Monday, December 16, 2013

But it’s not all bad news...


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Articl #5


But it’s not all bad news

A group of forward-thinking doctors have been working to find real solutions
to heart disease  solutions that repair the actual cause of it.

One of these doctors is a New England-based physician.  And he uncovered a
nutrient solution that could save your life!

Let me tell you the true story of one of his patients

An Amazing Recovery From Heart Disease

Mary was 79. She had congestive heart failure. When she was admitted to a
community hospital near her home in Connecticut she was in a coma.  She
couldn’t even breathe on her own.

Doctors told her son Bob that he should pull the plug.

He didn’t listen.  Instead Bob reached out to every cardiologist he could
find. Finally he found the doctor who came up with this surprising solution.

After just three days, Mary came out of her coma

Within 10 days, she was off the ventilator

On day 14 she was sitting upright in a wheelchair, using only supplemental

Pretty soon after that she was back in the comfort of her own home baking,
cleaning, even rearranging her collection of 3,000 books. All on her own.

It sounds like nothing short of divine intervention, I know.

But the most amazing part of the story is that this doctor cured Mary using a
single, natural nutrient!

Stop and think: if one nutrient pulled a 79-year-old woman from the brink of
death, imagine what it can do for you.

Of course you don’t have to imagine.

You could begin using this miracle compound today to help keep your heart
pumping strong for years to come.

And it’s all thanks to this courageous doctor who actually found not one, but
four heart boosters. Ones that restore energy, reverse heart disease, and give
his patients a second chance at living their best lives.

    In fact, he says many of them who were awaiting heart transplants actually
took themselves off the list and went back to a normal, active lifestyle!

And before too long, another forward-thinking physician followed the same
course of treatment for his patients. And he was stunned.

The number of patients that returned to him for heart problems dropped  to
almost zero!

Again, you may be wondering why you haven’t heard about this remarkable
solution. And I’d have to repeat the answer: Because the mainstream medical
community makes more money by keeping you in the dark.

The truth is this: treating a sick heart with drugs doesn’t cure heart
disease. You just continue to suffer the symptoms for years and years.

Meanwhile the huge cost of your medications makes Big Pharma richer and

Reclaim Your Healthy Heart with These Four Amazing Micronutrients

What this pioneering cardiologist developed is a safe and simple natural
solution that can halt heart disease in its tracks. More important, it can
give you back the energy and vitality of a healthy heart.

This four-nutrient cocktail goes to work immediately, fueling and protecting
your heart  and your entire body.

    Micronutrient #1  Providing the Spark: This vitamin-like compound is
absolutely crucial for heart health. There’s just one huge problem your body
slows down making it after age 40. It’s no coincidence your risk for heart
disease increases exponentially right about that time too.

    If you’re already on prescription meds for your heart, this is one
supplement you’ll want to consider adding to your diet immediately. We’ll tell
you why.

    Micronutrient #2  Turning Fat into Fuel: This probably goes against
everything you’ve heard about keeping your heart healthy. But red meat could
help you fight heart disease! That’s right. There’s an important nutrient
found in red meat and dairy. And this compound actually turns fat into fuel to
help keep your heart beating 60 to 100 times every minute. It may also help
keep blood vessels open. With better blood flow, oxygen gets delivered to the
heart. And a good oxygen supply allows the heart to work more efficiently.

    Micronutrient #3  Sweetness in Action: Chances are, you haven’t even heard
of this nutrient yet.  But I don’t expect it to stay quiet for long. I mean,
who would have thought that sugar of any kind could be good for your heart? 

It is. But I’m not just talking about any sugar.  This one is produced by the
body and naturally boosts muscle energy.

    Micronutrient #4  The Rescue Mineral: Every organ in the body  especially
the heart  needs this mineral. But the body doesn’t make it naturally. And
that’s too bad.  Because it helps relax blood vessels, which leads to healthy
blood pressure.  

    Discover what it is and  just as important  the two everyday foods that
could be draining your body of this important nutrient.

A Breakthrough in the Treatment of Heart Disease Each of the four nutrients
offers tremendous benefits. But combined?  They have an even more powerful
effect. One that can return you to a healthful, energized, and active

This is all detailed in the report I want to send you. It’s called A

Breakthrough in the Treatment of Heart Disease. It explains Mary’s
cure and details everything you need to know about these miracle nutrients.
This is exactly the kind of “off-the-grid research and insight you can expect
from our team.

And you can discover all of these breakthrough cures and find out where
they're available today.

When you become a subscriber, you'll immediately receive three free e-books on
these important medical breakthroughs.

Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons to Wipe Out Cancer Naturally.  Cure Diabetes
in 3 Weeks and A Breakthrough in the Treatment of Heart Disease.

And of course, as a member of Natural Health Dossier you're going to get much
more than just these reports.

You’ll also get a new, detailed issue every month, and access to all of our

Here you’ll discover hidden health secrets like:

    The simple tricks that practically reversed one man’s clinical dementia—
that are even more powerful if you use them to keep your own brain young,
sharp and healthy.  (And find out what a shocking study of over 600 old nuns
tells us about Alzheimer’s and brain aging.)

    The hidden culprits zapping you of your manhood. The CDC even admits these
testosterone-killers rob you of the things that make a man a man, as one of
their scientists put it. You’ll discover what they are and how to possibly
reverse the damage.

    How the founder of INH actually made himself younger. He watched his own
biological clock reverse by 11 years.  And his secret lies in a mega-
supplement that keeps him in better shape than most men half his age. But
that’s only part of it.

    The one simple vitamin that could cut the risk of heart disease by 40%.

    The plant substance that could reduce liver tumors by up to 64% that you
can easily incorporate into your diet.

    Simple weight loss tricks you can do every day without the expensive
gimmicks (like taking 5-HTP)

Now if you're like most of our members, you do everything in your power to
stay ahead of your health. You may spend hours upon hours scouring health
forums online. Or you may subscribe to three or more free health e-zines.

Since you've followed along this far, you're already more aware of advanced
and effective cures than many working doctors.

This is the kind of information that only Natural Health Dossier subscribers
have access to.

As each monthly issue comes out... and with each urgent bonus report... the
library grows. One you’ll refer to again and again.

The most recent health breakthroughs, with actual scientific results, are only
available in medical journals. Subscriptions to these journals cost hundreds
of dollars a year.

But most of that research is funded by tax dollars. So we essentially pay for
the research, then we're charged hundreds of dollars to discover the results!

That's not only ridiculous, it’s just plain unfair.

In Good Health,

Angela Salerno
Angela Salerno
Publisher, Natural Health Dossier

God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Have a great day...unless you have made other plans.

1 comment:

  1. Nice article, L.G. Nelson. One solution to every disease is the happiness. If a person remains happy then all the oxidants and other negative hormones will go away and you will get healthy body with healthy mind.

    Finn Felton
