Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Teflon Secret to Defeating Cancer


         The Solution For Disease FREE Health...

         Prevent Alzheimer's With Natural Remedies!

    World's #1 Publisher of Information About Alternative
    Cancer Treatments Cancer Defeated

Hi Folks, This is just a reminder to the new people that have
discovered my blog...The first 2 article to this huge article
are archived to the right...The last 2 postings. I hope
everyone is gaining some insight into their future health.


               Continued from last posting.

Article #3

The Teflon Secret to Defeating Cancer

Here’s the thing

These natural cures don’t just mask the symptoms of cancer they address the
cause and help your body overcome and eliminate it at the source.

Ever wonder how cancer cells spread like they do? Well, it's partly because
they are very "sticky." That's how they manage to clump together and grow into

So what if you could make them "un-sticky"? What if they were more like Teflon
and couldn't cling to each other?

That's exactly what researchers have studied. Because when cancer cells can't
stick together they have nowhere to go. And without new blood vessels to bind
to, they can't survive, let alone spread. Soon they die from lack of

But there’s something most people—heck, most DOCTORS don’t even realize
You can help make this happen!

There is a natural compound that actually interrupts the binding process of
cancer cells. The early results are promising. Very promising. One mouse study
published by the Journal of Natural Cancer Institute showed that this
substance reduced the spread of melanoma by 90 percent! And scientists have
already tested it on humans.

That’s huge.

You’ll find all the details in Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons to Wipe Out
Cancer Naturally. We even tell you where to purchase this safe and highly
effective substance for yourself.

But remember, this is just one of the natural cures you’ll discover.

Your Body’s #1 Defense Against Cancer Is

There's a smart way to fight cancer and it is not by cutting it out, burning
it out, or poisoning yourself hoping that the cancer dies before you do.
No, the smart way to fight cancer is to separate the good cells from the bad.

No chemo drug can do that.

But your own immune system can. It’s always your first line of defense. So
anything you can do to strengthen it will guard against invaders like rogue
cancer cells.

That’s why we’ve included a treatment that could not be simpler. Hundreds of
cancer clinics throughout Asia already use it. In fact, it is one of the top
alternative cancer therapies in Japan.

You'll be amazed at how this powerful substance ramps up your body's army of
immune cells. It has been shown to increase natural killer cell activity by as
much as 900 percent!

In our report, we'll not only tell you the name of this supplement we'll tell
you what the recommended therapeutic dose is and how you need to take it.
Because it’s important that you take a specific type of this product and even
more important that you take the right dose. That’s why our research team has
recommended the only brand that met our high standards. At one time it was not
widely available in the U.S. But we found an American distributor. So we tell
you the exact name of the company and the brand name of the product. That’s on
page 11.  We get no compensation for recommending it.  It’s simply the best
product we’ve uncovered.  And it would be irresponsible not to report on it.

And still there’s more

The Food Every Man Needs to Eat for Ultimate Protection

This therapy specifically fights and prevents prostate cancer. And as everyone
knows by now, if a man lives long enough, he will probably develop it. Almost
all men over the age of 90 have cancerous cells in the prostate. Autopsy
studies prove it.

The good news? Most men who have prostate cancer don't die from it, especially
if they get it later in life. But if you get it when you’re younger, it’s far
more serious. And it leads to truly terrifying treatment options. They can
leave you incontinent or impotent No man wants to face that.

But Dr. Alan Pantuck, director of cancer research at UCLA, uses a natural food
to slow down increases in PSA levels. He recently did a study on 50 men who
had prostate cancer and who had gotten surgery or radiation—but PSA tests
showed  these men still had active cancer.

All of the men took Dr. Pantuck's natural remedy which they were able to buy
at their local grocery store. And the results were amazing...

Normally, if a man has prostate cancer, it only takes just over a year for a
man’s PSA score to double. But for 82 percent of the men in this study, their
PSA score didn't double for more than FOUR years.

You'll find out what this easily available and delicious food is on page 15 of
our breakthrough report. Here’s another one

The Cancer Fighter You Might be Throwing Away

And this one’s important. Because you need to know about it before you
potentially throw it in the garbage.

There’s one food item—a known cancer fighter that you most likely always throw
away. It contains a compound that can destroy cancer cells from within.

