology. And you have very high chance – approaching 100% -- of emerging from your psychiatrist's office with a prescription in hand. Writing a prescription is, of course, much faster than engaging in behavioral or lifestyle strategies, but it's also a far more lucrative approach for the conventional model.

    What makes this scenario all the more frustrating is the fact that virtually none of the mental disorders described in the DSM can be objectively measured by empirical tests.3 In other words, they're completely subjective. Mental illness symptoms within this manual are arbitrarily assigned by a subjective voting system by a psychiatric panel. So, they're essentially making up diseases to fit the drugs—not the other way around. Following are some actual “diseases” in the DSM:

        Do you shop too much? You might have Compulsive Shopping Disorder.
        Do you have a difficult time with multiplication? You could be suffering from Dyscalculia.
        Spending too much time at the gym? You'd better see someone for your Bigorexia or Muscle Dysmorphia.
        And my favorite—are your terrified by the number 13? You could have Triskaidekaphobia!

Neurologists Say ADHD Drugs Should Not be Used as 'Study Drugs'

    Adderall, which contains amphetamine (aka "speed") and dextroamphetamine, is a stimulant drug that is often prescribed to improve attention and focus and reduce impulsiveness and hyperactivity in patients with ADHD.

    But because of its stimulant properties, it's become a black-market drug of choice for college kids looking to pull all-nighters to boost their grades. An estimated one in 10 college students abuse Adderall as a way to gain a competitive edge in their studies, often comparing it to athletes who use steroids.4 But the pills have a dark side, often quickly leading to addiction and causing other side effects like mood swings, insomnia, depression and panic attacks.

    College students who use Adderall as a "study drug" acquired from the black market is a large enough problem on its own, but in some cases physicians prescribe these drugs to healthy kids for this very same purpose, a trend sometimes called “pediatric neuroenhancement.” The practice has become so commonplace that the American Academy of Neurology has released a formal statement against it, noting:5

        “In children and adolescents, neuroenhancement appears to be increasing in parallel to the rising rates of attention-deficit disorder diagnoses and stimulant medication prescriptions, and the opportunities for medication diversion. Pediatric neuroenhancement remains a particularly unsettled and value-laden practice, often without appropriate goals or justification.

        Pediatric neuroenhancement presents its own ethical, social, legal, and developmental issues, including the fiduciary responsibility of physicians caring for children, the special integrity of the doctor–child–parent relationship, the vulnerability of children to various forms of coercion, distributive justice in school settings, and the moral obligation of physicians to prevent misuse of medication.… neuroenhancement in legally and developmentally nonautonomous children and adolescents without a diagnosis of a neurologic disorder is not justifiable.”

    Even if the drugs do give students a competitive edge against their non-medicated peers, it’s unclear how any physician would consider this worth the risk. Drugs like Adderall are powerful, mind-altering medications linked to growth suppression, increased blood pressure and psychotic episodes. In children, the impacts of their long-term use are completely unknown, although given the drug's addictive nature, it's quite possible these kids could become life-long addicts.

            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


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5 Tips to Support Your Mental Health

    My heart goes out to you if you, or someone you love, is struggling with mental illness. The solutions offered below will often help you to overcome your battle in the long run, but in no way are they meant to minimize the complicated puzzle of mental illness, or the extreme toll it can take on family units and in some cases extended circles of friends.

    Whether you’re facing depression or another mental condition, these strategies have nothing but positive effects and are generally very inexpensive to implement. Plus, they can be used for both children and adults alike, and work great when implemented with your entire family involved.

        Exercise – If you have depression, or even if you just feel down from time to time, exercise is a MUST. The research is overwhelmingly positive in this area, with studies confirming that physical exercise is at least as good as antidepressants for helping people who are depressed. One of the primary ways it does this is by increasing the level of endorphins, the "feel good" hormones, in your brain.
        Address your stress -- Depression is a very serious condition, however it is not a "disease." Rather, it's a sign that your body and your life are out of balance. This is so important to remember, because as soon as you start to view depression as an "illness," you think you need to take a drug to fix it. In reality, all you need to do is return balance to your life, and one of the key ways to doing this is addressing stress.

