Saturday, February 2, 2013

   "The War In Medicine"

    Continued from last post.

There Is Overwhelming Scientific Evidence For Alternative Treatments

Is there scientific evidence that alternative treatments work?

Absolutely, I just gave it to you. Suppose the original
hypothesis had been:

Valid Hypothesis: "alternative doctors and treatments are so
good they have a higher cure rate than orthodox doctors, even
after the orthodox doctors have destroyed the immune system
of their patients and lost valuable time for the alternative
doctors and the orthodox doctors have sent their patients home
to die."

Had that been our hypothesis, the statistics would have easily
supported this hypothesis. We come to several conclusions in
this analysis:

First, on an equal footing, alternative medicine is statistically
far, far superior to orthodox medicine.

Second, for over 33,000 patients that orthodox medicine could
not cure, and sent them home to die, Dr. Binzel and Dr. Kelley
cured over 92% of them. This alone should be adequate scientific
evidence for the efficacy of alternative medicine.

Third, there is absolutely no scientific justification for
the FDA to have ever approved any orthodox treatment for cancer.
Any time they approve one of these drugs, they are ignoring every
possible evidence of science.

Fourth, when the FDA, ad nauseum, medical establishment says
there is no scientific evidence for alternative medicine, they
are lying.

So how does the FDA, NIH, NCI, AMA, ACS, etc. suppress the
statistically overwhelming evidence for alternative treatments
for cancer? By ignoring it (i.e. blacklisting it) and babbling
about their concepts of "spontaneous remission" and what I call

"psychological remission." The pharmaceutical industry controls
the media due to their massive advertising dollars, thus there
is no way for the general public to ever know the truth. That
is so important I am going to say it again. The pharmaceutical
industry controls the media due to their massive advertising
dollars, thus there is no way for the general public to ever
know the truth.


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