Sunday, June 23, 2013



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Diet May Slow Alzheimer’s Disease

    Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.
This fatal and progressive condition destroys brain cells, resulting in
memory loss and severe thinking and behavioral problems (aggression,
delusions, and hallucinations) that interfere with daily life and

    The cause is conventionally believed to be a mystery. While we know
that certain diseases, like type 2 diabetes, are definitively connected
to the foods you eat, Alzheimer's is generally thought to strike without
warning or reason.

    That is, until recently.

    A growing body of research suggests there may be a powerful connection
between the foods you eat and your risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia,
via similar pathways that cause type 2 diabetes. Some have even re-named
Alzheimer's as "type 3 diabetes."

Top Dietary Factor Now Implicated in Skyrocketing Dementia Rates

    Faulty insulin (and leptin), signaling caused by a high non-fiber
carb diet is an underlying cause of insulin resistance, which, of course,
typically leads to type 2 diabetes. However, while insulin is usually
associated with its role in keeping your blood sugar levels in a healthy
range, it also plays a role in brain signaling.

    In a 2012 animal study, researchers were able to induce dementia by
disrupting the proper signaling of insulin in the brain.

    All in all, it seems clear that your diet plays a tremendous part in
Alzheimer’s, and the low-fat craze may have wrought more havoc than anyone
could ever have imagined. It was the absolute worst recommendation possible,
limiting the nutrient you, and your brain, need the most in your diet.

    The disease is currently at epidemic proportions, with 5.4 million
Americans — including one in eight people aged 65 and over — living with
Alzheimer's disease. By 2050, this is expected to jump to 16 million, and in
the next 20 years it is projected that Alzheimer's will affect one in four
Americans. If that comes to pass, it would then be more prevalent than
obesity and diabetes is today!

How Carbohydrates Can Activate Disease Processes

    Dr. Ron Rosedale, a prominent expert in the low-carb, high-quality fat
approach to improving your health, was possibly the first person to advocate
both a low-carb and moderate protein (and therefore high fat) diet. Most
low-carb advocates were very accepting of, if not promoting, high protein,
and protein was, and still is, often recommended as a replacement for the

    However, a high-fat, low-carb diet is very different than a high-protein,
low-carb diet and this is a major source of confusion by both the public and
researchers when doing studies and publishing conclusions as if all low-carb
diets are the same.

    You cannot live without protein, as it’s a main component of your body,
including muscles, bones, and many hormones. We also know that protein was
instrumental in advancing our intelligence. However, most people today are
indulging in hormone laced, antiobiotic loaded meats conveniently available
at fast food restaurants and processed meats in grocery stores.

How Much Protein is 'Enough?'

    Dr. Rosedale believes the average amount of protein recommended for most
adults is about one gram of protein per kilogram of LEAN body mass, or one-
half gram of protein per pound of lean body weight. (As an example, if your
body fat mass is 20 percent, your lean mass is 80 percent of your total body

    If your total weight is 200 pounds, you would divide 160 by 2.2 to
convert pounds to kilograms and come up with 72.7 grams of protein. If you
are doing vigorous exercises or are pregnant you can add up to another 25
percent or another 18 grams in this illustration to increase your total to 90
grams per day.)

    This is something that makes sense to me and something I seek to apply
personally, but this is partly because I foolishly had my amalgam fillings
removed 20 years ago by a non-biologically trained dentist that caused
serious kidney damage, so I can’t tolerate high levels of protein anyway.

However, it seems obvious to me that most people consume too much low-quality
protein and carbohydrates, and not enough healthy fat.

    So it would make sense that the majority of your diet should be comprised
of good fats, followed by good proteins like whey protein concentrate from
grass-fed cows, and organic grass-fed beef, pastured organic eggs and
chicken, and fish like wild caught salmon.

    Your healthiest option is to ensure your carbs come primarily from fresh,
organic vegetables, high-quality protein, and eat primary a high fat diet.
Depending on the type of carbs (high fiber or not), most people need anywhere
between 50-75 percent fat in their diet and sometimes even higher for optimal


God Bless Everyone & God Bless The United States of America.

Larry Nelson
42 S. Sherwood Dr.
Belton, Tx. 76513

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