        Meditation or yoga can help. Sometimes all you need to do is get outside for a walk. But in addition to that, I also recommend using a solid support system composed of friends, family and, if necessary, professional counselors, who can help you work through your emotional stress. The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is also often effective.
        Eat a healthy diet -- Another factor that cannot be overlooked is your diet. Foods have an immense impact on your mood and ability to cope and be happy, and eating whole foods as described in my nutrition plan will best support your mental health. Avoiding fructose, sugar and grains will help normalize your insulin and leptin levels, which is another powerful tool in addressing positive mental health.
        Support optimal brain functioning with essential fats -- I also strongly recommend supplementing your diet with a high-quality, animal-based omega-3 fat, like krill oil. Omega-3 fats are essential for your optimal brain function, and that includes regulating your mood and fighting depression. In fact, the evidence has become so compelling that some experts in the field encourage all mental health professionals to ensure that their patients suffering from depression have an adequate intake of omega-3 fats.
        Get plenty of sunshine – Making sure you're getting enough sunlight exposure to have healthy vitamin D levels is also a crucial factor in treating depression or keeping it at bay. Vitamin D deficiency is actually more the norm than the exception, and has previously been implicated in both psychiatric and neurological disorders.

Thank You Dr. Mercola

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mental Disorders

Mental Disorders

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


    The fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association's (APA)
diagnostic "bible" – the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental
Disorders (DSM) – is due out in May 2013.

    DSM-5 contains an ever-expanding list of mental illnesses, along with
detailed criteria that psychiatrists and other mental health professionals
use for making diagnoses.

    But many critics have emerged, including a group of opponents referred to
as the International DSM-5 Response Committee, who are launching a campaign
to block the manual’s release, or at least warn practitioners and patients
alike to take its definitions of mental illness with a serious grain of salt

Turning Healthy People Into Mental Illness Patients

    According to some, the new version of the manual will label healthy
people with a mental condition and make them prime candidates for unnecessary
prescriptions of mind-altering antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs.

    At the center of the anti-DSM-5 movement is Dr. Allen Frances, author of
"Saving Normal: An Insider's Revolt Against Out of Control Psychiatric
Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life."
    Dr. Frances actually led the task force that produced the last edition of
the manual, DSM-4, which he now believes has resulted in the over-
medicalization and over-diagnosis of mental illnesses.

    Frances told CNN:1

        "What motivates me is the experience of having inadvertently
contributed to fads and psycho-diagnosis that have resulted in over-diagnosis
and over-treatment … Some of this happened during DSM IV, even though we were
more conservative with that document than they've been with DSM-5, with its
many changes that are unsupported and, in some cases, quite reckless."

Normal Emotions Classified as Disorders?

    The soon-to-be-released DSM-5 contains a myriad of questionable new
disorders that could result in turning virtually anyone experiencing normal
human life challenges and emotions into a patient.

    For instance, “somatic symptom disorder” describes a person who has spent
six months or more thinking about and being anxious about their medical
issues. This, Frances explained, would incorrectly apply to about one in four
people with chronic pain or irritable bowel syndrome, he told CNN.

    Then there is "Internet use disorder," which will be recommended as an
area that needs further study in DSM-5. Internet use disorder includes many
characteristics of any addiction, such as experiencing withdrawal symptoms
when the object of addiction is taken away, an inability to control its use,
developing a tolerance to it, deceiving family members about its use, and
losing interests in other hobbies.

    In this case, of course, the object of abuse is the Internet. By making
Internet addiction a certifiable mental illness, it then becomes treatable by
drugs and billable through insurance companies?and morphs into a "disorder"
that is likely something that will stigmatize your health records for the
rest of your life.

    Millions of Americans, including me, use the Internet on a daily basis,
many for hours on end, so the potential treatment market for "Internet use
disorder" is huge.

Even Grief is a Mental 'Illness'

    Also according to DSM-5, you may actually have an "Adjustment Disorder"
related to bereavement if:2

        "Following the death of a close family member or close friend, the
individual experiences on more days than not intense yearning or longing for
the deceased, intense sorrow and emotional pain, or preoccupation with the
deceased or the circumstances of the death for at least 12 months (or 6
months for children). The person may also display difficulty accepting the
death, intense anger over the loss, a diminished sense of self, a feeling
that life is empty, or difficulty planning for the future or engaging in
activities or relationships."

    These all sound like normal reactions following the death of a loved one,
but the DSM-5 also proposes further study for Persistent Complex Bereavement
Disorder, with the purpose being to "develop the best empirically-based set
of symptoms to characterize individuals with bereavement-related disorders."