The human and laboratory study results on this compound are astonishing. It...

    Reduced tumor development by 500 percent.

    Cut risk of skin cancer by up to 30 percent.

    And when combined with another natural food that is probably already in
your pantry (which we’ll also tell you about)—reduced the risk of a certain
type of skin cancer by a whopping 70 percent!

But there are two things you need to know to use this natural kitchen
ingredient to fight cancer: how to buy it...and the simple kitchen tool (less
than $10) you'll need to use it.

And you’ll find the answers to these questions, and so many more, in our
Extreme Healing report.

The Most Extensive, Effective Research Available Today

Listen. I get it. Cancer is a scary thing. But as frightening as it is, it’s a
part of our reality. That’s why it is absolutely critical that we use these
natural cures and preventives in our everyday lives.

There’s no way you can afford to miss out on Extreme Healing: Seven Weapons
to Wipe Out Cancer Naturally. It is by far the most extensive report we’ve made
available today on natural methods to fight or prevent cancer.

Find out what no traditional oncologist will tell you or your family if you or
a loved one is diagnosed with cancer. Discover the simple, but effective,
natural methods that could be the answer to eliminating cancer from your life
for good.

Information that Could Literally Save Your Life or a Loved One

Do you want to do everything in your power to stay healthy? Do you have a
frightening family history of cancer? Do you have cancer yourself or maybe a
friend or family member who has received the dreaded diagnosis?

What would it be worth to those friends, family, and yourself if you had
information that could help?

It would be priceless, of course.

And yet that is exactly what you'll find in this report.

Best of all? You don't have to pay a fortune for this cutting-edge research
and advice.  Like I said, this report  normally sells for $24.95.  Even at
that low price it’s a steal.  But if you respond to this special offer today,
it can be yours free.  And let me be clear This is the only way to get it
free.  Everyone else pays.

All I ask is that in return you try a subscription to Natural Health Dossier.
Natural Health Dossier is unique among health publications. We are private,
so we don't have to bow to government interference. We are subscription based,
so advertisers don't influence us. And we are unbiased.

We don't care whether a therapy fits a preconceived theory about medicine. If
it comes from a respected source and is backed by serious, scientific proof If
we can find personal evidence that it works, then we bring its details to our

Let’s face it Doctors, the FDA, and big drug companies are practicing voodoo
medicine in every possible area of health.

It is almost as if their goal is to keep you dependent on drugs and doctors
for the rest of your life!

Take diabetes, for example.

I mean, how many diabetics are completely dependent on insulin injections
every day, sometimes several times a day, just to survive? And it’s only
getting worse.

Even the New York Times agrees...

    "Within a generation or so, doctors fear, a huge wave of new cases could
overwhelm the public health system and engulf growing numbers of the young,
creating a city where hospitals are swamped by the disease's handiwork,
schools scramble for resources as they accommodate diabetic children, and the
work force abounds with the blind..."

But don’t worry. That does not have to include you.

I'd like to show you a way to gain total control over diabetes and never fear
a blood sugar spike or crash again.

Fact is, the American Diabetes Association is operating on highly questionable
information. Too many of the therapies these organizations recommend are
based on flawed or outdated science. And too many doctors force-feed these
recommendations to their patients.

But you don't need to scour medical journals (as we have) to know that. Ask
any doctor who knows better and he’ll tell you. Insulin doesn't cure diabetes.
In fact, one doctor has made a convincing case that the ADA protocol is making
diabetes worse.

Certainly their bad advice about nutrition has at least in part led to an
unnecessary and widespread plague of Type II diabetes  the type of diabetes
that many healthy people get in middle age.

But our research team has discovered a safe and natural cure for diabetes. It
comes from a doctor who has studied this condition for over 40 years. As a
Type I diabetic, he was his own, first test subject.

It’s thanks to his pioneering work that the practice of self-monitoring blood
sugar is used by diabetics around the world.

To date he's published six books on the subject and numerous articles.

He says if you're a Type I diabetic, you could drastically reduce your
dependence on insulin (like he did for himself). And some Type II diabetics
can get off medication for good.


Thank You Angela Salerno


 God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

Have a great day...unless you have made other plans.

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