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Continued From Last Post
The last part of that statement requires more explanation:
"Chemotherapy has other drawbacks. There is an increased incidence of second, apparently unrelated malignancies in patients who have been "cured" by means of anticancer drugs. This is probably because the drugs themselves are carcinogenic. When radiation and chemotherapy were given together, the incidence of these second tumors was approximately twenty-five times the expected rate.
Since both radiation and chemotherapy suppress the immune system, it is possible that new tumors are allowed to grow because the patient has been rendered unable to resist them. In either case, a person who is cured of cancer by these drastic means may find herself struggling with a new, drug-induced tumor a few years later."
Ralph Moss, The Cancer Industry
So let us summarize this discussion:
With regards to "length of life since diagnosis," the concepts of "remission" and "reduction" are ineffective at evaluating the quantitative "length of life since diagnosis" because they fail to calculate an accurate number of cancer cells still in the body (at the time the cancer is determined to be in "remission"), and they fail to take into account the severely weakened immune system that can no longer routinely deal with cancer cells (a normal immune system routinely kills cancer cells, but not a weakened immune system). Thus, there is a significant probablity the same cancer will return or another cancer will arise.
In other words: there is no proven correlation between being in "remission" and increasing the "length of life since diagnosis!" Perhaps more importantly, there is no evidence that chemotherapy and radiation significantly increase the life of patients (compared to those who refuse treatment or go with alternative treatments), which would be necessary to justify their use.
"In 1975, the respected British medical journal Lancet reported on a study which compared the effect on cancer patients of (1) a single chemotherapy, (2) multiple chemotherapy, and (3) no treatment at all. No treatment 'proved a significantly better policy for patients' survival and for quality of remaining life.'"
Barry Lynes, The Healing of Cancer - The Cures - the Cover-ups and the Solution
With regards to "quality of life since diagnosis," there is no question that chemotherapy and radiation fail miserably in this area. Chemotherapy and radiation both decrease a person's quality of life to such a degree that many cancer patients in treatment quit their treatment program. They would rather be dead than have to go through such misery.
With regards to "strength of the immune system during and after treatments," chemotherapy and radiation treatments fail miserably in this criteria also. In fact it is the destruction of the immune system that causes many patients to die during treatment.
In short, the concepts of "remission" and "reduction" fail to relate to meaningful statistics with regards to "length of life since diagnosis." Chemotherapy and radiation fail the other two criteria in spite of a patient going into remission.
We thus conclude with extreme vigor that the concept of "remission" and "reduction" are not valuable measures by which to judge the effectiveness of orthodox treatments for cancer. In a future chapter I will use verified statistics to compare orthodox medicine with alternative medicine.
Cure Rates
Let us talk about what are called "cure rates" or "survival rates." Orthodox medicine generally says that if a person lives for five years after diagnosis, they are "cured" of cancer, even if they die in the sixth year. In other words, if there is more than 5 years between diagnosis and death, they were "cured" of cancer. This is how they determine their "survival rates."
A person might wonder why the medical community would use such a concept, knowing that the concept of "length of life since diagnosis" is so simple, so intuitive and so logical. And so useful.
Let us return to our automobile metaphor.
How can the B companies hide the fact that they intentionally make really crappy cars? They can use statistics. Suppose they decide to do a study to find out how many of their cars have their engine replaced within the first 30,000 miles. The number will be quite low, almost as low as the same statistic calculated for G company cars. This statistic will make it appear that the B companies make cars as good as the G companies. They didn't lie, they used statistics. G company cars are far superior to the B company cars, but you would never know that by looking at that one statistic. That is the whole purpose of using such a statistic!
The G company car makers, on the other hand, would want to see the percentage of cars made by the B companies that still have their original engine after 150,000 miles. That would be a very low percentage for the B companies, and a very high percentage for the G companies. This statistic would make it very clear which company made, by far, the best cars. But the B companies control the airwaves and the media would never allow its "journalists" to report that statistic.
This is exactly how the cancer industry hides the very poor results of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Their definition of "cure rate" is based on the percentage of cancer patients who live 5 years, between diagnoses and death, not 10 years and not 15 years. How does the 5 year number tell us what percentage of cancer patients eventually die of cancer? It doesn't. The orthodox medical community has done exactly what the B companies above have done, lied with statistics.
"Keep in mind that the 5 year mark is still used as the official guideline for "cure" by mainstream oncologists. Statistically, the 5 year cure makes chemotherapy look good for certain kinds of cancer, but when you follow cancer patients beyond 5 years, the reality often shifts in a dramatic way."
John Diamond, M.D.
God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.
Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513
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