    Close to 2.5 million Americans die each year, and the number of those
experiencing grief as a result is far higher. This is the market the
pharmaceutical industry stands to gain, thanks to the APA's trigger-happy
attitude when it comes to labeling normal human emotions as psychiatric


  World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments

  Your Solution For Disease FREE Health.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Your Heart Health!

     Continued From Last Post

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


 Your Heart Health


How the Stress Response Affects Your Digestion and Health

    Your heart is not the only organ that takes a beating when you’re
stressed. While under stress, your heart rate goes up, your blood pressure
rises, and blood is shunted away from your midsection, going to your arms,
legs, and head for quick thinking, fighting, or fleeing. All of these changes
are referred to as the physiological stress response.

    Under those circumstances, your digestion also completely shuts down,
which can have severe ramifications for your overall health. Americans are
notorious for “eating on the run,” which can negate the benefits you’d
otherwise reap from eating a healthier diet (or make the effects of a poor
diet worse). The stress response causes a number of detrimental events in
your body, including:    

    Perhaps most importantly, when your body is under the stress response,
your cortisol and insulin levels rise. These two hormones tend to track each
other, and when your cortisol is consistently elevated under a chronic low-
level stress response, you may experience difficulty losing weight or
building muscle. Additionally, if your cortisol is chronically elevated,
you’ll tend to gain weight around your midsection, which is a major
contributing factor to developing diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Many
nutrients that are critical for health are also excreted during stress,

        Water-soluble vitamins
        Calcium (calcium excretion can increase as much as 60 to 75
        mg within an hour of a stressful event)

            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


Tending to Your Gut is Important to Help Combat Mental Stress

    What this all boils down to is that when you eat under stress, your body
is in the opposite state of where you need to be in order to digest,
assimilate nutrients and burn calories. You could be eating the healthiest
food in the world, but if your body cannot fully digest and assimilate that
food, then you will not reap the benefits from it, nor will you be able to
burn calories effectively.

    Interestingly, neurotransmitters like serotonin are also found in your
gut. In fact, the greatest concentration of serotonin, which is involved in
mood control, depression and suppressing aggression, is found within your
intestines, not your brain. It’s no surprise then that scientific evidence
shows that nourishing your gut flora with the friendly bacteria with
fermented foods or probiotics is extremely important for proper brain
function, including psychological well-being and mood control. For instance,
the probiotic known as Bifidobacterium longum NCC3001 has been shown to
normalize anxiety-like behavior in mice with infectious colitis.

    Research published in 20117 also demonstrated that probiotics have a
direct effect on brain chemistry under normal conditions -- in such a way
that can impact your feelings of anxiety or depression.

    In short, the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus had a marked effect on
GABA [an inhibitory neurotransmitter that is significantly involved in
regulating many physiological and psychological processes] levels in certain
brain regions and lowered the stress-induced hormone corticosterone,
resulting in reduced anxiety- and depression-related behavior. The authors

        "Together, these findings highlight the important role of bacteria in
the bidirectional communication of the gut-brain axis and suggest that
certain organisms may prove to be useful therapeutic adjuncts in stress-
related disorders such as anxiety and depression."

For Optimal Health, Take Stress Management Seriously

    You cannot eliminate stress entirely, but you can work to provide your
body with tools to compensate for the bioelectrical short-circuiting that can
cause serious disruption in many of your body's important systems. By using
energy psychology techniques such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT),
you can reprogram your body’s reactions to the unavoidable stressors of
everyday life. EFT stimulates different energy meridian points in your body
by tapping them with your fingertips while tapping on specific key locations,
custom-made verbal affirmations are said repeatedly. This can be done alone
or under the supervision of a qualified therapist.

World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


    Seeking the help of a licensed therapist is particularly recommended if
you’re dealing with trauma-based stress such as PTSD or grief following the
loss of a loved one. There are also many other stress-management strategies
you can employ to help you unwind and address your stress, including:

        Exercise. Studies have shown that during exercise, tranquilizing
chemicals (endorphins) are released in your brain. Exercise is a natural way
to bring your body pleasurable relaxation and rejuvenation, and has been
shown to help protect against the physical effects of daily stress
        Restorative sleep
        Meditation (with or without the additional aid of brain wave
       synchronization technology)
        Schedule time to eat without rushing, and make sure to maintain
optimal gut health by regularly consuming fermented foods, such as fermented
vegetables, or taking a high-quality probiotics supplement

Thank You Dr. Mercola

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Tina Turner & Chuck Berry - Rock n roll music

Monday, May 27, 2013

How Stress Affects Your Heart and Gut Health

  Continued From Last Post

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


 Your Heart Health

        'We're starting to connect emotions with cardiovascular risk markers
and the new research adds evidence of a link,' said Dr. Nieca Goldberg, a
cardiologist at NYU Langone Medical Center and an American Heart Association

    In one such study, which involved nearly 208,000 veterans aged 46 to 74,
35 percent of those diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
developed insulin resistance in two years, compared to only 19 percent of
those not diagnosed with PTSD.

    Insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes and hardening of the
arteries. PTSD sufferers also had higher rates of metabolic syndrome — a
collection of risk factors that raise your risk of heart disease, such as
high body fat, cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. More than
half (about 53 percent) of veterans with PTSD had several of these symptoms,
compared to 37 percent of those not suffering with PTSD. According to the
featured article:

        “The numbers are estimates and are not as important as the trend —
more heart risk with more stress, said one study leader, Dr. Ramin Ebrahimi,
a cardiologist at the Greater Los Angeles VA Medical Center and a professor
at UCLA. It shows that PTSD can cause physical symptoms, not just the mental
ones commonly associated with it.

            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


        'Twenty or 30 years ago PTSD was a term reserved for combat veterans.
We have come to realize now that PTSD is actually a much more common disorder
and it can happen in veterans who did not undergo combat but had a very
traumatic experience such as losing a friend,' he said. That goes for others
who suffer trauma such as being raped, robbed at gunpoint or in a serious
accident, he said. Nearly 8 million Americans have PTSD, the National
Institute of Mental Health estimates.”

Is It a Heart Attack, or 'Broken Heart Syndrome?'

    Extreme grief, regardless of the cause, can actually "break" your heart
according to previous research. In comparing how grief affects your heart
disease risk within a period of time, researchers found that losing a
significant person in your life raises your risk of having a heart attack the
next day by 21 times, and in the following week by 6 times.4 The risk of
heart attacks began to decline after about a month had passed, perhaps as
levels of stress hormones begin to level out.

    The study did not get into the causes of the abrupt increase in risk of
cardiovascular events like a heart attack, but it's likely related to the
flood of stress hormones your body is exposed to following extreme stress.

For instance, adrenaline increases your blood pressure and your heart rate,
and it's been suggested it may lead to narrowing of the arteries that supply
blood to your heart, or even bind directly to heart cells allowing large
amounts of calcium to enter and render the cells temporarily unable to
function properly.

    Interestingly, while your risk of heart attack increases following severe
stress, so does your risk of what's known as stress cardiomyopathy -- or
"broken heart syndrome" -- which is basically a "temporary" heart attack that
occurs due to stress. The symptoms of stress cardiomyopathy or broken heart
syndrome are very similar to those of a typical heart attack -- chest pain,
shortness of breath, low blood pressure and even congestive heart failure can
occur. There are some important differences, however.

World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


    In broken heart syndrome, the symptoms occur shortly after an extremely
stressful event, such as a death in the family, serious financial loss,
extreme anger, domestic abuse, a serious medical diagnosis, or a car accident
or other trauma.

    This stress and the subsequent release of stress hormones are thought to
"stun" or "shock" the heart, leading to sudden heart muscle weakness. This
condition can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention,
however it is often a temporary condition that leaves no permanent damage.5

In most cases a typical heart attack occurs due to blockages in the coronary
arteries that stop blood flow and cause heart cells to die, leading to
irreversible damage. But people with broken heart syndrome often have normal
arteries without significant blockages. The symptoms occur due to the
emotional stress, so when the stress begins to die down, the heart is able to


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

How Stress Affects Your Heart and Gut Health

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


 Your Heart Health

    As much as you may try to ignore it, you cannot separate your wellness
from your emotions. Every feeling you have affects some part of your body,
and stress can wreak havoc on your physical health even if you’re doing
everything else “right.”

    The classic definition of stress is “any real or imagined threat, and
your body’s response to it.” Celebrations and tragedies alike can cause a
stress response in your body.

    All of your feelings, positive or negative, create physiological changes.
Your skin, heart rate, digestion, joints, muscle energy levels, the hair on
your head, and countless cells and systems you don't even know about change
with every emotion.

    Stress plays a major role in your immune system, and can impact your
blood pressure, cholesterol levels, brain chemistry, blood sugar levels, and
hormonal balance. It can even “break” your heart, and is increasingly being
viewed as a cardiovascular risk marker.

    Women are more vulnerable to feeling sadness and anxiety than men,
according to research, and feel the pressures of stress more than their male
peers, both at work and at home.

    You cannot eliminate stress entirely, but you can work to provide your
body with tools to compensate for the bioelectrical short-circuiting that can
cause serious disruption in many of your body's important systems.

    By using techniques such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), you
can reprogram your body’s reactions to the unavoidable stressors of everyday
life. Exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and meditation are also
important “release valves” that can help you manage your stress.

            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


How Women Experience Stress

    Some stress is unavoidable; mild forms of stress can even be helpful in
some situations. A stressor becomes a problem when:

        Your response to it is negative.
        Your feelings and emotions are inappropriate for the circumstances.
        Your response lasts an excessively long time.
        You’re feeling continuously overwhelmed, overpowered or overworked.

    According to the featured article in The Guardian,1 certain themes
connect women’s experience of stress. Stomach-churning anxiety, for example,
is far more common in women than men. As is feelings of sadness in response
to stress, and not being able to stop thinking about that which worries them.

    This in and of itself may feed into a vicious cycle that makes matters
progressively worse, because when you dwell on negative emotions you
internalize the stress, which can make it more difficult to come up with
constructive ways to address the problem.

    According to Dr. Tara Chaplin, who led a 2008 study2 investigating the
role of gender and emotion, sadness and anxiety are very passive emotions, so
while you’re sitting there thinking and worrying, you’re less likely to
assert yourself and engage in active problem-solving.

    This could be particularly problematic in the workplace, she warns. She
suggests finding other, more active methods of coping instead of ruminating
and dwelling on negative emotions. What can you change about the situation to
make it better? What can you do to lessen those stressful feelings?

        “Take an active role and thinking of healthy ways to cope – which
could be anything from exercise, meditating, using some new mindfulness
techniques, taking breaks for yourself," she told The Guardian.

        "I focus my research on how women and men cope with stress, but we
also need to have a conversation about what can be done societally to reduce
stress on women... Are there programs that can be in place for subsidizing
daycare so you have good daycare? Could we have longer maternity leave?
These sorts of things are really important."

World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


How Stress Affects Your Heart

    In related news, mounting research shows that people exposed to traumatic
and/or long-term stressors, such as combat veterans, New Orleans residents
who went through Hurricane Katrina, and Greeks struggling through financial
turmoil, have higher rates of cardiac problems than the general population.

According to NBC News:3

        “Disasters and prolonged stress can raise 'fight or flight' hormones
that affect blood pressure, blood sugar and other things in ways that make
heart trouble more likely, doctors say. They also provoke anger and
helplessness and spur heart-harming behaviors like eating or drinking too

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513



Sunday, May 26, 2013

COPD...chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Milk Products and Mucous in COPD

March 21st, 2012 | Author: COPD Coach

Dear COPD Coach,

I have always been told that if you have COPD you should not drink milk or
milk products such as ice cream because it will make mucous. Is this true?

Why do I seem to have more problems with mucous since I was told I have COPD?

–Do Milk Products Affect COPD?

Dear Milk Products,

The idea that milk causes the body to produce mucous has actually been around
for centuries. Finally, after all these years, studies have actually been
done to determine if this is indeed the case. The results were that milk does
not cause the body to produce mucous, BUT it does cause the phlegm to
thicken. It is believed that it is the fat content in the milk that causes
this reaction. Milk has lots of benefits for the body, including being an
excellent source of calcium and vitamins, so you have to weigh the benefits.

There are ways to thin out the mucous, which will be mentioned later in this

            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.



Mucous actually performs an important purpose as it is traps dirt and
bacteria and small foreign objects and keeps them from entering our lungs. It
also aids in digestion and keeps our respiratory tissues from drying out. It
is secreted from membranes in our nose, airways and windpipe. Cilia, the
microscopic hairs in our respiratory system, sweep the dirty mucus upwards
through the airways and move it towards the windpipe so that the particles
can be coughed out or swallowed.

Why do COPD patients seem to have more problems with mucous? There are
actually three explanations.

First of all, as a result of COPD, in most cases the cilia in our respiratory
system is damaged and are not capable of moving the mucous through the
tissues as efficiently as it should.

Secondly, as a result of inflammation, our mucous membranes are producing
excess amounts of mucous in an effort to protect our respiratory tissues and
lungs. The body senses this extra mucus and tries to eliminate it by
triggering coughing.

The third problem is that since we generally have a limited lung function,
our cough response is not as strong as it should be which makes it more
difficult to cough the mucous out. As the mucous becomes thicker, the task of
eliminating excess mucous becomes even more difficult!

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Obviously, we don’t want to eliminate all the mucous in our body, but it is
important to rid ourselves of the large amounts that are obstructing our
breathing, as well as eliminating the dirt and foreign particles it contains
as these can become very irritating to our tissues and could cause

If you have COPD, the key  is to keep the mucous thinner, so it is easier to
remove. Often times this requires using  an airway clearing device (see our
recent ask the coach article on airway clearance devices). Drinking lots of
water can go a long way in helping thin the mucous and make the task of
eliminating it much more efficient. Some health care providers suggest
drinking club soda because the carbonation also helps loosen the mucous.

Certainly, mucous is not a pleasant thing to discuss, but the management of
it is very important for a COPD patient. Hope this helps!

All my best,

The COPD Coach

Ask the Expert is aimed at providing information for individuals with COPD to
take to your doctor, and is not in any way intended to be medical advice.

If you would like to submit a question to the Coaches Corner email us We would love to hear your questions and
comments. You can address your emails to any of the following: COPD Coach,
Caregiver Coach, COPD Doctor or COPD RT.

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513


How to Make Cold Coffee

            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


Coffee is one of the finest beverages. It is tasty, energizing. In chilling cold when our trembling palms cup the hot coffee mug it gives a wonderful warm feeling. But during summer, under the scorching heat, more warmth is not at all welcome. So here comes the cold coffee for our rescue. The cool version of coffee, It not just comforts you, but melts your heart also. It has become immensely popular over the time. All the cafes all over the world are serving this.
Do not mistake it to be a normal hot coffee served cold. Nope, that’s not it. It would have then a bitter insipid taste. It has an individual separate recipe. Some people confuse it with iced coffee. But there are some differences in both taste and look. After a bad blistering summery day you must feel very grumpy and irritable. Well have one cold coffee.
The moment it will go down your throat, you will feel the difference in your mood. But this does not mean that you cannot have it other time. It is an all season beverage. You do not always need to cross the road and go to the café to enjoy this. The busy coffee joints simply mix the sweetener and the hot espresso. And then pour it on chilled milk. One can very easily make this at home. It is unbelievably simple and is prepared in a jiffy. The children love it. The adults adore it.
Difficulty Level
InstructionsYou will need four cups of milk, half cup of water, four tablespoons sugar, four tablespoons of cream, six teaspoons of instant coffee powder, some ice.Heat the water and bring the water to boil. Add the sugar and coffee powder in it. Mix it well. Keep aside and let it cool. Bring it to room temperature. Take this coffee solution and the milk and pour them together in a blender. Churn it for a couple of seconds. Crush the ice. Add it along with the cream in the blender. Again blend it for a few seconds. It will become foamy. Pour it in tall glasses and serve immediately and serve chilled. The taste can be enriched if you add a scoop of vanilla or chocolate ice-cream. Well you can add more than one scoop. Nobody is stopping you. You can also top it with grated chocolate or whipped cream.So now when you know , give the cocktails and mocktails rest. Serve this at parties. Guests might be surprised initially, but that is surely going to be a pleasant surprise. Or when the little ones at your house through tantrum for the artificial drinks, serve them this. You no longer have to worry about their addictions to the soft drinks. Whether it is sweaty summer or the wet monsoon or even the winter, who cares? It can be sipped any time. Those who do not prefer coffee, make it once. You will definitely fall in with this. It definitely refreshes you.

World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


 God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

View the Original article

Is There any Health Care Reform in our Future?

      Continued From Last Post.

Is There any Health Care Reform in our Future?

       Cancer Can Be Cured and Is Cured.


Question #14:
What are the best Alternative Cancer Treatments?

Answer #14:
The reader might wonder about which of the roughly 600 alternative
cancer treatments is the strongest, safest and fastest-acting for
advanced cancer patients.

The answer is that no one knows because none of us has the time to
work with more than a few dozen of the protocols.

For newly diagnosed cancer patients, there are hundreds of effective
alternative cancer treatments if the patient does not have a fast-
growing type of cancer or a cancer which has already spread

Thus, I will only address the question for those who have had
significant orthodox cancer treatments.

World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative Cancer Treatments


For clinic use, the German clinics have the best reputation
(especially the ones that use hyperthermia), but the German
clinics are very busy and do not always keep up with new
technologies so I am not sure if they are still the best.
The German cancer clinics also have a fairlysignificant rate of 
"regression" because few people realize that a cancer patient is
NOT CURED by simply getting rid of the cancer cells. They are
cured ONLY when the balance between there immunesystem and
the number of cancer cells are in balance AT NORMAL LEVELS
For those who have had chemotherapy it generally takes 2 or 3
years to rebuild the immune system back to normal levels.
Chemotherapy has destroyed the normal level of the immune system,
and you CANNOT restore the immune system in three weeks while at
a clinic.

Every alternative cancer clinic sends their patients home with a
list of supplements to take, but they do not seem to grasp what
it takes to fully restore the immune system. Anyone who has been
to a clinic actually needs to go on a full alternative cancer
treatment after they are home.

This protocol should include a nutritional protocol plus immune
builders (immune builders could include the Bob Beck Protocol
and nutritional nutrition builders). As far as home treatments
are concerned, for advanced cancer patients who have been sent
home to die; it is highly recommended to combine an electromedicine
protocol (which either reverts cancer cells into no rmal cells or
supercharges the immune system) with a nutritional protocol which
includes immune builders. A "not-so-advanced" cancer patient can
get by with just a nutritional protocol.

An electromedicine protocol is required when the person has had a
lot of chemotherapy (which damages the cells in the stomach or
colon, thus the patient cannot properly digest supplements) OR
they have had stomach or colon surgery. In other words, if their
stomach or colon are damaged, a nutritional protocol will likely
not be enough.

In the experience of the cancer researchers of the Independent
Cancer Research Foundation, the best electromedicine protocol is
the GB-4000 M.O.P.A. plasma machine which was originally designed
by Royal Rife, but has been replicated using modern technology.

However, there are scores of different brands of Rife Machines
and we are only familiar with several of them. However, clearly
the GB-4000 family is the most authentic brand because original
Rife machines were carefully studied by the manufacturer (in fact
he owns an original Rife machine). However, this does not mean it
is the most effective electrom edicine device, only that it is the
most authentic.

            The Solution For Disease FREE Health.


Electromedicine protocols do no harm to the body , but are able
to revert cancer cells into normal cells. We know this because
they work and because there is no way an electromedicine protocol
can differentiate a cancer cell from a normal cell (which would
be required for them to kill cancer cells and leave healthy cells
alone). Nor were they designed to make that differentiation.

Unfortunately the GB-4000 with M. O.P.A. device costs close to
$5,000, and as already mentioned, many cancer patients don't have
any money left. The GB-4000 with SR-4 amplifier costs about $2,500.
A far less expensive device, which we know is very effective, but
don't know if it is as effective as the M.O.P.A., is the Bob Beck

While the GB-4000 (which also has a little brother, the SR-4) reverts
cancer cells into normal cells, the Bob Beck Protocol builds the
immune system and lets the immune system take care of the cancer.
Those with a little electronics background can actually build the
Bob Beck Protocol for less than $200 if they watch the Bob Beck
videos on YouTube (watch the Ventura and Granada videos as a
 minimum).However, these devices can also be purchased on the

So what should be combined with the electromedicine device? Here is
a short list of candidates:
1) Cellect-Budwig (a complete protocol by itself),
2) Bill Henderson Protocol (also a
complete protocol by itself),
3) A quality Limu Juice,
4) Brandt Grape Cure,
5) and many, many others.

For those with considerable funds, they might combine the GB-4000
with M.O.P.A with the Cellect-Budwig. For those with more modest
funds they may combine the Bob Beck Protocol (especially if it
is made at home) with the Bill Henderson Protocol, which is very

Note that I have not mentioned the Kelley protocol. It is best used
at a clinic, not at home, though it can be used at home. Like the
Gerson protocol, it is a lot of work.

Thank You R. Webster Kehr
May, 2011

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513